17 research outputs found

    Quantitative expression analysis of selected COR genes reveals their differential expression in leaf and crown tissues of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during an extended low temperature acclimation regimen

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    A number of COR genes (COld-Regulated genes) have been implicated in the acquisition of low temperature (LT) tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study compared the relative expression patterns of selected COR genes in leaf and crown tissues of wheat near-isogenic lines to increase understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying LT acclimation. Reciprocal near-isogenic lines were generated such that the dominant Vrn-A1 and recessive vrn-A1 loci were interchanged in a spring cv. Manitou and a winter cv. Norstar. Phenological development, acquisition of LT tolerance, and WCS120 polypeptide accumulation in these genotypes proceeded at rates similar to those previously reported for 6 °C acclimation from 0 to 98 d. However, a differential accumulation of WCS120 polypeptide and expression of the COR genes Wcs120, Wcor410, and Wcor14 was observed in the leaf and crown tissues. COR gene transcript levels peaked at 2 d of the acclimation period in both tissues and differences among genotypes were most evident at this time. COR gene expression was highest for the LT-tolerant and lowest for the tender genotypes. However, expression rates were divergent enough in genotypes with intermediate hardiness that comparisons among tissues and/or times during acclimation often resulted in variable interpretations of the relative expression of the COR genes in the determination of LT tolerance. These observations emphasize the need to pay close attention to experimental conditions, sampling times, and genotype and tissue selection in experiments designed to identify the critical genetic components that interact to determine LT acclimation

    Comparative expression of Cbf genes in the Triticeae under different acclimation induction temperatures

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    In plants, the C-repeat binding factors (Cbfs) are believed to regulate low-temperature (LT) tolerance. However, most functional studies of Cbfs have focused on characterizing expression after an LT shock and have not quantified differences associated with variable temperature induction or the rate of response to LT treatment. In the Triticeae, rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most LT-tolerant species, and is an excellent model to study and compare Cbf LT induction and expression profiles. Here, we report the isolation of rye Cbf genes (ScCbfs) and compare their expression levels in spring- and winter-habit rye cultivars and their orthologs in two winter-habit wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars. Eleven ScCbfs were isolated spanning all four major phylogenetic groups. Nine of the ScCbfs mapped to 5RL and one to chromosome 2R. Cbf expression levels were variable, with stronger expression in winter- versus spring-habit rye cultivars but no clear relationship with cultivar differences in LT, down-stream cold-regulated gene expression and Cbf expression were detected. Some Cbfs were expressed only at warmer acclimation temperatures in all three species and their expression was repressed at the end of an 8-h dark period at warmer temperatures, which may reflect a temperature-dependent, light-regulated diurnal response. Our work indicates that Cbf expression is regulated by complex genotype by time by induction–temperature interactions, emphasizing that sample timing, induction–temperature and light-related factors must receive greater consideration in future studies involving functional characterization of LT-induced genes in cereals

    Genetic variants of HvCbf14 are statistically associated with frost tolerance in a European germplasm collection of Hordeum vulgare

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    Two quantitative trait loci (Fr-H1 and Fr-H2) for frost tolerance (FT) have been discovered on the long arm of chromosome 5H in barley. Two tightly linked groups of CBF genes, known to play a key role in the FT regulatory network in A. thaliana, have been found to co-segregate with Fr-H2. Here, we investigate the allelic variations of four barley CBF genes (HvCbf3, HvCbf6, HvCbf9 and HvCbf14) in a panel of European cultivars, landraces and H. spontaneum accessions. In the cultivars a reduction of nucleotide and haplotype diversities in CBFs compared with the landraces and the wild ancestor H. spontaneum, was evident. In particular, in cultivars the loss of HvCbf9 genetic variants was higher compared to other sequences. In order to verify if the pattern of CBF genetic variants correlated with the level of FT, an association procedure was adopted. The pairwise analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) among the genetic variants in four CBF genes was computed to evaluate the resolution of the association procedure. The pairwise plotting revealed a low level of LD in cultivated varieties, despite the tight physical linkage of CBF genes analysed. A structured association procedure based on a general liner model was implemented, including the variants in CBFs, of Vrn-H1, and of two reference genes not involved in FT (α-Amy1 and Gapdh) and considering the phenotypic data for FT. Association analysis recovered two nucleotide variants of HvCbf14 and one nucleotide variant of Vrn-H1 as statistically associated to FT

    Light and Temperature Signalling at the Level of CBF14 Gene Expression in Wheat and Barley

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    The wheat and barley CBF14 genes have been newly defined as key components of the light quality-dependent regulation of the freezing tolerance by the integration of phytochrome-mediated light and temperature signals. To further investigate the wavelength dependence of light-induced CBF14 expression in cereals, we carried out a detailed study using monochromatic light treatments at an inductive and a non-inductive temperature. Transcript levels of CBF14 gene in winter wheat Cheyenne, winter einkorn G3116 and winter barley Nure genotypes were monitored. We demonstrated that (1) CBF14 is most effectively induced by blue light and (2) provide evidence that this induction does not arise from light-controlled CRY gene expression. (3) We demonstrate that temperature shifts induce CBF14 transcription independent of the light conditions and that (4) the effect of temperature and light treatments are additive. Based on these data, it can be assumed that temperature and light signals are relayed to the level of CBF14 expression via separate signalling routes

    Cold Response of Dedifferentiated Barley Cells at the Gene Expression, Hormone Composition, and Freezing Tolerance Levels: Studies on Callus Cultures

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    In this study, data is presented how dark-grown, embryogenic barley callus cells respond to cold without any light-dependent, chloroplast-related mechanism, independently of the systemic signals. The expression of HvCBF9, HvCBF14, and HvCOR14b genes, members of one of the most important cold-inducible regulatory system, was measured by real-time PCR. Characteristic of the cold response was similar in the crowns of seedlings and in dark-grown callus cultures, however, gene expression levels were lower in calli. Endogenous concentration of auxins, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid did not change, but phaseic acid and neophaseic acid showed robust accumulation after cold acclimation. Freezing tolerance of the cultures was also higher after 7 days of cold-hardening. The results suggest the presence of a basal, light-independent, cold-responsive activation of the CBF–COR14b pathway in barley cultures. The effects of Dicamba, the exogenous auxin analog used for maintaining tissue cultures were also studied. Dicamba seems to be a general enhancer of the gene expression and physiological responses to cold stress, but has no specific effect on the activation. Our data along with previous findings show that this system might be a suitable model for studying certain basic cellular mechanisms involved in the cold acclimation process in cereals