22,225 research outputs found

    Policies And International Integration: Influences On Trade And Foreign Direct Investment

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    This paper assesses the importance of border and non-border policies for global economic integration. The focus is on four widely-advocated policies: removing explicit restrictions to trade and FDI; promoting domestic competition; improving the adaptability of labour markets; and ensuring adequate levels of infrastructure capital. The analysis covers FDI and trade in both goods and services, thus aiming to account for the most important channels of globalisation and dealing with most modes of cross-border services supply. It first describes trends in trade, FDI and the four sets of policies using a large set of structural policy indicators recently constructed by the OECD, including the new summary indicators for FDI-specific regulations described in Golub (2003). It then estimates the impact of policies on bilateral trade and bilateral and multilateral FDI. The results highlight that, despite extensive liberalisation over the past two decades, there is scope for further reducing policy barriers to integration of OECD markets. Remaining barriers have a significant impact on trade and FDI, with anticompetitive domestic regulations and restrictive labour market arrangements estimated to curb integration as much as explicit trade and FDI restrictions. Simulating the removal of such barriers suggests that the quantitative effects of further liberalisation of trade, FDI and domestic product and labour markets on global integration could be substantial

    The Second Virial Coefficient of Spin-1/2 Interacting Anyon System

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    Evaluating the propagator by the usual time-sliced manner, we use it to compute the second virial coefficient of an anyon gas interacting through the repulsive potential of the form g/r2(g>0)g/r^2 (g > 0). All the cusps for the unpolarized spin-1/2 as well as spinless cases disappear in the ω0\omega \to 0 limit, where ω\omega is a frequency of harmonic oscillator which is introduced as a regularization method. As gg approaches to zero, the result reduces to the noninteracting hard-core limit.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figs include

    Higgs bosons of a supersymmetric U(1)U(1)' model at the ILC

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    We study the scalar Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra U(1), which has two Higgs doublets and a Higgs singlet, in the light leptophobic ZZ' scenario where the extra neutral gauge boson ZZ' does not couple to charged leptons. In this model, we find that the sum of the squared coupling coefficients of the three neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ, normalized by the corresponding SM coupling coefficient is noticeably smaller than unity, due to the effect of the extra U(1), for a reasonable parameter space of the model, whereas it is unity in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. Thus, these two models may be distinguished if the coupling coefficients of neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ are measured at the future International Linear Collider by producing them via the Higgs-strahlung, ZZZZ fusion, and WWWW fusion processes.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, PR

    Test Set Diameter: Quantifying the Diversity of Sets of Test Cases

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    A common and natural intuition among software testers is that test cases need to differ if a software system is to be tested properly and its quality ensured. Consequently, much research has gone into formulating distance measures for how test cases, their inputs and/or their outputs differ. However, common to these proposals is that they are data type specific and/or calculate the diversity only between pairs of test inputs, traces or outputs. We propose a new metric to measure the diversity of sets of tests: the test set diameter (TSDm). It extends our earlier, pairwise test diversity metrics based on recent advances in information theory regarding the calculation of the normalized compression distance (NCD) for multisets. A key advantage is that TSDm is a universal measure of diversity and so can be applied to any test set regardless of data type of the test inputs (and, moreover, to other test-related data such as execution traces). But this universality comes at the cost of greater computational effort compared to competing approaches. Our experiments on four different systems show that the test set diameter can help select test sets with higher structural and fault coverage than random selection even when only applied to test inputs. This can enable early test design and selection, prior to even having a software system to test, and complement other types of test automation and analysis. We argue that this quantification of test set diversity creates a number of opportunities to better understand software quality and provides practical ways to increase it

    Complete Treatment of Galaxy Two-Point Statistics: Gravitational Lensing Effects and Redshift-Space Distortions

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    We present a coherent theoretical framework for computing gravitational lensing effects and redshift-space distortions in an inhomogeneous universe and investigate their impacts on galaxy two-point statistics. Adopting the linearized FRW metric, we derive the gravitational lensing and the generalized Sachs-Wolfe effects that include the weak lensing distortion, magnification, and time delay effects, and the redshift-space distortion, Sachs-Wolfe, and integrated Sachs-Wolfe effects, respectively. Based on this framework, we first compute their effects on observed source fluctuations, separating them as two physically distinct origins: the volume effect that involves the change of volume and is always present in galaxy two-point statistics, and the source effect that depends on the intrinsic properties of source populations. Then we identify several terms that are ignored in the standard method, and we compute the observed galaxy two-point statistics, an ensemble average of all the combinations of the intrinsic source fluctuations and the additional contributions from the gravitational lensing and the generalized Sachs-Wolfe effects. This unified treatment of galaxy two-point statistics clarifies the relation of the gravitational lensing and the generalized Sachs-Wolfe effects to the metric perturbations and the underlying matter fluctuations. For near future dark energy surveys, we compute additional contributions to the observed galaxy two-point statistics and analyze their impact on the anisotropic structure. Thorough theoretical modeling of galaxy two-point statistics would be not only necessary to analyze precision measurements from upcoming dark energy surveys, but also provide further discriminatory power in understanding the underlying physical mechanisms.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Fig.4 corrected, appendix added, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Electroweak phase transition in a nonminimal supersymmetric model

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    The Higgs potential of the minimal nonminimal supersymmetric standard model (MNMSSM) is investigated within the context of electroweak phase transition. We investigate the allowed parameter space yielding correct electroweak phase transitoin employing a high temperature approximation. We devote to phenomenological consequences for the Higgs sector of the MNMSSM for electron-positron colliders. It is observed that a future e+ee^+ e^- linear collider with s=1000\sqrt{s} = 1000 GeV will be able to test the model with regard to electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables, 12 figure

    A comparison of tree- and line-oriented observational slicing

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    Observation-based slicing and its generalization observational slicing are recently-introduced, language-independent dynamic slicing techniques. They both construct slices based on the dependencies observed during program execution, rather than static or dynamic dependence analysis. The original implementation of the observation-based slicing algorithm used lines of source code as its program representation. A recent variation, developed to slice modelling languages (such as Simulink), used an XML representation of an executable model. We ported the XML slicer to source code by constructing a tree representation of traditional source code through the use of srcML. This work compares the tree- and line-based slicers using four experiments involving twenty different programs, ranging from classic benchmarks to million-line production systems. The resulting slices are essentially the same size for the majority of the programs and are often identical. However, structural constraints imposed by the tree representation sometimes force the slicer to retain enclosing control structures. It can also “bog down” trying to delete single-token subtrees. This occasionally makes the tree-based slices larger and the tree-based slicer slower than a parallelised version of the line-based slicer. In addition, a Java versus C comparison finds that the two languages lead to similar slices, but Java code takes noticeably longer to slice. The initial experiments suggest two improvements to the tree-based slicer: the addition of a size threshold, for ignoring small subtrees, and subtree replacement. The former enables the slicer to run 3.4 times faster while producing slices that are only about 9% larger. At the same time the subtree replacement reduces size by about 8–12% and allows the tree-based slicer to produce more natural slices