223 research outputs found

    The oxygen-independent metabolism of cyclic monoterpenes in Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen

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    BACKGROUND: The facultatively anaerobic betaproteobacterium Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen utilizes acyclic, monocyclic and bicyclic monoterpenes as sole carbon source under oxic as well as anoxic conditions. A biotransformation pathway of the acyclic β-myrcene required linalool dehydratase-isomerase as initial enzyme acting on the hydrocarbon. An in-frame deletion mutant did not use myrcene, but was able to grow on monocyclic monoterpenes. The genome sequence and a comparative proteome analysis together with a random transposon mutagenesis were conducted to identify genes involved in the monocyclic monoterpene metabolism. Metabolites accumulating in cultures of transposon and in-frame deletion mutants disclosed the degradation pathway. RESULTS: Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen oxidizes the monocyclic monoterpene limonene at the primary methyl group forming perillyl alcohol. The genome of 3.95 Mb contained a 70 kb genome island coding for over 50 proteins involved in the monoterpene metabolism. This island showed higher homology to genes of another monoterpene-mineralizing betaproteobacterium, Thauera terpenica 58Eu(T), than to genomes of the family Alcaligenaceae, which harbors the genus Castellaniella. A collection of 72 transposon mutants unable to grow on limonene contained 17 inactivated genes, with 46 mutants located in the two genes ctmAB (cyclic terpene metabolism). CtmA and ctmB were annotated as FAD-dependent oxidoreductases and clustered together with ctmE, a 2Fe-2S ferredoxin gene, and ctmF, coding for a NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Transposon mutants of ctmA, B or E did not grow aerobically or anaerobically on limonene, but on perillyl alcohol. The next steps in the pathway are catalyzed by the geraniol dehydrogenase GeoA and the geranial dehydrogenase GeoB, yielding perillic acid. Two transposon mutants had inactivated genes of the monoterpene ring cleavage (mrc) pathway. 2-Methylcitrate synthase and 2-methylcitrate dehydratase were also essential for the monoterpene metabolism but not for growth on acetate. CONCLUSIONS: The genome of Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen is related to other genomes of Alcaligenaceae, but contains a genomic island with genes of the monoterpene metabolism. Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen degrades limonene via a limonene dehydrogenase and the oxidation of perillyl alcohol. The initial oxidation at the primary methyl group is independent of molecular oxygen

    Bacillus subtilis as heterologous host for the secretory production of the non-ribosomal cyclodepsipeptide enniatin

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    The heterologous expression of genes or gene clusters in microbial hosts, followed by metabolic engineering of biosynthetic pathways, is key to access industrially and pharmaceutically relevant compounds in an economically affordable and sustainable manner. Therefore, platforms need to be developed, which provide tools for the controlled synthesis of bioactive compounds. The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is a promising candidate for such applications, as it is generally regarded as a safe production host, its physiology is well investigated and a variety of tools is available for its genetic manipulation. Furthermore, this industrially relevant bacterium provides a high secretory potential not only for enzymes but also for primary and secondary metabolites. In this study, we present the first heterologous expression of an eukaryotic non-ribosomal peptide synthetase gene (esyn) coding for the biosynthesis of the small molecule enniatin in B. subtilis. Enniatin is a pharmaceutically used cyclodepsipeptide for treatment of topical bacterial and fungal infections. We generated various enniatin-producing B. subtilis strains, allowing for either single chromosomal or plasmid-based multi-copy expression of the esyn cluster under the control of an acetoin-inducible promoter system. Optimization of cultivation conditions, combined with modifications of the genetic background and multi-copy plasmid-based esyn expression, resulted in a secretory production of enniatin B. This work presents B. subtilis as a suitable host for the expression of heterologous eukaryotic non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) clusters

    Modular detergents tailor the purification and structural analysis of membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors

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    Detergents enable the purification of membrane proteins and are indispensable reagents instructural biology. Even though a large variety of detergents have been developed in the lastcentury, the challenge remains to identify guidelines that allowfine-tuning of detergents forindividual applications in membrane protein research. Addressing this challenge, here weintroduce the family of oligoglycerol detergents (OGDs). Native mass spectrometry (MS)reveals that the modular OGD architecture offers the ability to control protein purificationand to preserve interactions with native membrane lipids during purification. In addition to abroad range of bacterial membrane proteins, OGDs also enable the purification and analysisof a functional G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Moreover, given the modular design ofthese detergents, we anticipatefine-tuning of their properties for specific applications instructural biology. Seen from a broader perspective, this represents a significant advance forthe investigation of membrane proteins and their interactions with lipids

    Functional characterization of polysaccharide utilization loci in the marine Bacteroidetes 'Gramella forsetii' KT0803

