24 research outputs found

    Elemental composition of soils of the Pur-Taz interfluve

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    In order to evaluate the chemical composition of natural background environments of Pur-Taz interfluve (Western Siberia), the mineral components of soils, peats, lichens, and sphagnum mosses have been analyzed. The samples were tested using X-ray fluorescence technology. The average contents of hazardous metals in the soils of the Pur-Taz interfluve are either lower (for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sr) or equal to (for Hg, Co) the average values of these elements in the Earth's crust. This finding corresponds to the commonly held view that the contents of elements in the soils located in the north of Western Siberia are lower than the world averages. Additionally, in our samples low concentrations of copper and zinc have been observed. Since these microelements are important for soil physiology, this finding indicates unfavorable biochemical conditions in the research area. On the other hand, high concentrations are observed for inactive elements such as Mo, Sn and Zr. The significant differences have been identified in the composition of mineral and organic soil horizons. For instance, the average concentrations of P, Zn and S in organic horizons are 7.1, 8.1 and 18 times greater than in the illuvial mineral horizons, respectively. The intense accumulation of Zn, Cu, Cd, Hg has been recorded, all of them are chalcophiles in the ombrotrophic peat. This means that the chemical composition of soil is largely determined by biological accumulation of chalcophile elements. The content of lithophilic Al, Si, Ti and Zr, coming with dust precipitation from the atmosphere increases in the peat of dwarf shrub-moss-lichen tundras and larch woodlands. The revealed values of the elemental composition of soils can be recommended as background in the course of the environmental monitoring

    On the question of studyng dust-like formations in urban ecosystems

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    According to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of urban residents are at risk due to unsatisfactory air quality and air pollution, which causes approximately 4.2 million deaths per year. The purpose of the work is to give an overview of scientific articles related to the dustiness of the city’s natural environments. The articles of foreign and Russian researchers were analyzed - the definition of urban road dust was given; the primary technogenic and natural sources of dust particle generation in the city, thephysical and chemical properties of road dust, their dependence on climate, the type of roads and city architecture, the effect of photolysis on physicalchemical characteristics of dust particles are reviewed as well. Particular attention is paid to the negative impact of dust particles PM2.5 and PM10 on human health and the environment. The question of the absence in Russian scientific practice an officially recognized methodology for the settled dust sampling with updating the regulatory documentation on the methodology for the sampling of fine particles suspended in the air is considered. Recommendations are given on the creation of the regulatory framework governing the sampling and analysis of road dust, which is confirmed by the numerous conclusions of both foreign and some domestic researchers as an environmental geo-indicator

    Introduction to a healthy lifestyle the population of Krasnoyarsk

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    The article discusses the results of sociological research in addressing one of the important tasks of social policy – the formation of a healthy lifestyle the population of Krasnoyarsk. The experience of involving the population to a healthy lifestyle as a social value of preservation of health, which is one of the most important areas of the social practices of the municipalityВ статье рассматриваются результаты социологического исследования в решении одной из важных задач социальной политики – формирование у населения г. Красноярска здорового стиля жизни. Представлен опыт приобщения населения к здоровому образу жизни как социальной ценности сохранения здоровья, что является одним из важнейших направлений социальной практики муниципалитет

    Анализ неоднородности химического состава снежного покрова с использованием методов кластеризации (k-means) и ГИС-технологии

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    The purpose of the work is a comparative analysis of the geochemical spectra of melt water and dust in the snow cover of the city of Tyumen and its surroundings. Sampling was carried out in 2020 using standard methods. Content of macro-elements (Na, Mg, Al, P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Mn) was determined by the ICP-AES atomic emission method (iCAP-6500, Thermo Scientific, USA), microelements – by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma ICP- MS (X-7 Thermo Elemental, USA). The main method of analyzing the inhomogeneity of the territory was multidimensional cluster analysis (k-means). If sampling points have a high (or low) content of individual chemical elements, but are located among the points with lower (or higher) content, then the problem of formation of them arises. The problem points of water-soluble macro-elements have a high content of Na, Ca and Mg that results from the use of different anti-icing reagents. Macro-elements of the solid phase of snow are mostly similar in composition to background soils; the problem points are more often found in the northern part of the city, however some of them may be observed in other sites. According to the geochemical spectrum, microelements of the liquid phase of the snow cover are divided into four clusters. Background cluster С1 is located at the maximum distance (20–35 km) from the city center. It is distinguished by higher contents of Ni, Cu, Pb, Li, Sn, W relative to the background cluster С2. The cluster С2 has the lowest content of microelements and combines some points of the background also in the central part of the city. Cluster С3 (2 points) is located in the industrial area. By the composition of microelements, the cluster С4 has a geochemical spectrum similar to the С2 cluster, but with a higher content of them. According to the content of microelements in the solid phase, the C1 cluster combines the background and partly urban areas. Clusters С2 and С3 are similar in geochemical spectrum, but differ in the content of heavy metals. Geographically, they tend to the northern part of the city. Problem points are notable in cluster C4. They are located far from the industrial zone and main roads. Their localization may be caused by the precipitation of snow dust from the atmosphere during its regional transport.Исследован химический состав снежного покрова в г. Тюмень и его окрестностях. Для изучения неоднородности территории использовался кластерный анализ (k-means). Его результаты отражают концентрирование на местности точек, схожих по геохимическому спектру, вокруг некоторых сравнительно однородных ядер. Обнаружены точки с высоким содержанием тяжёлых металлов, удалённые от источников загрязнения. Предполагается, что вымывание аэрозолей жидкими осадками из атмосферы может создавать повышенную концентрацию некоторых элементов в снежном покрове в виде мозаичных пятен. Кластеризация позволяет выявлять неоднородность химического состава снега, а использование ГИС-технологий – визуализировать расположение выделенных кластеров

