71 research outputs found

    To weight or not to weight, that is the question: the design of a composite indicator of landscape fragmentation

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    Composite indicators (CIs), i.e., combinations of many indicators in a unique synthetizing measure, are useful for disentangling multisector phenomena. Prominent questions concern indicators’ weighting, which implies time-consuming activities and should be properly justified. Landscape fragmentation (LF), the subdivision of habitats in smaller and more isolated patches, has been studied through the composite index of landscape fragmentation (CILF). It was originally proposed by us as an unweighted combination of three LF indicators for the study of the phenomenon in Sardinia, Italy. In this paper, we aim at presenting a weighted release of the CILF and at developing the Hamletian question of whether weighting is worthwhile or not. We focus on the sensitivity of the composite to different algorithms combining three weighting patterns (equalization, extraction by principal component analysis, and expert judgment) and three indicators aggregation rules (weighted average mean, weighted geometric mean, and weighted generalized geometric mean). The exercise provides the reader with meaningful results. Higher sensitivity values signal that the effort of weighting leads to more informative composites. Otherwise, high robustness does not mean that weighting was not worthwhile. Weighting per se can be beneficial for more acceptable and viable decisional processes

    Natural vs. Anthropic influence on the multidecadal shoreline changes of mediterranean urban beaches: Lessons from the Gulf of Cagliari (Sardinia)

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    Urban Mediterranean beaches are often characterized by a fragile and unstable equilibrium that can be easily altered by ongoing climate change and by the increase in human pressure. This may pose serious threats to the survival of beach systems that cannot accommodate these modifications. In this paper, the spatio-temporal shift of the shoreline was investigated along two urban beaches in the Gulf of Cagliari (Poetto and Giorgino; southern Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) across a time frame of 62 years (1954–2016). The Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) ArcGIS™ extension was used to extract different statistical parameters which allowed us to quantify the erosion and accretion rates. These data were further examined in relation to a number of anthropic and natural forcings in order to disentangle the factors controlling shoreline evolution. Eight sectors with interchanging net erosive and accretion trends were identified along the Poetto and Giorgino beaches. In six decades, some sectors of the two study sites appeared to have undergone great shoreline modification as a result of the intense anthropogenic activities impacting these coastal areas. The westernmost portions of both beaches were found to be the most vulnerable to erosion processes; such conditions were likely controlled by the interplaying of local hydrodynamics and by the intense coastal development which affected these sectors. The highest retreat rates (mean end point rate (EPR) = −0.51/year) were recorded in the western limit of Giorgino beach. Along the western limit of Poetto beach, EPR erosion rates (mean EPR = −2.92/year) considerably increased in the years after the artificial beach nourishment carried out in 2002, suggesting that the majority of the nourished material was lost offshore or partly redistributed along the beach. Coastal structures, urban development, river catchment modification, industrial and port activities, beach cleaning and touristic and recreational activities have been identified as the ongoing causes of coastal alteration. If these factors remain constant, under projected climate change scenarios, these beaches are at risk of further increased flooding and erosion. In this context, the application of DSAS appeared as an essential tool, supporting a monitoring system able to provide understanding and, potentially, predictions of the short-to long-term evolution of these beach systems


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    Climate Change (CC) is recognized as an urgent concern, which implies negative effects on the environment, such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, fl ooding, droughts, and desertifi cation. It involves not only the environmental, but also the economic, and social sphere. The impacts of CC are addressed through two complementary strategies: mitigation and adaptation. The fi rst one operates on the reasons of CC aiming at preventing or reducing greenhouse gases emissions, while the second one focuses on the damage they can cause, aiming at minimizing it or to take advantage of opportunities that may occur. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) represents a systematic and participatory decisionmaking support process, aiming at integrating environmental considerations in the elaboration of plans and programs. While SEA regards explicitly mitigation strategies, so far it still refers marginally to CC adaptation measures to be carried on when implementing spatial planning tools at the regional and local scale. The integration of SEA processes with concepts inspired to adaptation to CCs represents a powerful tool for mainstreaming the corresponding policies and strategies. In this study, we scrutinize SEA and spatial planning tools issued in Sardinia (Italy), with reference to their attitude to incorporate possible climate adaptation concerns. We are interested in proposing and applying a framework based on internationally acknowledged criteria that need to be met to properly implement climate change adaptation measures and actions in current spatial planning and SEA practices

