29 research outputs found


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    Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) limits myocardial infarct size through the activation of the PI3K-Akt signal cascade; however, little is known about the roles of individual PI3K isoforms in cardioprotection. We aimed, therefore, to elucidate the role of the PI3K alpha isoform in cardioprotection Pharmacological PI3K alpha inhibition was assessed in isolated-perfused mouse hearts subjected to ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI), either during the IPC procedure or at reperfusion. PI3K alpha inhibition abrogated the IPC-induced protective effect at reperfusion, but not when given only during the IPC protocol. These results were confirmed in an in vivo model. Moreover, pharmacological PI3K alpha activation by insulin at reperfusion was sufficient to confer cardioprotection against IRI. In addition, PI3K alpha was shown to be expressed and activated in mouse cardiomyocytes, mouse cardiac endothelial cells, as well as in mouse and human heart tissue. Furthermore, PI3K alpha was shown to mediate its effect though the inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening. In conclusion, PI3K alpha activity is required during the early reperfusion phase to reduce myocardial infarct size. This suggests that strategies specifically enhancing the alpha isoform of PI3K at reperfusion promote tissue salvage and as such, and could provide a direct target for clinical treatment of IRI.Fundacion Rafael del Pino FONDECYT 3160298 British Heart Foundation Cancer Research UK C23338/A15965 UK NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centr

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    Lesser prairie-chicken avoidance of trees in a grassland landscape

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    Grasslands are among themost imperiled ecosystems in North America. Reasons that grasslands are threatened include conversion to row-crop agriculture, fragmentation, and changes in fire regimes. The reduction of fire processes in remaining prairies has resulted in tree encroachment and establishment in grasslands, further reducing grassland quantity and quality. Grassland birds have been experiencing precipitous population declines in recent decades, commensurate with landscape changes to grasslands. The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Ridgway) is a declining species of prairie grouse of conservation concern. We used second- and third-order habitat selection metrics to test if female lesser prairie-chickens avoid grasslands where trees were present. Our results indicated that female lesser prairie-chickens selected habitats avoiding the nearest trees by 283 m on average, nearly twice as far aswould be expected at random. Lesser prairie-chickenswere 40 timesmore likely to use habitatswith tree densities of 0 trees 路 ha-1 than habitats with 5 trees 路 ha-1. Probability of use indicated that lesser prairiechickenswere 19 timesmore likely to use habitats 1000 m from the nearest tree when comparedwith using habitats 0 m fromthe nearest tree. Nest survival was not affected at densities < 2 trees 路 ha-1; however, we could not test if nest survivalwas affected at greater tree densities as no nestswere detected at densities > 2 trees 路 ha-1. Avoidance of trees could be due to perceived increased predation risk, reduced habitat quality, or a combination of these potentially confounding factors. Preventing further establishment and expansion of trees in landscapes occupied by lesser prairie-chickens could contribute to the continued persistence of the species. Additionally, restoring grasslands through tree removal may facilitate conservation efforts for grassland species such as the lesser prairie-chicken by improving habitat quality and promoting expansion of occupied range.The Rangeland Ecology & Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information

    Singlemode 1.3 [micro sign]m Fabry-Perot lasers by mode suppression

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