21 research outputs found

    Afterpulsing model based on the quasi-continuous distribution of deep levels in single-photon avalanche diodes

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    We have performed a statistical characterization of the effect of afterpulsing in a free-running silicon single-photon detector by measuring the distribution of afterpulse waiting times in response to pulsed illumination and fitting it by a sum of exponentials. We show that a high degree of goodness of fit can be obtained for 5 exponentials, but the physical meaning of estimated characteristic times is dubious. We show that a continuous limit of the sum of exponentials with a uniform density between the limiting times gives excellent fitting results in the full range of the detector response function. This means that in certain detectors the afterpulsing is caused by a continuous band of deep levels in the active area of the photodetector.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Asymmetric universal entangling machine

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    We give a definition of asymmetric universal entangling machine which entangles a system in an unknown state to a specially prepared ancilla. The machine produces a fixed state-independent amount of entanglement in exchange to a fixed degradation of the system state fidelity. We describe explicitly such a machine for any quantum system having dd levels and prove its optimality. We show that a d2d^2-dimensional ancilla is sufficient for reaching optimality. The introduced machine is a generalization to a number of widely investigated universal quantum devices such as the symmetric and asymmetric quantum cloners, the symmetric quantum entangler, the quantum information distributor and the universal-NOT gate.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    On Preparing Entangled Pairs of Polarization Qubits in the Frequency Non-Degenerate Regime

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    The problems associated with practical implementation of the scheme proposed for preparation of arbitrary states of polarization ququarts based on biphotons are discussed. The influence of frequency dispersion effects are considered, and the necessity of group velocities dispersion compensation in the frequency non-degenerate case even for continuous pumping is demonstrated. A method for this compensation is proposed and implemented experimentally. Physical restrictions on the quality of prepared two-photon states are revealed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Autofeedback scheme for preservation of macroscopic coherence in microwave cavities

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    We present a scheme for controlling the decoherence of a linear superposition of two coherent states with opposite phases in a high-Q microwave cavity, based on the injection of appropriately prepared ``probe'' and ``feedback'' Rydberg atoms, improving the one presented in [D. Vitali et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2442 (1997)]. In the present scheme, the information transmission from the probe to the feedback atom is directly mediated by a second auxiliary cavity. The detection efficiency for the probe atom is no longer a critical parameter, and the decoherence time of the superposition state can be significantly increased using presently available technology.Comment: revtex, 15 pages, 4 eps figure

    Information, disturbance and Hamiltonian quantum feedback control

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    We consider separating the problem of designing Hamiltonian quantum feedback control algorithms into a measurement (estimation) strategy and a feedback (control) strategy, and consider optimizing desirable properties of each under the minimal constraint that the available strength of both is limited. This motivates concepts of information extraction and disturbance which are distinct from those usually considered in quantum information theory. Using these concepts we identify an information trade-off in quantum feedback control.Comment: 13 pages, multicol Revtex, 2 eps figure

    Quantum Instabilities and Decoherence Problem

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    A decoherence problem is discussed by means of quantum continuous measurement theory. It is shown that the conditional state of quantum system interacting with a bath preserves its initial purity. In this presentation decoherence arises as a result of averaging over the stochastic times of reduction moments ("clicks"). A method based on external phase feedback is proposed to slow down the decoherence of field superposition state in an open optical cavity. It is also shown that an atom placed inside the optical cavity plays a role of internal self-organized positive feedback between field and atom, which leads to an exponential increase in the mean dipole moment of the atom for the field initially prepared in a superposition of coherent states, i.e. to quantum instability