1,129 research outputs found

    Evidence for HI replenishment in massive galaxies through gas accretion from the cosmic web

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    We examine the H i -to-stellar mass ratio (H i fraction) for galaxies near filament backbones within the nearby Universe (d < 181 Mpc). This work uses the 6 degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and the Discrete Persistent Structures Extractor (DisPerSE) to define the filamentary structure of the local cosmic web. H i spectral stacking of H i Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) observations yield the H i fraction for filament galaxies and a field control sample. The H i fraction is measured for different stellar masses and 5th nearest neighbour projected densities (Σ5) to disentangle what influences cold gas in galaxies. For galaxies with stellar masses log(M⋆) ≤ 11 M⊙ in projected densities 0 ≤ Σ5 < 3 galaxies Mpc−2, all H i fractions of galaxies near filaments are statistically indistinguishable from the control sample. Galaxies with stellar masses log(M⋆) ≥ 11 M⊙ have a systematically higher H i fraction near filaments than the control sample. The greatest difference is 0.75 dex, which is 5.5σ difference at mean projected densities of 1.45 galaxies Mpc−2. We suggest that this is evidence for massive galaxies accreting cold gas from the intra-filament medium which can replenish some H i gas. This supports cold mode accretion where filament galaxies with a large gravitational potential can draw gas from the large scale structure

    Design and Analysis of a Face Mask Alternative

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    Due to the recent pandemic that plagued the country, face mask disposal has gained considerable attention. If something similar were to happen again, the creation of an alternative to the medically approved surgical masks is crucial to minimize disease spread induced by improper face mask disposal. This study aims to analyze and determine the proposed output’s effectiveness compared to conventional face masks. The materials for the trilayer output were nylon, paper towel, and cotton. The produced output and the control sample, the standard cloth mask, were sent to a lab for water resistance and absorbency tests. The test results revealed that neither the produced output nor the cloth mask could meet the recommended standards of a good face mask. As such, this research concluded that the production of an alternative face mask using the materials stated above in a manner identical to that of this study is ill-advisable. Additionally, the study affirmed that the standard cloth masks are not suitable as an efficient alternative to surgical masks. Overall, the paper intends to contribute to solving two of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are (3) Good and Health Well-being and (12) Responsible Consumption and Production

    Prospective, randomized, fellow eye comparison of WaveLight® Allegretto Wave® Eye-Q versus VISX CustomVueTM STAR S4 IRTM in photorefractive keratectomy: analysis of visual outcomes and higher-order aberrations

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    Majid Moshirfar1, Daniel S Churgin2, Brent S Betts3, Maylon Hsu1, Shameema Sikder4, Marcus Neuffer1, Dane Church5, Mark D Mifflin11University of Utah, John A Moran Eye Center, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZ; 3Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 4Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 5Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA, USABackground: The purpose of this study was to compare differences in visual outcomes, higher-order aberrations, contrast sensitivity, and dry eye in patients undergoing photorefractive keratectomy using wavefront-guided VISX CustomVue™ and wavefront-optimized WaveLight® Allegretto platforms.Methods: In this randomized, prospective, single-masked, fellow-eye study, photorefractive keratectomy was performed on 46 eyes from 23 patients, with one eye randomized to WaveLight Allegretto, and the fellow eye receiving VISX CustomVue. Three-month postoperative outcome measures included uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, refractive error, root mean square of total and grouped higher-order aberrations, contrast sensitivity, and Schirmer’s testing.Results: Mean values for uncorrected distance visual acuity (logMAR) were —0.03 ± 0.07 and —0.06 ± 0.09 in the wavefront-optimized and wavefront-guided groups, respectively (P = 0.121). Uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/20 or better was achieved in 91% of eyes receiving wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy, and 87% of eyes receiving wavefront-optimized photorefractive keratectomy, whereas uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/15 was achieved in 35% of the wavefront-optimized group and 64% of the wavefront-guided group (P ≥ 0.296). While root mean square of total higher-order aberration, coma, and trefoil tended to increase in the wavefront-optimized group (P = 0.091, P = 0.115, P = 0.459, respectively), only spherical aberration increased significantly (P = 0.014). Similar increases were found in wavefront-guided root mean square of total higher-order aberration (P = 0.113), coma (P = 0.403), trefoil (P = 0.603), and spherical aberration (P = 0.014). There was no significant difference in spherical aberration change when comparing the two platforms. The wavefront-guided group showed an increase in contrast sensitivity at 12 cycles per degree (P = 0.013).Conclusion: Both VISX CustomVue and WaveLight Allegretto platforms performed equally in terms of visual acuity, safety, and predictability in photorefractive keratectomy. The wavefront-guided group showed slightly improved contrast sensitivity. Both lasers induced a comparable degree of statistically significant spherical aberration, and tended to increase other higher-order aberration measures as well.Keywords: wavefront-guided, wavefront-optimized, photorefractive keratectom

    Charge-Carrier Recombination in Halide Perovskites.

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    The success of halide perovskites in a host of optoelectronic applications is often attributed to their long photoexcited carrier lifetimes, which has led to charge-carrier recombination processes being described as unique compared to other semiconductors. Here, we integrate recent literature findings to provide a critical assessment of the factors we believe are most likely controlling recombination in the most widely studied halide perovskite systems. We focus on four mechanisms that have been proposed to affect measured charge carrier recombination lifetimes, namely: (1) recombination via trap states, (2) polaron formation, (3) the indirect nature of the bandgap (e.g., Rashba effect), and (4) photon recycling. We scrutinize the evidence for each case and the implications of each process on carrier recombination dynamics. Although they have attracted considerable speculation, we conclude that multiple trapping or hopping in shallow trap states, and the possible indirect nature of the bandgap (e.g., Rashba effect), seem to be less likely given the combined evidence, at least in high-quality samples most relevant to solar cells and light-emitting diodes. On the other hand, photon recycling appears to play a clear role in increasing apparent lifetime for samples with high photoluminescence quantum yields. We conclude that polaron dynamics are intriguing and deserving of further study. We highlight potential interdependencies of these processes and suggest future experiments to better decouple their relative contributions. A more complete understanding of the recombination processes could allow us to rationally tailor the properties of these fascinating semiconductors and will aid the discovery of other materials exhibiting similarly exceptional optoelectronic properties.EPSRC DTP Studentshi
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