128 research outputs found

    Etika Berbahasa Dalam Pelayanan Publik

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    Services in the bureaucracy are still complained by the public. It means that the service within the bureaucracy still needs to be improved. Society calls for excellent service. Excellent service is a service to meet the expectations and needs of the community/customer. Bureaucracy in serving the public needs to consider the principles of the excellent service, which is the principle (1) ability, (2) attitude, (3) appearance, (4) attention, (5) action, and (6) accounttability, (7)"Human Relations", (8) reliability, (9) responsiveness, and (10) assurance. These principles are communicated with language. Without language, it is difficult to communicate. The use of language in excellent service must be ethical. Speaking ethics in excellent service are implemented in all forms of service, is when greeting customers. When talking on the phone, and when inscribed. Speaking ethics are constructed by watching the attitude and choice of words. Choice of words is determined by the elements of the communication, namely the speaker and listener, talking material, place, time, and communication media. Without ethics in speaking, the public impression of the apparatus on an institution would be bad or unpleasant

    Penerapan Metode Gstar (P1) untuk Meramalkan Data Penjualan Rokok di Tiga Lokasi

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    Salah satu dasar utama perencanaan produksi, inventori, dan distribusi yang efektif, dan efisien adalah peramalan yang tepat dari suatu data penjualan produk di waktu-waktu yang akan datang. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data penjualan harian rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi penjualan, yaitu Pasuruan, Malang, dan Batu, di mana data ini tidak hanya memiliki keterkaitan dengan kejadian pada waktu-waktu sebelumnya, tetapi juga mempunyai keterkaitan dengan lokasi atau tempat yang lain yang disebut dengan data spasial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan model GSTAR (P1) untuk peramalan penjualan rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi serta untuk mengetahui apakah ada keterkaitan antara penjualan di suatu lokasi dengan lokasi lainnya. Disamping itu, juga untuk membandingkan model ARIMA, dengan model GSTAR (P1), mana yang lebih tepat digunakan dalam peramalan penjualan rokok Hanisa Alami di tiga lokasi berdasarkan hasil ketepatan ramalan. Model GSTAR (P1) yang merupakan pengembangan dari model space-time yang menggabungkan unsur keterkaitan waktu, dan lokasi pada suatu data deret waktu, dan lokasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah suatu model GSTAR yang sesuai, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai-nilai ramalan yang tepat, dan dapat menjelaskan nilai-nilai ramalan yang tepat, dan dapat menjelaskan keterkaitan penjualan di suatu lokasi dengan penjualan di lokasi-lokasi yang lain

    Pemodelan Produksi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Di PT. β€œZ” Menggunakan Metode ARIMA, FFNN, Dan Hybrid ARIMA-FFNN

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    Proses pengambilan produksi minyak dan produksi gas bumi yang dilakukan secara terus menerus di bawah tanah oleh PT. β€œZ” dapat mengakibatkan produksi tersebut menurun. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meramalkan produksi minyak dan produksi gas bumi pada beberapa periode mendatang dengan menggunakan metode ARIMA, FFNN, dan Hybrid ARIMA-FFNN. Data yang digunakan adalah produksi minyak dan produksi gas bumi per hari pada platform β€œS” mulai 01 Januari sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode ARIMA, FFNN, dan Hybrid ARIMA-FFNN menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa model terbaik untuk produksi minyak bumi adalah menggunakan metode FFNN dengan jumlah neuron pada hidden layer sebanyak sembilan. Sedangkan model terbaik untuk produksi gas bumi menggunakan metode Hybrid ARIMA-FFNN dengan jumlah neuron pada hidden layer sebanyak sepuluh

    Analisis Pendapatan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Jalan Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Purposes which wish reuched from this research are; a) knowing thetnfluence of education factor, work duration, number offamily, work time, and age torevenue of cloister merchan4 and b) to know faktor which have biggest elfect torevenue of cloister merchant. Pursuant to result of anova test (Flest), F value(counted) is 4,800. At 95 percent conf;dence level, table value ofF is 3,92. Thereby Fvalue (counteel) is more than it's tabel value, so H0 can be refused. It mean thatIogether [is] education (Xl), work duration (X2), number of fanily (X3), work time(X4), and age (X5) in together have signifcance efect to earnings (Y). Pursuant to ttest,tvalue(counted)forXl is2,8l8,lorX2is2,635,forX3is0,701,forX4isl,702,and for X5 is - 1 ,199. Table value of t at 95 percent confidence level is I ,980. T value(counted) for Xl and X2 are more than than it's table value (H0 can be refused). So,in individually education and year of service have an efect to earnings (Y). Then, tvalue (counted) X3, X4, and X5 are less than it's table value at 95 percentconfidence level (H0 accePT.ed). It's mean X3, X4, and X5 in individually has notsryntficance efect to revenue (I), From t-test also obtained constant and regressioncoefrcient from each independent variable. So, regression equation that can beformed is: Y: - 67468,7 + 24793,212 (XI) + 5782 (X2) + a020,662 (X3) +10165,732 (X1) - 1629,282 (X5). Pursuant to Fre obtained value of standardizedcoeficrent beta of Xl rs 0,373, X2 is 0,119, X3 is 0,087, X4 is 0,201, and X5 is -0,216. Thereby independent variable which own biggest value of standardizedcoeficient beta is X2 (0,119), It means independent variable that having biggestinfluence to reyenue (Y) is work duration