    Оценка содержания металлов и металлоидов в снежном покрове на участках нефтедобычи Среднего Приобья

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    This article presents results of investigation of dust load and content of metals and metalloids (MMs) in the snow samples taken at the Vatinskoye oil field (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra). Concentrations of dissolved and suspended forms of MMs in 20 samples collected in March 2021 were determined by the ICP-MS and ICP-AES methods. Eighteen elements (Ag, Ba, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ti, W, and Zn) indicating various sources of emissions were selected for further analysis. Filters with a pore diameter of 0.45 μm were used to separate dissolved and suspended forms. Enrichment of the suspension with chalcophile elements (Ag, Cu, Zn, Sn, Sb, Pb) was noted in the background areas. Calculations of enrichment coefficients (CO) using Li as a reference element demonstrated that Cu, Mn and Ni come from natural sources (rocks and soils), while the others have a mixed natural-anthropogenic origin. It was noted also that the mass fraction of a number of metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn) increases in solid-phase deposits. The metals Zn, Cu and Cr are mainly contained in snow in suspended form, and Ni - both in dissolved and suspended forms. As a result of calculations of the total Cr pollution index, most of the deposit is classified as "low, non-hazardous" pollution areas. The highest concentrations of MMs in the snow were found in the southern part of the deposit, where the main infrastructure facilities and the communications lines are concentrated, including roads, railways and pipelines. They were specified as "average, moderately dangerous" level of pollution. To determine sources of pollution, the factor analysis was applied, and as a result of which two main factors were identified: 1) the background pollution, which is indicative of deposition of Cu, Sn, Sb, Ag; 2) the anthropogenic one, corresponding to high levels of Cr, Ni, Zn. Spatial analysis of the MMs distribution showed that the deposition of Ni, Cr is associated with drilling operations, while Zn - with the presence of transport. The data obtained can be used to understand the processes of atmospheric deposition of potentially toxic metals and metalloids, as well as to assess the quality of the environment at oil and gas fields.Проведена оценка уровня загрязнения снежного покрова потенциально токсичными металлами и металлоидами на территории Ватинского нефтяного месторождения (Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ - Югра). В результате исследования фильтрата талого снега и твёрдофазных выпадений (частиц крупнее 0,45 мкм) отмечено увеличение концентрации Ni и Cr, связанное с ведением буровых работ, а также Zn за счёт работы транспорта. Уровень загрязнения возрастает на участках с повышенной концентрацией промышленных объектов

    Assessment of Modern Landscape Dynamics of the Zapolyarnoe Gas Field Using Satellite Data