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    Members of the phylum Bacteroidetes are abundant in many marine ecosystems and are known to have a pivotal role in the mineralization of complex organic substrates such as polysaccharides and proteins. We studied the decomposition of the algal glycans laminarin and alginate by 'Gramella forsetii' KT0803, a bacteroidetal isolate from North Sea surface waters. A combined application of isotope labeling, subcellular protein fractionation and quantitative proteomics revealed two large polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) that were specifically induced, one by alginate and the other by laminarin. These regulons comprised genes of surface-exposed proteins such as oligomer transporters, substrate-binding proteins, carbohydrate-active enzymes and hypothetical proteins. Besides, several glycan-specific TonB-dependent receptors and SusD-like substrate-binding proteins were expressed also in the absence of polysaccharide substrates, suggesting an anticipatory sensing function. Genes for the utilization of the beta-1,3-glucan laminarin were found to be co-regulated with genes for glucose and alpha-1,4-glucan utilization, which was not the case for the non-glucan alginate. Strong syntenies of the PULs of 'G. forsetii' with similar loci in other Bacteroidetes indicate that the specific response mechanisms of 'G. forsetii' to changes in polysaccharide availability likely apply to other Bacteroidetes. Our results can thus contribute to an improved understanding of the ecological niches of marine Bacteroidetes and their roles in the polysaccharide decomposition part of carbon cycling in marine ecosystems

    Issues Around Researching OHS of Samoan Migrant Workers

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    Workers from Pacific nations constitute a substantial proportion of the labour force in NZ, particularly in Auckland, which has one of the largest concentrations of Pacific Island workers in the world. Samoans constitute the largest Pacific ethnic group in NZ, comprising 131,103 or 49% of the resident Pacific population (265,974) (Statistics NZ, 2010). However, Pacific Island workers in NZ are typically employed in low paid, precarious, hazardous work that often has little chance of advancement. There is also some evidence that Pacific Island workers are over­represented in NZ’s work­related injury and illness statistics (Allen & Clarke, 2006). While occupational health and safety (OHS) of Pacific Island migrant workers highlights a number of issues, studies often provide inadequate explanations of what exactly is occurring or fully capture the working experiences of Pacific Island migrant workers. This paper reports on the initial work undertaken as part of an international collaborative study located in Samoa and NZ, aimed at investigating the OHS experiences of Samoan migrant workers. In particular, the paper presents a multi­layered framework and a set of research principles that can be used to illuminate often inaccessible populations located in changing working and living environments. Finally, this study exemplifies the complex issues surrounding the migrant workers’ health and safety, workers’ compensation and rehabilitation

    The oxygen-independent metabolism of cyclic monoterpenes in Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen

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    Background: The facultatively anaerobic betaproteobacterium Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen utilizes acyclic, monocyclic and bicyclic monoterpenes as sole carbon source under oxic as well as anoxic conditions. A biotransformation pathway of the acyclic beta-myrcene required linalool dehydratase-isomerase as initial enzyme acting on the hydrocarbon. An in-frame deletion mutant did not use myrcene, but was able to grow on monocyclic monoterpenes. The genome sequence and a comparative proteome analysis together with a random transposon mutagenesis were conducted to identify genes involved in the monocyclic monoterpene metabolism. Metabolites accumulating in cultures of transposon and in-frame deletion mutants disclosed the degradation pathway. Results: Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen oxidizes the monocyclic monoterpene limonene at the primary methyl group forming perillyl alcohol. The genome of 3.95 Mb contained a 70 kb genome island coding for over 50 proteins involved in the monoterpene metabolism. This island showed higher homology to genes of another monoterpene-mineralizing betaproteobacterium, Thauera terpenica 58Eu(T), than to genomes of the family Alcaligenaceae, which harbors the genus Castellaniella. A collection of 72 transposon mutants unable to grow on limonene contained 17 inactivated genes, with 46 mutants located in the two genes ctmAB (cyclic terpene metabolism). CtmA and ctmB were annotated as FAD-dependent oxidoreductases and clustered together with ctmE, a 2Fe-2S ferredoxin gene, and ctmF, coding for a NADH: ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Transposon mutants of ctmA, B or E did not grow aerobically or anaerobically on limonene, but on perillyl alcohol. The next steps in the pathway are catalyzed by the geraniol dehydrogenase GeoA and the geranial dehydrogenase GeoB, yielding perillic acid. Two transposon mutants had inactivated genes of the monoterpene ring cleavage (mrc) pathway. 2-Methylcitrate synthase and 2-methylcitrate dehydratase were also essential for the monoterpene metabolism but not for growth on acetate. Conclusions: The genome of Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen is related to other genomes of Alcaligenaceae, but contains a genomic island with genes of the monoterpene metabolism. Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen degrades limonene via a limonene dehydrogenase and the oxidation of perillyl alcohol. The initial oxidation at the primary methyl group is independent of molecular oxygen

    Individual Physiological Adaptations Enable Selected Bacterial Taxa To Prevail during Long-Term Incubations

