48,389 research outputs found

    A Note on the Relativistic Covariance of the BB- Cyclic Relations

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    It is shown that the Evans-Vigier modified electrodynamics is compatible with the Relativity Theory.Comment: ReVTeX file, 14pp., no figure

    Axisymmetric Self-Similar Equilibria of Self-Gravitating Isothermal Systems

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    All axisymmetric self-similar equilibria of self-gravitating, rotating, isothermal systems are identified by solving the nonlinear Poisson equation analytically. There are two families of equilibria: (1) Cylindrically symmetric solutions in which the density varies with cylindrical radius as R^(-alpha), with 0 <= alpha <= 2. (2) Axially symmetric solutions in which the density varies as f(theta)/r^2, where `r' is the spherical radius and `theta' is the co-latitude. The singular isothermal sphere is a special case of the latter class with f(theta)=constant. The axially symmetric equilibrium configurations form a two-parameter family of solutions and include equilibria which are surprisingly asymmetric with respect to the equatorial plane. The asymmetric equilibria are, however, not force-free at the singular points r=0, infinity, and their relevance to real systems is unclear. For each hydrodynamic equilibrium, we determine the phase-space distribution of the collisionless analog.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, uses emulateapj.sty. Submitted to Ap

    Design and simulation of InGaAs/AlAsSb quantum-cascade lasers for short wavelength emission

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    The design and simulation of an In-0.53Ga-0.47As/Al-0.56As-0.44Sb quantum-cascade laser emitting in the near infrared is presented. Designed using a self-consistent rate equation solver coupled with an energy balance rate equation, the proposed laser has a calculated population inversion of ~20% at 77 K and sufficient gain to achieve room-temperature laser emission at λ ~2.8 µm. Threshold currents in the range 4–8 kA/cm2 are estimated as the temperature increases from 77 K to 300 K. The output characteristics of the proposed laser are compared to an existing λ ~3.1 µm In-0.53Ga-0.47As/Al-0.56As-0.44Sb quantum-cascade structure presented in the literature

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Non-Conserving Two-Species Driven Model

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    A two species particle model on an open chain with dynamics which is non-conserving in the bulk is introduced. The dynamical rules which define the model obey a symmetry between the two species. The model exhibits a rich behavior which includes spontaneous symmetry breaking and localized shocks. The phase diagram in several regions of parameter space is calculated within mean-field approximation, and compared with Monte-Carlo simulations. In the limit where fluctuations in the number of particles in the system are taken to zero, an exact solution is obtained. We present and analyze a physical picture which serves to explain the different phases of the model

    Annihilation of Immobile Reactants on the Bethe Lattice

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    Two-particle annihilation reaction, A+A -> inert, for immobile reactants on the Bethe lattice is solved exactly for the initially random distribution. The process reaches an absorbing state in which no nearest-neighbor reactants are left. The approach of the concentration to the limiting value is exponential. The solution reproduces the known one-dimensional result which is further extended to the reaction A+B -> inert.Comment: 12 pp, TeX (plain

    A Nonlinear Super-Exponential Rational Model of Speculative Financial Bubbles

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    Keeping a basic tenet of economic theory, rational expectations, we model the nonlinear positive feedback between agents in the stock market as an interplay between nonlinearity and multiplicative noise. The derived hyperbolic stochastic finite-time singularity formula transforms a Gaussian white noise into a rich time series possessing all the stylized facts of empirical prices, as well as accelerated speculative bubbles preceding crashes. We use the formula to invert the two years of price history prior to the recent crash on the Nasdaq (april 2000) and prior to the crash in the Hong Kong market associated with the Asian crisis in early 1994. These complex price dynamics are captured using only one exponent controlling the explosion, the variance and mean of the underlying random walk. This offers a new and powerful detection tool of speculative bubbles and herding behavior.Comment: Latex document of 24 pages including 5 eps figure

    Thermal modeling of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers: comparison of optical waveguides

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    We compare a set of experimental lattice temperature profiles measured in a surface-emitting terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade laser (QCL) with the results of a 2-D anisotropic heat diffusion model. We evaluate the temperature dependence of the cross-plane thermal conductivity (kappaperp) of the active region which is known to be strongly anisotropic due to its superlattice-like nature. Knowledge of kappaperp and its temperature dependence is crucial in order to improve the temperature performance of THz QCLs and this has been used to investigate the longitudinal lattice temperature distribution of the active region and to compare the thermal properties of metal-metal and semi-insulating surface-plasmon THz optical waveguides using a 3-D anisotropic heat diffusion model

    An Infinite Dimensional Symmetry Algebra in String Theory

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    Symmetry transformations of the space-time fields of string theory are generated by certain similarity transformations of the stress-tensor of the associated conformal field theories. This observation is complicated by the fact that, as we explain, many of the operators we habitually use in string theory (such as vertices and currents) have ill-defined commutators. However, we identify an infinite-dimensional subalgebra whose commutators are not singular, and explicitly calculate its structure constants. This constitutes a subalgebra of the gauge symmetry of string theory, although it may act on auxiliary as well as propagating fields. We term this object a {\it weighted tensor algebra}, and, while it appears to be a distant cousin of the WW-algebras, it has not, to our knowledge, appeared in the literature before.Comment: 14 pages, Plain TeX, report RU93-8, CTP-TAMU-2/94, CERN-TH.7022/9