    Torque Teno Sus Virus (TTSuV) Prevalence in Wild Fauna of Northern Italy

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    Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) is a non-enveloped circular ssDNA virus which frequently infects swine and has been associated with hepatic, respiratory, and autoimmune disorders. TTSuV’s pathogenic role is still uncertain, and clear data in the literature on virus reservoirs are lacking. The aims of this study were to investigate the presence of potentially zoonotic TTSuV in wild animals in Northern Italy and to evaluate their role as reservoirs. Liver samples were collected between 2016 and 2020 during four hunting seasons from wild boars (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). Samples originated from areas in Northern Italy characterized by different traits, i.e., mountains and flatland with, respectively low and high farm density and anthropization. Viral identification was carried out by end-point PCR with specific primers for TTSuV1a and TTSuVk2a species. TTSuV prevalence in wild boars was higher in the mountains than in the flatland (prevalence of 6.2% and 2.3%, respectively). In wild ruminants only TTSuVk2a was detected (with a prevalence of 9.4%). Our findings shed light on the occurrence and distribution of TTSuV in some wild animal species, investigating their possible role as reservoirs

    Real-World Apremilast Use for Treatment of Plaque Psoriasis in Italy: Patient Perspective, Characteristics, and Clinical Outcomes from the DARWIN Study

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    IntroductionWhile several european studies have reported real-world apremilast use, patient-perceived benefits, and treatment satisfaction, local reimbursement criteria for apremilast vary and data from Italy are limited.methodsThe cross-sectional DARWIN study enrolled consecutive patients who had initiated apremilast for plaque psoriasis 6 (+/- 1) months prior to enrolment at a single visit across 24 Italian dermatological sites. disease severity was assessed using body surface area (BSA) and physician global assessment (PGA). patient-reported outcomes assessed 6 (+/- 1) months after apremilast initiation were dermatology life quality Index (DLQI), patient benefit Index (PBI), and 9-item treatment satisfaction questionnaire for medication (TSQM-9).ResultsOf 184 patients enrolled between July 2019 and January 2021, 180 were included in the analysis. at apremilast initiation, median (25th-75th percentile) time since psoriasis diagnosis was 8.6 (3.2-22.2) years; median BSA, 10.0% (5.0-16.0); mean (standard seviation, SD) DLQI total score, 13.5 (8.0). over half (54.9%) of patients with available data reported psoriasis had a very or extremely large effect on their quality of life (QoL); half reported itching (50.6%) and/or special areas involvement (50.0%). most (73.9%) had comorbidities and were biologic-naive (81.5%). the most common reasons for initiating apremilast were lack of efficacy of previous treatment (56.7%) and contraindications to other treatments (44.4%). At 6 (+/- 1) months, most patients were continuing apremilast and/or reported a global PBI score >= 1 (minimum clinical benefit) (86.1% and 90.0%, respectively); approximately half achieved BSA <= 3% and/or DLQI total score <= 5 (47.1% and 48.5%); 18.8% achieved PGA = 0; mean (SD) TSQM-9 global treatment satisfaction score was 59.0 (24.8). apremilast was well tolerated; no new safety signals were identified .conclusions patients treated with apremilast for 6 months in Italian clinical practice reported improved QoL, clinically relevant improvements in symptoms, high treatment satisfaction, and high treatment persistence. our data indicate apremilast is a valuable treatment option for moderate plaque psoriasis. study registration clinical trials.gov identifier, NCT04031027

    Accessibility and rurality indicators for regional development

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    The development of a region is affected, inter alia, by concepts linked to the ability to displace and reach other locations (accessibility) efficiently and to lagging economic conditions connected to contemporary countryside activities (rurality). These topics and their relationships have attracted the interest of scholars who have scrutinized the implications of accessibility and rurality for policy making and planning. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theoretical modeling of accessibility and rurality and to develop an empirical study of their spatial patterns, with reference to the municipalities of the region of Sardinia, Italy. We study accessibility through an indicator constructed using a doubly constrained spatial interaction model and propose the Composite Index of Rurality that aims to evaluate rurality in a regional setting employing multivariate analysis. We investigate the spatial dependence of these indicators through general and local spatial autocorrelation analysis to verify the hypothesis that scarcely accessible spatial units are classifiable as rural areas. The results show that, for the case study of Sardinia, this hypothesis is not always true, as some urban areas are not always highly accessible
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