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    Enclosure experiments are frequently used to investigate the impact of changing environmental conditions on microbial assemblages. Yet, how the incuba- tion itself challenges complex bacterial communities is thus far unknown. In this study, metaproteomic profiling, 16S rRNA gene analyses, and cell counts were com- bined to evaluate bacterial communities derived from marine, mesohaline, and oli- gohaline conditions after long-term batch incubations. Early in the experiment, the three bacterial communities were highly diverse and differed significantly in their compositions. Manipulation of the enclosures with terrigenous dissolved organic car- bon resulted in notable differences compared to the control enclosures at this early phase of the experiment. However, after 55 days, bacterial communities in the ma- nipulated and the control enclosures under marine and mesohaline conditions were all dominated by gammaproteobacterium Spongiibacter. In the oligohaline enclo- sures, actinobacterial cluster I of the hgc group (hgc-I) remained abundant in the late phase of the incubation. Metaproteome analyses suggested that the ability to use outer membrane-based internal energy stores, in addition to the previously de- scribed grazing resistance, may enable the gammaproteobacterium Spongiibacter to prevail in long-time incubations. Under oligohaline conditions, the utilization of ex- ternal recalcitrant carbon appeared to be more important (hgc-I). Enclosure experi- ments with complex natural microbial communities are important tools to investi- gate the effects of manipulations. However, species-specific properties, such as individual carbon storage strategies, can cause manipulation-independent effects and need to be considered when interpreting results from enclosures.This study was financially supported by the SAW-funded ATKiM project, which provided funds to D. P. R. Herlemann, C. Meeske, K. Jürgens, S. Markert, and T. Schweder. D. P. R. Herlemann was also supported by the European Regional Develop- ment Fund/Estonian Research Council funded Mobilitas Plus Top Researcher grant MOBTT24. We thank the crew and captain of the RV Meteor (M86, M87) for support during the research cruise. The computations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the PDC Centre for High Performance Computing (PDC-HPC) and Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX). We thank Jana Matulla for excellent technical assis- tance and Stephan Fuchs for his help and advice in MS database construction. We also thank Stefan E. Heiden for valuable help with the CDD BLAST analyses.This study was financially supported by the SAW-funded ATKiM project, which provided funds to D. P. R. Herlemann, C. Meeske, K. Jürgens, S. Markert, and T. Schweder. D. P. R. Herlemann was also supported by the European Regional Develop- ment Fund/Estonian Research Council funded Mobilitas Plus Top Researcher grant MOBTT24. We thank the crew and captain of the RV Meteor (M86, M87) for support during the research cruise. The computations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the PDC Centre for High Performance Computing (PDC-HPC) and Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX). We thank Jana Matulla for excellent technical assis- tance and Stephan Fuchs for his help and advice in MS database construction. We also thank Stefan E. Heiden for valuable help with the CDD BLAST analyses

    A new carbohydrate-active oligosaccharide dehydratase is involved in the degradation of ulvan

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    Marine algae catalyze half of all global photosynthetic production of carbohydrates. Owing to their fast growth rates, Ulva spp. rapidly produce substantial amounts of carbohydrate-rich biomass and represent an emerging renewable energy and carbon resource. Their major cell wall polysaccharide is the anionic carbohydrate ulvan. Here, we describe a new enzymatic degradation pathway of the marine bacterium Formosa agariphila for ulvan oligosaccharides involving unsaturated uronic acid at the nonreducing end linked to rhamnose-3-sulfate and glucuronic or iduronic acid (Delta-Rha3S-GlcA/IdoA-Rha3S). Notably, we discovered a new dehydratase (P29_PDnc) acting on the nonreducing end of ulvan oligosaccharides, i.e., GlcA/IdoARha3S, forming the aforementioned unsaturated uronic acid residue. This residue represents the substrate for GH105 glycoside hydrolases, which complements the enzymatic degradation pathway including one ulvan lyase, one multimodular sulfatase, three glycoside hydrolases, and the dehydratase P29_PDnc, the latter being described for the first time. Our research thus shows that the oligosaccharide dehydratase is involved in the degradation of carboxylated polysaccharide

    Aquatic adaptation of a laterally acquired pectin degradation pathway in marine gammaproteobacteria

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    Mobile genomic islands distribute functional traits between microbes and habitats, yet it remains unclear how their proteins adapt to new environments. Here we used a comparative phylogenomic and proteomic approach to show that the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis ANT/505 acquired a genomic island with a functional pathway for pectin catabolism. Bioinformatics and biochemical experiments revealed that this pathway encodes a series of carbohydrate-active enzymes including two multimodular pectate lyases, PelA and PelB. PelA is a large enzyme with a polysaccharide lyase family 1 (PL1) domain and a carbohydrate esterase family 8 domain, and PelB contains a PL1 domain and two carbohydrate-binding domains of family 13. Comparative phylogenomic analyses indicate that the pathway was most likely acquired from terrestrial microbes, yet we observed multi-modular orthologues only in marine bacteria. Proteomic experiments showed that P. haloplanktis ANT/505 secretes both pectate lyases into the environment in the presence of pectin. These multi-modular enzymes may therefore represent a marine innovation that enhances physical interaction with pectins to reduce loss of substrate and enzymes by diffusion. Our results revealed that marine bacteria can catabolize pectin, and highlight enzyme fusion as a potential adaptation that may facilitate microbial consumption of polymeric substrates in aquatic environments