520 research outputs found

    Angular Momentum Transport in Particle and Fluid Disks

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    We examine the angular momentum transport properties of disks composed of macroscopic particles whose velocity dispersions are externally enhanced (``stirred''). Our simple Boltzmann equation model serves as an analogy for unmagnetized fluid disks in which turbulence may be driven by thermal convection. We show that interparticle collisions in particle disks play the same role as fluctuating pressure forces and viscous dissipation in turbulent disks: both transfer energy in random motions associated with one direction to those associated with another, and convert kinetic energy into heat. The direction of angular momentum transport in stirred particle and fluid disks is determined by the direction of external stirring and by the properties of the collision term in the Boltzmann equation (or its analogue in the fluid problem). In particular, our model problem yields inward transport for vertically or radially stirred disks, provided collisions are suitably inelastic; the transport is outwards in the elastic limit. Numerical simulations of hydrodynamic turbulence driven by thermal convection find inward transport; this requires that fluctuating pressure forces do little to no work, and is analogous to an externally stirred particle disk in which collisions are highly inelastic.Comment: 15 pages; final version accepted by ApJ; minor changes, some clarificatio

    Convection-Dominated Accretion Flows

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    Non-radiating, advection-dominated, accretion flows are convectively unstable. We calculate the two-dimensional (r-theta) structure of such flows assuming that (1) convection transports angular momentum inwards, opposite to normal viscosity and (2) viscous transport by other mechanisms (e.g., magnetic fields) is weak (alpha << 1). Under such conditions convection dominates the dynamics of the accretion flow and leads to a steady state structure that is marginally stable to convection. We show that the marginally stable flow has a constant temperature and rotational velocity on spherical shells, a net flux of energy from small to large radii, zero net accretion rate, and a radial density profile proportional to r^{-1/2}, flatter than the r^{-3/2} profile characteristic of spherical accretion flows. This solution accurately describes the full two-dimensional structure of recent axisymmetric numerical simulations of advection-dominated accretion flows.Comment: final version accepted by ApJ; discussion expanded, references adde

    Turbulence and Mixing in the Intracluster Medium

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    The intracluster medium (ICM) is stably stratified in the hydrodynamic sense with the entropy ss increasing outwards. However, thermal conduction along magnetic field lines fundamentally changes the stability of the ICM, leading to the "heat-flux buoyancy instability" when dT/dr>0dT/dr>0 and the "magnetothermal instability" when dT/dr<0dT/dr<0. The ICM is thus buoyantly unstable regardless of the signs of dT/drdT/dr and ds/drds/dr. On the other hand, these temperature-gradient-driven instabilities saturate by reorienting the magnetic field (perpendicular to r^\hat{\bf r} when dT/dr>0dT/dr>0 and parallel to r^\hat{\bf r} when dT/dr<0dT/dr<0), without generating sustained convection. We show that after an anisotropically conducting plasma reaches this nonlinearly stable magnetic configuration, it experiences a buoyant restoring force that resists further distortions of the magnetic field. This restoring force is analogous to the buoyant restoring force experienced by a stably stratified adiabatic plasma. We argue that in order for a driving mechanism (e.g, galaxy motions or cosmic-ray buoyancy) to overcome this restoring force and generate turbulence in the ICM, the strength of the driving must exceed a threshold, corresponding to turbulent velocities ≳10βˆ’100km/s\gtrsim 10 -100 {km/s}. For weaker driving, the ICM remains in its nonlinearly stable magnetic configuration, and turbulent mixing is effectively absent. We discuss the implications of these findings for the turbulent diffusion of metals and heat in the ICM.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figs., submitted to the conference proceedings of "The Monster's Fiery Breath;" a follow up of arXiv:0901.4786 focusing on the general mixing properties of the IC

    Collisionless Isotropization of the Solar-Wind Protons by Compressive Fluctuations and Plasma Instabilities

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    Compressive fluctuations are a minor yet significant component of astrophysical plasma turbulence. In the solar wind, long-wavelength compressive slow-mode fluctuations lead to changes in Ξ²βˆ₯p≑8Ο€npkBTβˆ₯p/B2\beta_{\parallel \mathrm p}\equiv 8\pi n_{\mathrm p}k_{\mathrm B}T_{\parallel \mathrm p}/B^2 and in Rp≑TβŠ₯p/Tβˆ₯pR_{\mathrm p}\equiv T_{\perp \mathrm p}/T_{\parallel \mathrm p}, where TβŠ₯pT_{\perp \mathrm p} and Tβˆ₯pT_{\parallel \mathrm p} are the perpendicular and parallel temperatures of the protons, BB is the magnetic field strength, and npn_{\mathrm p} is the proton density. If the amplitude of the compressive fluctuations is large enough, RpR_{\mathrm p} crosses one or more instability thresholds for anisotropy-driven microinstabilities. The enhanced field fluctuations from these microinstabilities scatter the protons so as to reduce the anisotropy of the pressure tensor. We propose that this scattering drives the average value of RpR_{\mathrm p} away from the marginal stability boundary until the fluctuating value of RpR_{\mathrm p} stops crossing the boundary. We model this "fluctuating-anisotropy effect" using linear Vlasov--Maxwell theory to describe the large-scale compressive fluctuations. We argue that this effect can explain why, in the nearly collisionless solar wind, the average value of RpR_{\mathrm p} is close to unity.Comment: 11 pages, published in Ap

    Relativistic Jets and Long-Duration Gamma-ray Bursts from the Birth of Magnetars

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    We present time-dependent axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interaction of a relativistic magnetized wind produced by a proto-magnetar with a surrounding stellar envelope, in the first ∼10\sim 10 seconds after core collapse. We inject a super-magnetosonic wind with EΛ™=1051\dot E = 10^{51} ergs sβˆ’1^{-1} into a cavity created by an outgoing supernova shock. A strong toroidal magnetic field builds up in the bubble of plasma and magnetic field that is at first inertially confined by the progenitor star. This drives a jet out along the polar axis of the star, even though the star and the magnetar wind are each spherically symmetric. The jet has the properties needed to produce a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB). At ∼5\sim 5 s after core bounce, the jet has escaped the host star and the Lorentz factor of the material in the jet at large radii ∼1011\sim 10^{11} cm is similar to that in the magnetar wind near the source. Most of the spindown power of the central magnetar escapes via the relativistic jet. There are fluctuations in the Lorentz factor and energy flux in the jet on ∼0.01βˆ’0.1\sim 0.01-0.1 second timescale. These may contribute to variability in GRB emission (e.g., via internal shocks).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in MNRAS letter, presented at the conference "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", 1-7 July, Huangshan, Chin
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