60 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model for Developing Creativity in Batik Industry

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model of creativity in batik industry. This model was developed by conducting a study from previous research that discuss important factors for the development of creativity. This conceptual model was built based on four variable, namely creative person, intrinsic motivation, job skills training, and creative organizational climate. Creative person will stimulate the creativity development in batik industry. A creative person are more able to improve their creativity if they have intrinsic motivation, given some training that related with the job skills they needed, and supported by organization that have positive climate (climate in organization that respects creativity, provide opportunities, time, facilities, infrastructure and incentives to employees to think about, designing, researching and developing new products that better and more innovative). For the further research, this study can be continued by testing the model empirically through distributing the questionnaire to some participant of SMEs and processing data from the results of questionnaire distribution using the data processing software like SPSS, LISRELL, etc

    Penentuan Jumlah Server Optimal untuk Peningkatan Utilitas Server dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Extend di Restoran Cepat Saji Mcdonald's

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    [ Title : Determined Optimal server to improve server's utility use extend simulation at Fast Food McDonald's] The objective of this study was to determine average queuing time, average service time, utility each server and give improvements for queuing system and the corresponding model in the McDonald's fast food restaurant in Pandanaran Street number. 44, Semarang. The method used is simulation with software extend4. Simulation can be the best method in this study / case because it did not need a lot of time and cost compared to direct observation system. The data used in this study is the primary data. Based on the results of the three scenarios that run in the system. The best scenario is screnario 2, because it is the most optimal scenario depend on utilization and average queue time

    Penilaian Kesiapan Kawasan Industri Candi untuk Menjadi Eco-industrial Park

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    One of the strategies implemented by the government to improve the national economy is by developing Industrial Parks, one of the industrial Park which is developed by the government is Candi Industrial Parks that is located in Semarang. The development of the industrial park have positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts include: an increase in people's income and economy, employment opportunities, and the improvement of technology. The negative impacts are: the destruction of ecosystems around the area as a result of excessive waste disposal, soil compaction due to the occurrence of acidic substances, and the threat of variety diseases caused by the pollution of water and air. This study aims to analyze the development of readiness of Candi Industrial Park to become an Eco-Industrial Park through adjustments to the principles of EIP to 3 scale which is 1 "already fully implemented". 2 "already but not yet fully implemented, and 3" still not apply at all ". Based on the research that has been done, the results indicate that the 5 principles of EIP has not at all applied and 1 principle has been done but still not fully implemented


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    Porphyrin derivatives are potential compounds for diagnostic agent and photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy. However, they have a weakness in molar absorptivity, especially in visible region of Q band which used to excite them. Due to incapabilities of porphyrin, other tetrapyrole derivatives, such as chlorophyllin can be alternative for a lead compound of photosensitizer. In the present research, two chlorin derivatives were isolated from commercial chlorophyllin product. Their photophysical and physicochemical properties, i.e. molar absorptivity, quantum yield of fluorescence and quantum yield of singlet oxygen were determined. Chlorophyllin carboxylic acid form, Cu(II)-chlorin e4 and Cu(II)-chlorin e6,were successfully isolated with recovery of 11.33% and 16.46%, respectively.         The absorption spectrum of Cu(II)-chlorin e4 showed an intense Soret band at 406 nm and two weaker Q bands at 628nm, 658nm. Fluorescence efficiency was 0.09 while efficiency for singlet oxygen at  pH 6.3 and 7.4 were 0.0052±0.0017 and 0.0066±0.0012. Cu(II)-chlorin e6 displayed soret band at 407nm and Q bands at 627nm, 663nm. Singlet oxygen at pH 6.3 was 0.0029±0.0007, while at pH 7.4 was 0.0034±0.0001. However,  Cu(II)-chlorin e6 did not show fluorescence.Key words: Chlorophyllin, Cu(II)-chlorin e4, Cu(II)-chlorin e6, singlet oxygen fluorescenc

    Analisis Overall Equipment Effectiveness Dan Six Big Losses Pada Mesin Pencelupan Benang (Studi Kasus PT. Pismatex Textile Industry)

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    Perusahaan textile nasional terus berupa untuk menampilkan kemampuan terbaiknya PT. Pismatex merupakan salah satu Perusahaan dengan terus melakukan continous improvement. Berdasarkan pengamatan diperusahaan, didapatkan bahwa sering terjadi breakdown mesin pada divisi Dyeing dan keterlambatan bahan baku benang. Data menunjukkan bahwa setiap harinya terjadi breakdown mesin 2 sampai 4 jam pada setiap mesin Dyeing. kinerja mesin juga sering kali mengalami gangguan dikarenakan umur mesin yang telah mencapai 25 tahun pengunaan yang pada akhirnya target produksi jarang tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) dan six big losses dari mesin. sehingga dapat diketahui kerugian terbesar yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin Dyeing. Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness mesin Dyeing PT. Pismatex Textile Industri yaitu sebesar 68,59 % dengan availability sebesar 81,62%, performance sebesar 85,07% dan quality rate sebesar 98,78%. Hasil perhitungan nilai Six Big Losses masing-masing yaitu reduced speed sebesar 39,87 %, breakdown loss sebesar 8,12%, idling time sebesar 0,57%, rework loss sebesar 1,47%, scrap loss sebesar 0 % dan nilai setup and adjustment loss sebesar 10,26%. Dari nilai ini dapat dilihat bahwa faktor reduced speed loss merupakan faktor losses dengan nilai terbesar. Abstact National textile companies keep struggling to show the best of the company. PT. Pismatex is the one of the company that keep the continuous improvement. Based on the field observation, there are numbers of machine breakdowns in dyeing division and delays in sourcing yarn. There ara 2 up to 4 machine breakdowns in each of dyeing machine, the performance of the machine is frequently disrupted due to the lifespan of the machie that has reached 25 years. This resulting of the production target is rarely met. The research purposed to find the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and six big losses of machine. So the big losses caused by the machine could be find. The Overall Equipment Effectiveness of dyeing machine in PT. Pismatex is 68,59 % with availability 81,62%, performance 85,07% and quality rate 98,78%. The result of six big losses are reduced speed 39,87 %, breakdown loss 8,12%, idling time 0,57%, rework loss 1,47%, scrap loss 0 % and value of setup and adjustment loss 10,26%. In conclusion, the reduced losses is a factor losses with the highest value
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