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    В статье проанализирована динамика ландшафтов Заполярного месторождения, расположенного в лесотундровой зоне Западной Сибири. На основе данных, полученных путем дешифрирования космических снимков Landsat, зафиксированы изменения различных индикаторных показателей (площадь озер, участков техногенных нарушений, участков послепожарных сукцессий). С использованием снимков MODIS подсчитаны значения вегетационного индекса NDVI за период 2000-2016 гг. При помощи корреляционного анализа выполнена оценка факторов, влияющих на процессы ландшафтной динамики. Зафиксировано увеличение площади озер, что связано с ростом суммы осадков, заполнением водой карьеров минерального грунта. Не отмечен тренд к росту значений NDVI, хотя наблюдается постепенный рост суммы положительных температур. Отсутствие тренда связано с периодическими пожарами и техногенными нарушениями, вызывающими снижение NDVI, а также с ростом площади термокарстовых озер. Происходит сдвиг вегетационного периода на более поздние календарные даты, в мае отмечена тенденция к снижению, в сентябре – к увеличению значений NDVI. На территории месторождения преобладают нарушения, произошедшие в период разведки и подготовки к эксплуатации. В период с 1990 по 1998 г. было нарушено 2,5% территории, в последующий период, после начала промышленной добычи газа, – еще 2%. Важным фактором динамики ландшафтов являются торфяные пожары. Послепожарное восстановление растительности лишайниковых тундр занимает период не менее 45 лет. На гарях на месте тундр и редколесий с преобладанием лишайников формируются устойчивые ерниковые тундры и редколесья с преобладанием мхов и кустарничков.The article analyzes the dynamics of landscapes of the polar deposit located in the forest-tundra zone of Western Siberia. On the basis of data obtained by decoding Landsat satellite images, changes in various indicators (lake area, areas of man-caused disturbances, and areas of post-fire successions) were recorded. Using MODIS satellite data, the NDVI values in 2000-2016 were calculated. Using correlation analysis, the authors have evaluated the factors influencing the processes of landscape dynamics. They have recorded the increase in the area of lakes, which can be explained due to the increase in precipitation and filling of mineral soil quarries with water. There is no trend towards an increase in NDVI values, although there is a gradual increase in the positive temperatures. The lack of changes is due to periodic fires and technogenic disturbances, causing a decrease in NDVI, as in well as in the growth of thermokarst lakes. There is a shift of the vegetation period to later calendar dates: in May, there is a tendency to decrease, in September – to increase the NDVI values. On the territory of the field, the violations, which occurred during the exploration and preparation for the operation, prevail. In 1990-1998, 2.5% of the territory was violated in the subsequent period, after the start of industrial gas production – another 2%. Peat fires are an important factor in landscape dynamics. Post-fire recovery of lichen tundra vegetation continues at least 45 years. In the burned areas instead of the tundra and woodland with a predominance of lichens, new dwarf birch tundra and woodlands emerge with a predominance of mosses and dwarf shrubs

    Characteristics of long-term dynamics of Bovanenkovo gas field vegetation (Yamal Peninsula)

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    В статье по данным наземных полевых исследований и материалов дистанционного зондирования проанализированы структурно-динамические изменения растительного покрова на Бованенковском месторождении (полуостров Ямал) за 20-летний период наблюдений, начиная с конца 80-х гг. XX в. Анализ материалов аэро-, фото- и космосъемки в разные периоды освоения месторождения позволил выявить тенденции сукцессий, вызванных техногенными факторами. На участках техногенеза формируются несколько эколого-антропогенных рядов развития растительности, свойства которых зависят от форм воздействия, особенностей биотопа и коренных фитоценозов. Наиболее активное восстановление свойственно травяно-моховым и кустарничково-моховым заболоченным тундрам, травяно-гипновым сообществам ложбин стока. Часто наблюдается процесс зарастания спущенных озер (хасыреев) с формированием гигрофитных травяно-осоково-гипновых сообществ. Происходит увеличение площади кустарниковых сообществ, свойственных южным субарктическим тундрам, что соответствует представлениям о влиянии потепления на экосистемы Арктики.According to the field studies and remote sensing data, structural and dynamic changes of the plant cover on the Bovanenkovo gas field on the Yamal Peninsula for a 20-year period of observations have been analyzed in the article. Analysis of materials of aerial, photographic and satellite surveying in different periods of the development of the field (from the end of the 1980s) have identified tendencies of successions caused by man-made factors. On sites of anthropogenic impact, vegetation forms several ecological and anthropogenic dynamic stages, the properties of which depend on the types of impact, features of the biotope, and indigenous plant communities. The most active recovery is observed in moss and grass-shrub-moss boggy tundra areas and grass-hypnum communities in gullies. Revegetation of drained lakes («khasyreys») along with formation of gigrophytic grass-sedge-hypnum communitiesis commonly observed. Active growth of shrub communities typical for southern subarctic tundra areas is revealed, which corresponds to the ideas about the impact of warming on arctic ecosystems

    Biogeochemical properties of the soils of Messoyakha River basin (Tazovsky district of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area)