    Hubungan Kondisi Lingkungan dalam Rumah dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Puring Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Pneumonia is becoming the fifth cause of infant and child mortality, especially in developing countries. Each year as many as 2 million babies pass away because of pneumonia. In 2015, there were 5946 cases (prevalence rate= 50 per 1000 children under five) related to pneumonia occured to the children under five in Kebumen. Puring local clinic ranked the first subdistrict with 501 pneumonia cases to infants. This study aimed to know the association between environmental condition inside the house and pneumonia occurance to children under five in Puring local clinic, Kebumen. This research used observational analytic study with case control design. There were 44 respondents of the treatment group and the same respondent number for the control group.The data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate with chi square test. The findings of the study showed that there were 5 variables of 11 analyzed independent variables which were related to pneumonia occurance to the children under five; they were ventilation space (p-value=0.009; OR=3.600; 95% CI=1,457-8,893), natural lighting intensity (p-value=0.000; OR=5.686; 95% CI=2,275-14,210), wall type (p-value=0.012; OR=3.750; 95% CI=1,423-9,883), flooring type (p-value=0.015; OR=3,400; 95% CI=1,355-8,531), and cooking type (p-value=0.003; OR=4.173; 95% CI=1,709-10,188). Hence, it can be concluded that there is a association among the ventilation space, natural lighting intensity, wall type, flooring type, and cooking fuel type with pneumonia occurance to the children under five in Puring local clinic, Kebumen

    Faktor - Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Tinea Pedis pada Pemulung di TPA Jatibarang Semarang

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    Background : Tinea pedis is a parasit disease caused by the dermatopoyd fungi and found on skin around sole of foot and toe. Several risk factors of Tinea pedis are as follow: wearing the shoes for whole day, wearing the sock while working, and hight exposure of fungi. The aim of this research was to determine relationship between the living environment and the incidence of Tinea pedis on "Pemulung" (the collector of abandoned goods) at the final disposal place of Jatibarang in Semarang. And also to know the relationship between practise of personal-hygiene and the incidence of Tinea pedis on "Pemulung" . Methods : This was an observational research using cross sectional approach. Samples were "Pemulung" at the final disposal place of Jatibarang in Semarang. Number of samples taken were 56 persons. Independent variables were type of floor, source of water, wearing the shoes while working, wearing the sock while working, changing of the sock, washing the foot after working, drying the foot after washing, washing the shoes after wearing, frequency of taking a bath everyday, and wearing the sandal at home. Results : Results of regression logistic analysis showed that the factors, which influence the occurrence of Tinea pedis, were: sources of water and wearing the sandal at home. With p value for source of water is 0,016 and wearing the sandal at home is 0,039. The efforts that can be done to prevent transmission of Tinea pedis such as: avoid using the river water and using the monitoring well. "Pemulung" should wear the sandal at home in order to reduce transmission of fungi. Beside that, they should keep clean at around their home to prevent growth of Tinea pedis fungi

    Hubungan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Kejadian Penyakit Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pekayon Jaya Kota Bekasi

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    Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lung tissue. Pneumonia in infants is a serious infection and affects many children around the world. In 2014 at West Java, the number of patients of pneumonia as much as 206.133 children under five years old. This study aums to determine physical condition of the home environment with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five years old in Puskesmas Pekayon Jaya Bekasi City.This research used observational analytic study with case control study design. Samples were obtained by 76 respondents. 38 respondents of case group and 38 respondents of control group. Analyzed using univariate and bivariate with Chi Square test. The result shown from 9 variables there are 5 variables which associated with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five are spacious of house ventilation (p-value=0.049; OR=3.923; 95%CI= 1.134 to 13.576), the moisture level of home (p-value=0.040; OR=3.478; 95%CI= 1.172 to 10.323), the presence smokers in home (p-value=0.039; OR=2.949; 95%CI= 1.159 to 7.503), home lightning conditions (p-value=0.035; OR=3.111; 95%CI= 1.188 to 8.147) and the condition of home temperature (p-value=0,021; OR=3.322; 95%CI= 1.293 to 8.538). It can be concluded that the physical environment of the home associated with pneumonia in children under five in Puskemas Pekayon Jaya Bekasi City is home ventilation, moisture level home, the presence of a smoker in the house, home lighthing conditions, and the house temperature conditions
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