3,229 research outputs found

    Analyses of Hydrodynamic Radial Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers

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    Hydrodynamic interactions that occur between a centrifugal pump impeller and a volute are experimentally and theoretically investigates. The theoretical analysis considers the inability of the blades to perfectly guide the flow through the impeller, and also includes a quasi-one dimensional treatment of flow in the volute. Flow disturbances at the impeller discharge and the resulting forces are determined by the theoretical model. The model is then extended to obtain the hydrodynamic force perturbations that are caused by the impeller whirling eccentrically in the volute. Under many operating conditions, these force perturbations were found to be destabilizing. Comparisons are made between the theoretical model and the experimental measurements of pressure distributions and radial forces on the impeller. The theoretical model yields fairly accurate predictions of the radial forces caused by the flow through the impeller. However, it was found that the pressure acting on the front shroud of the impeller has a substantial effect on the destabilizing hydrodynamic forces

    An Expansion Term In Hamilton's Equations

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    For any given spacetime the choice of time coordinate is undetermined. A particular choice is the absolute time associated with a preferred vector field. Using the absolute time Hamilton's equations are −(δHc)/(δq)=π˙+Θπ,- (\delta H_{c})/(\delta q)=\dot{\pi}+\Theta\pi, + (\delta H_{c})/(\delta \pi)=\dot{q},where, where \Theta = V^{a}_{.;a}istheexpansionofthevectorfield.Thusthereisahithertounnoticedtermintheexpansionofthepreferredvectorfield.Hamilton′sequationscanbeusedtodescribefluidmotion.Inthiscasetheabsolutetimeisthetimeassociatedwiththefluid′sco−movingvector.Asmeasuredbythisabsolutetimetheexpansiontermispresent.Similarlyincosmology,eachobserverhasaco−movingvectorandHamilton′sequationsagainhaveanexpansionterm.ItisnecessarytoincludetheexpansiontermtoquantizesystemssuchastheabovebythecanonicalmethodofreplacingDiracbracketsbycommutators.Hamilton′sequationsinthisformdonothaveacorrespondingsympleticform.Replacingtheexpansionbyaparticlenumber is the expansion of the vector field. Thus there is a hitherto unnoticed term in the expansion of the preferred vector field. Hamilton's equations can be used to describe fluid motion. In this case the absolute time is the time associated with the fluid's co-moving vector. As measured by this absolute time the expansion term is present. Similarly in cosmology, each observer has a co-moving vector and Hamilton's equations again have an expansion term. It is necessary to include the expansion term to quantize systems such as the above by the canonical method of replacing Dirac brackets by commutators. Hamilton's equations in this form do not have a corresponding sympletic form. Replacing the expansion by a particle number N\equiv exp(-\int\Theta d \ta)andintroducingtheparticlenumbersconjugatemomentum and introducing the particle numbers conjugate momentum \pi^{N}thestandardsympleticformcanberecoveredwithtwoextrafieldsNand the standard sympletic form can be recovered with two extra fields N and \pi^N$. Briefly the possibility of a non-standard sympletic form and the further possibility of there being a non-zero Finsler curvature corresponding to this are looked at.Comment: 10 page

    Effects of age, length, and pattern of burial on survival of Mikania micrantha stem sections

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    For many landholders in the South Pacific, weed control of Mikania micrantha Kunth is conducted by manual or mechanical means, leaving fragments on or below the ground to reshoot and grow. Effects of age, length (number of nodes), and pattern of burial on the survival of stem sections of M. micrantha were examined in the field in Viti Levu, Fiji. The experiment was arranged in a randomized factorial design, with number of nodes, age of stem sections, and pattern (depth and orientation) of stem burial as factors. Stem sections with two or three nodes had significantly greater survival (30% and 25%, respectively) than those with one node (12%). Mature stem sections had a significantly greater survival rate (31%) than young stem sections (13%) when buried in either the horizontal or the vertical position. Vertical plantings had significantly greater survival (43%) than horizontal plantings (10%), and for both orientations survival decreased with depth of burial. Only 8% of stem sections survived when cut into smaller (3 to 5 cm) sections and buried at a depth of 10 cm. This study revealed that cutting the M. micrantha stems into smaller sections

