12,687 research outputs found

    Control for nuclear thermionic power source

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    A control for a power source which includes nuclear fuel interspersed with thermionic converters, is described. A power regulator maintains a substantially constant output voltage to a variable load, and a control circuit drives a neutron flux regulator in accordance with the current supplied to the power regulator and the neutron flux density in the region of the converters. The control circuit generates a control signal which is the difference between the neutron flux density and a linear function of the current, and drives the neutron regulator in a direction to decrease or increase the neutron flux according to the polarity of the control signal

    Multimegawatt thermionic reactor systems for space applications

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    Design features and performance characteristics of thermionic reactor systems for space application

    Closed-loop Dynamics of In-core Thermionic Reactor Systems

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    Using a point model of an in-core thermionic converter, alternative schemes for providing closed loop reactor control were investigated. It was found that schemes based on variable gain power regulation buffers which use the reactor current as the control variable provide complete protection from thermionic burnout and also provide a virtually constant voltage to the user. A side benefit is that the emitter temperature transients are small-even for a complete electric load drop the emitter temperature transient is less than 100 deg K. The current regulation scheme was selected for further study with a distributed parameter model which was developed to account for variations in thermionic and heat transfer properties along the length of a cylindrical converter. It was found that even though the emitter temperature distribution is about 200 deg K along the converter length, the dynamic properties are unchanged when using the current control scheme

    Development of a polysilicon process based on chemical vapor deposition, phase 1

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    The goal of this program is to demonstrate that a dichlorosilane-based reductive chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process is capable of producing, at low cost, high quality polycrystalline silicon. Physical form and purity of this material will be consistent with LSA material requirements for use in the manufacture of high efficiency solar cells. Four polysilicon deposition runs were completed in an intermediate size reactor using dichlorosilane fed from 250 pound cylinders. Results from the intermediate size reactor are consistent with those obtained earlier with a small experimental reactor. Modifications of two intermediate size reactors were completed to interface with the dichlorosilane process demonstration unit (PDU)

    Nuclear radiation problems, unmanned thermionic reactor ion propulsion spacecraft

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    A nuclear thermionic reactor as the electric power source for an electric propulsion spacecraft introduces a nuclear radiation environment that affects the spacecraft configuration, the use and location of electrical insulators and the science experiments. The spacecraft is conceptually configured to minimize the nuclear shield weight by: (1) a large length to diameter spacecraft; (2) eliminating piping penetrations through the shield; and (3) using the mercury propellant as gamma shield. Since the alumina material is damaged by the high nuclear radiation environment in the reactor it is desirable to locate the alumina insulator outside the reflector or develop a more radiation resistant insulator

    Effects of configuration modifications on aerodynamic characteristics of tension shell shapes at Mach 3.0

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    Configuration modifications of tension shell shapes to improve aerodynamic characteristics at Mach 3 by delaying onset of flow separatio

    Simulation studies of STOL airplane operations in metropolitan downtown and airport air traffic control environments

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    The operating problems and equipment requirements for STOL airplanes in terminal area operations in simulated air traffic control (ATC) environments were studied. These studies consisted of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) arrivals and departures in the New York area to and from a downtown STOL port, STOL runways at John F. Kennedy International Airport, or STOL runways at a hypothetical international airport. The studies were accomplished in real time by using a STOL airplane flight simulator. An experimental powered lift STOL airplane and two in-service airplanes having high aerodynamic lift (i.e., STOL) capability were used in the simulations

    Terminal-area flight procedures and route design for supersonic transport New York-transatlantic operations

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    The results of an analytical investigation of two departure and arrival transition procedures between John F. Kennedy International Airport and projected North Atlantic track systems for supersonic transport (SST) operations are presented. The procedures studied were: (1) separated departure and arrival transition routes with departures made at supersonic speeds, and (2) superimposed departure and arrival routes with departures restricted to subsonic speed until the airplane is on the track system. For both procedures, transition routes with intercept angles of 30 deg to 90 deg to both six-and four-track systems were investigated. Track spacings of 30 and 60 nautical miles were studied