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    В статье представлены результаты исследования химического состава почв в бассейне р. Мессояха (северо-восточная часть Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа). В пробах из 6 почвенных разрезов определено валовое содержание микроэлементов (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Mn), железа, значение рН и величина гидролитической кислотности. Для оценки биогеохимических особенностей подсчитаны значения кларков концентрации и коэффициент накопления. Реакция среды в глееземах и подбурах меняется от кислой в верхней части профиля до нейтральной в нижней, в аллювиальных почвах реакция нейтральная по всему профилю. Элементный состав почв варьирует в зависимости от гранулометрического состава почвообразующих пород. В песчаных подбурах значения кларков концентрации изменяются от 0,19 (Zn) до 0,66 (Mn, Pb), в суглинистых почвах (глееземах и аллювиальных) – от 0,2 (Zn) до 0,96 (Pb). Значение коэффициента накопления (среднего значения кларков концентрации) очень низкое (R= 0,50). Таким образом, в почвах наблюдается значительный дефицит цинка, меди, никеля, биогеохимическая ситуация на обследованной территории неблагоприятная. Максимальные запасы микроэлементов в поверхностном слое (0-20 см) отмечены в аллювиальных почвах, минимальные – в олиготрофных торфяных и подбурах. Биогеохимические особенности почв необходимо учитывать при планировании рекультивационных работ и изучении факторов, влияющих на здоровье населения.The article represents the analysis results of the total elemental composition, pH values, and hydrolytic acidity of the soil samples collected from 6 sites in the basin of Messoyakha River (north-eastern part of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area). Сlarke of concentrations and enrichment coefficients are calculated to estimate the regional biogeochemical features. Reaction in gley сryosols and podburs (entic podzol) is varying from acidic in the upper part of the soils to neutral at the deeper layers, reaction in the alluvial soils is neutral. The elemental composition is varying depending on the bedrock particle size. In sandy podbur, soil values of accumulation coefficients (сlarke of concentration) are varying from 0.19 (Zn) to 0.66 (Mn, Pb), in a loam soil (alluvial and gley cryosols) – from 0.2 (Zn) to 0.96 (Pb). The average value of the enrichment coefficient is very low (R = 0.50). Thus, biogeochemical situation in the surveyed area is unfavourable; there is a significant shortage of zinc, copper, nickel in the soils. The maximum reserves of trace elements in the surface layer (0-20 cm) are observed in the alluvial soils, the minimum – in oligotrophic peat soil and podburs. Biogeochemical characteristics of the soils need to be considered when planning the recultivation and in the study of factors affecting the population health

    Psychometric Properties of Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire: Testing on Patients with Breast Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease

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    The article presents result of testing revised illness perception questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed based on the model of self-regulation G. Leventhal. The study involved 140 patients: patients with breast cancer and patients with ischemic heart disease. It is shown that the Russian version of revised illness perception questionnaire is a reliable tool for quantifying components of the perception of the disease. The technique has sufficient reliability, performance consistency and internal structure corresponds to the English version. External validity questionnaire confirmed significant association components of illness perception with personal anxiety. According to the results of cluster analysis questionnaire scales was isolated polar continuum of possible options for responding to the disease, manifested in specific types of attitude to the disease

    Peculiarities of Elemental Composition of the Pyrogenic Tundra Soils in Pur-Taz Watershed

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    В статье рассмотрен состав тундровых почв Пур-Тазовского междуречья на участках пожаров с разным сроком давности (2 года и 28 лет). Определение валового содержания химических элементов проведено с использованием метода спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ICP). Отмечено, что почвы отличаются низким содержанием практически всех элементов, в том числе физиологически важных для растений Zn, Cu, Ni. Выявлено изменение состава пирогенных почв. Непосредственно после пожара в почву поступают элементы, накопленные растениями (цинк, фосфор, кадмий). Затем в ходе послепожарного восстановления элементы-биофилы интенсивно поглощаются растениями, что вызывает обеднение почв. По истечении 28 лет после пожара в поверхностном горелом горизонте значительно, почти вдвое по сравнению с ненарушенными почвами, снизилось содержание P2O5, Cd, S, Hg, Ag. Использование микроудобрений будет способствовать быстрейшему восстановлению растительного покрова на гарях и участках техногенных нарушений.This article analyzes the composition of tundra soils of the Pur-Taz watershed in the areas of fires with different periods of limitation (2 and 28 years, respectively). Determination of the total content of chemical elements was performed using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry. The authors note that the soils lack almost all the elements, in particular, such physiologically important for plants ones as Zn, Cu, and Ni. The study has revealed a change in the composition of pyrogenic soils. Immediately after the fire, elements accumulated by plants (zinc, phosphorus, and cadmium) enter the soil. Then, in the course of post-fire recovery, elements-biofilms are intensively absorbed by plants, which causes depletion of soils. After 28 years, in the surface burned horizon, the content of P2 O5 , Cd, S, Hg, and Ag decreased significantly (almost twice compared to undisturbed soils). The use of micronutrients will contribute to the rapid restoration of vegetation cover in the fires and areas of technogenic disturbances