    Pricing Bodies: A Feminist New Materialist Approach to the Relations Between the Economic and Socio-Cultural

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    Arguments that the economic and socio-cultural should be understood as relational and intertwined, and that price involves a reciprocal relationship between the economic and socio-cultural, are increasingly prevalent in the social sciences. I develop these notions of relationality and reciprocation through a feminist new materialist perspective, which emphasises the entanglement of and intra-action between what might usually be seen as independent and autonomous entities. To do this, I focus on a range of recent body-image initiatives, led by government, corporate and non-profit organisations, which aim to improve girls’ and young women’s levels of confidence and self-esteem. I explore how feminist theory tends to see such initiatives in terms of the expansion of the economic sphere into the socio-cultural, which involves a tainting or contamination of embodiment and feeling. Rather than dispute these arguments, I take seriously theories and practices from cultural economy that see the economic and socio-cultural as co-constitutive. I augment these ideas with a feminist new materialist approach and argue that the economic and socio-cultural are in intra-active relations: they do not precede or exist apart from each other. In doing so, I consider how body-image initiatives can be understood as phenomena produced through these entangled intra-active relations, and offer an understanding of pricing as a simultaneously socio-cultural and economic process, where value and values become. I also raise questions regarding how, ethically and politically, boundary making and unmaking can be conceived, and how despite being in entangled relations, asymmetries between economic and socio-cultural relations may be approached

    Remarks on the Collective Quantization of the SU(2) Skyrme Model

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    We point out the question of ordering momentum operator in the canonical \break quantization of the SU(2) Skyrme Model. Thus, we suggest a new definition for the momentum operator that may solve the infrared problem that appears when we try to minimize the Quantum Hamiltonian.Comment: 8 pages, plain tex, IF/UFRJ/9

    Class of exact solutions of the Skyrme and the Faddeev model

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    Class of exact solutions of the Skyrme and the Faddeev model are presented. In contrast to previously found solutions, they are produced by the interplay of the two terms in the Lagrangians of the models. They are not solitonic but of wave character. With an appropriate choice of field variables, the field equations of the two models are written in exactly the same form. The solutions supply us with examples of the superposition of two plane waves in nonlinear field theories.Comment: 14 pages, Revtex,Some minor correction

    Vortex states of a disordered quantum Hall bilayer

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    We present and solve a model for the vortex configuration of a disordered quantum Hall bilayer in the limit of strong and smooth disorder. We argue that there is a characteristic disorder strength below which vortices will be rare, and above which they proliferate. We predict that this can be observed tuning the electron density in a given sample. The ground state in the strong-disorder regime can be understood as an emulsion of vortex-antivortex crystals. Its signatures include a suppression of the spatial decay of counterflow currents. We find an increase of at least an order of magnitude in the length scale for this decay compared to a clean system. This provides a possible explanation of the apparent absence of leakage of counterflow currents through interlayer tunneling, even in experiments performed deep in the coherent phase where enhanced interlayer tunneling is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2 slightly extended to emphasize new length scal

    Stability and Representation Dependence of the Quantum Skyrmion

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    A constructive realization of Skyrme's conjecture that an effective pion mass ``may arise as a self consistent quantal effect'' based on an ab initio quantum treatment of the Skyrme model is presented. In this quantum mechanical Skyrme model the spectrum of states with I=JI=J, which appears in the collective quantization, terminates without any infinite tower of unphysical states. The termination point depends on the model parameters and the dimension of the SU(2) representation. Representations, in which the nucleon and Δ33\Delta_{33} resonance are the only stable states, exist. The model is developed for both irreducible and reducible representations of general dimension. States with spin larger than 1/2 are shown to be deformed. The representation dependence of the baryon observables is illustrated numerically.Comment: 19 pages, Late
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