614 research outputs found

    Chiral Symmetry and light resonances in hot and dense matter

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    We present a study of the ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitude in the σ\sigma and ρ\rho channels at finite temperature and nuclear density within a chiral unitary framework. Meson resonances are dynamically generated in our approach, which allows us to analyze the behavior of their associated scattering poles when the system is driven towards chiral symmetry restoration. Medium effects are incorporated in three ways: (a) by thermal corrections of the unitarized scattering amplitudes, (b) by finite nuclear density effects associated to a renormalization of the pion decay constant, and complementarily (c) by extending our calculation of the scalar-isoscalar channel to account for finite nuclear density and temperature effects in a microscopic many-body implementation of pion dynamics. Our results are discussed in connection with several phenomenological aspects relevant for nuclear matter and Heavy-Ion Collision experiments, such as ρ\rho mass scaling vs broadening from dilepton spectra and chiral restoration signals in the σ\sigma channel. We also elaborate on the molecular nature of ππ\pi\pi resonances.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Contribution to Hard Probes 2008, Illa de A Toxa, Spain, June 8th-14th 200

    Recent Developments in Chiral Unitary Dynamics of Resonances

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    In this talk I summarize recent findings made on the description of axial vector mesons as dynamically generated states from the interaction of peseudoscalar mesons and vector mesons, dedicating some attention to the two K1(1270)K_1(1270) states. Then I review the generation of open and hidden charm scalar and axial states. Finally, I present recent results showing that the low lying 1/2+1/2^+ baryon resonances for S=-1 can be obtained as bound states or resonances of two mesons and one baryon in coupled channels dynamics.Comment: Talk at the International Conference on Hadron Physics, Troia07, Canakkale, Turkey, Sep. 2007 and at the Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics Workshop, Chiral07, Osaka, November 200

    The two pion decay of the Roper resonance

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    We evaluate the two pion decay of the Roper resonance in a model where explicit re-scattering of the two final pions is accounted for by the use of unitarized chiral perturbation theory. Our model does not include an explicit ϵ\epsilon or σ\sigma scalar-isoscalar meson decay mode, instead it generates it dynamically by means of the pion re-scattering. The two ways, explicit or dynamically generated, of introducing this decay channel have very different amplitudes. Nevertheless, through interference with the other terms of the model we are able to reproduce the same phenomenology as models with explicit consideration of the ϵ\epsilon meson.Comment: 17 latex pages, 11 eps figures. A few misprints corrected. A few new references. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Baryon polarization in low-energy unpolarized meson-baryon scattering

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    We compute the polarization of the final-state baryon, in its rest frame, in low-energy meson--baryon scattering with unpolarized initial state, in Unitarized BChPT. Free parameters are determined by fitting total and differential cross-section data (and spin-asymmetry or polarization data if available) for pKpK^-, pK+pK^+ and pπ+p\pi^+ scattering. We also compare our results with those of leading-order BChPT

    The nature of the Lambda(1405)

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    We present here some results supporting the nature of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) resonance as dynamically generated from the meson baryon interaction in coupled channels and resulting from the superposition of two close-by poles. We find support for this picture in the Kpπ0π0Σ0K^- p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 \Sigma^0 reaction, which shows a different shape than the one obtained from the πpK0πΣ\pi ^- p \to K^0 \pi \Sigma reaction. We also call the attention to the KpγπΣK^- p \to \gamma \pi \Sigma with πΣ\pi \Sigma in the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) region, which shows a narrow peak in the calculations around 1420 MeV. We also report on recent calculations of the radiative decay of the two Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) states and on reactions to obtain information on these decay modes. Finally, we present results for the pppK+Λ(1405)pp\to p K^+\Lambda(1405) reaction recently measured at ANKE/COSY and compare them with theoretical results.Comment: Talk given at the NSTAR2007 Workshop, Bonn September 200

    A prediction of DD^*-multi-ρ\rho states

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    We present a study of the many-body interaction between a DD^* and multi-ρ\rho. We use an extrapolation to SU(4) of the hidden gauge formalism, which produced dynamically the resonances f2(1270)f_2(1270) in the ρρ\rho\rho interaction and D2(2460)D^*_2(2460) in the ρD\rho D^* interaction. Then let a third particle, ρ\rho, DD^*, or a resonance collide with them, evaluating the scattering amplitudes in terms of the Fixed Center Approximation of the Faddeev equations. We find several clear resonant structures above 2800\mev in the multibody scattering amplitudes. They would correspond to new charmed resonances, D3D^*_3, D4D^*_4, D5D^*_5 and D6D^*_6, which are not yet listed in the PDG, which would be analogous to the ρ3(1690)\rho_3(1690), f4(2050)f_4(2050), ρ5(2350)\rho_5(2350), f6(2510)f_6(2510) and K3(1780)K^*_3(1780), K4(2045)K^*_4(2045), K5(2380)K^*_5(2380) described before as multi-ρ\rho and KK^*-multi-ρ\rho states respectively

    Meson-meson scattering within one loop Chiral Perturbation Theory and its unitarization

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    We present the complete one-loop calculation of all the two meson scattering amplitudes within the framework of SU(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory, which includes pions, kaons and the eta. In addition, we have unitarized these amplitudes with the coupled channel Inverse Amplitude Method, which ensures simultaneously the good low energy properties of Chiral Perturbation Theory and unitarity. We show how this method provides a remarkable description of meson-meson scattering data up to 1.2 GeV including the scattering lengths and the generation of seven light resonances, which is consistent with previous determination of the chiral parameters. Particular attention is paid to discuss the differences and similarities of this work with previous analysis in the literature.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Comments on sigma, kappa and eta', as well as some references added. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Chiral unitary theory: application to nuclear problems

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    In this talk we briefly describe some basic elements of chiral perturbation theory, χPT\chi PT, and how the implementation of unitarity and other novel elements lead to a better expansion of the TT matrix for meson meson and meson baryon interactions. Applications are then done to the ππ \pi \pi interaction in nuclear matter in the scalar and vector channels, antikaons in nuclei and KK^- atoms, and how the ϕ\phi meson properties are changed in a nuclear medium.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, Invited talk in the International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Bombay, december 200