180 research outputs found

    Coupling of Caged Molecule Dynamics to JG β-Relaxation II: Polymers

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    At temperatures below the nominal glass transition temperature Tgα, the structural α-relaxation and the Johari-Goldstein (JG) β-relaxation are too slow to contribute to susceptibility measured at frequencies higher than 1 GHz. This is particularly clear in the neighborhood of the secondary glass transition temperature Tgβ, which can be obtained directly by positronium annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) and adiabatic calorimetry, or deduced from the temperature at which the JG β-relaxation time τβ reaches 1000 s. The fast process at such high frequencies comes from the vibrations and caged molecules dynamics manifested as the nearly constant loss (NCL) in susceptibility measurements, elastic scattering intensity, I(Q, T), or the mean-square-displacement, «u2(T)», in quasielastic neutron scattering experiment. Remarkably, we find for many different glass-formers that the NCL, I, or «u2» measured in the glassy state changes its temperature dependence at temperature THF near Tgβ. In paper I (Capaccioli, S.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119 (28), 8800-8808) we have made known this property in the case of the polyalcohols and a pharmaceutical glass former, flufenamic acid studied by THz dielectric spectroscopy, and explained it by the coupling of the NCL to the JG β-relaxation, and the density dependence of these processes. In this paper II, we extend the consideration of the high frequency response to broader range from 100 MHz to THz in the glassy state of many polymers observed by quasielastic light scattering, Brillouin scattering, quasielastic neutron scattering, and GHz-THz dielectric relaxation. In all cases, the NCL changes its T-dependence at some temperature, THF, below Tgα, which is approximately the same as Tgβ. The latter is independently determined by PALS, or adiabatic calorimetry, or low frequency dielectric and mechanical spectroscopy. The property, THF Tgβ, had not been pointed out before by others or in any of the quasielastic neutron and light scattering studies of various amorphous polymers and van der Waals small molecular glass-formers over the past three decades. The generality and fundamental importance of this novel property revitalize the data from these previous publications, making it necessary to be reckoned with in any attempt to solve the glass transition problem. In our rationalization, the property arises first from the fact that the JG β-relaxation and the caged dynamics both depends on density and entropy. Second, the JG β-relaxation is the terminator of the caged dynamics, and hence the two processes are inseparable or effectively coupled. Consequently, the occurrence of the secondary glass transition at Tgβ necessarily is accompanied by corresponding change in the temperature dependence of the NCL, I, or «u2» of the fast caged dynamics at THF =Tg

    Supercooled Liquid Dynamics Studied via Shear-Mechanical Spectroscopy

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    We report dynamical shear-modulus measurements for five glass-forming liquids (pentaphenyl trimethyl trisiloxane, diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, 1,2-propanediol, and m-touluidine). The shear-mechanical spectra are obtained by the piezoelectric shear-modulus gauge (PSG) method. This technique allows one to measure the shear modulus (105−101010^{5} -10^{10} Pa) of the liquid within a frequency range from 1 mHz to 10 kHz. We analyze the frequency-dependent response functions to investigate whether time-temperature superposition (TTS) is obeyed. We also study the shear-modulus loss-peak position and its high-frequency part. It has been suggested that when TTS applies, the high-frequency side of the imaginary part of the dielectric response decreases like a power law of the frequency with an exponent -1/2. This conjecture is analyzed on the basis of the shear mechanical data. We find that TTS is obeyed for pentaphenyl trimethyl trisiloxane and in 1,2-propanediol while in the remaining liquids evidence of a mechanical β\beta process is found. Although the the high-frequency power law behavior ω−α\omega^{-\alpha} of the shear-loss may approach a limiting value of α=0.5\alpha=0.5 when lowering the temperature, we find that the exponent lies systematically above this value (around 0.4). For the two liquids without beta relaxation (pentaphenyl trimethyl trisiloxane and 1,2-propanediol) we also test the shoving model prediction, according to which the the relaxation-time activation energy is proportional to the instantaneous shear modulus. We find that the data are well described by this model.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of entropy on the dynamics of supercooled liquids: New results from high pressure data

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    We show that for arbitrary thermodynamic conditions, master curves of the entropy are obtained by expressing S(T,V) as a function of TV^g_G, where T is temperature, V specific volume, and g_G the thermodynamic Gruneisen parameter. A similar scaling is known for structural relaxation times,tau = f(TV^g); however, we find g_G < g. We show herein that this inequality reflects contributions to S(T,V) from processes, such as vibrations and secondary relaxations, that do not directly influence the supercooled dynamics. An approximate method is proposed to remove these contributions, S_0, yielding the relationship tau = f(S-S_0).Comment: 10 pages 7 figure

    Synthesis, in vitro activity and in vivo toxicity of the new 2,3-dinitrobutadiene derivative (1E,3E)-1,4-bis(2-naphthyl)-2,3-dinitro-1,3-butadiene

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    Abstract Our interesting results on the antiproliferative (in vitro) and antitumour (in vivo) activities of (1E,3E)-1,4-bis(1-naphthyl)-2,3-dinitro-1,3-butadiene (1-Naph-DNB) have more recently induced us to design and synthesize some new 1,4-diaryl-2,3-dinitro-1,3-butadienes characterized by a common arylnitrobutadiene array but with different geometric and/or functional properties. This task was undertaken with the aim to obtain new compounds with an enhanced antiproliferative activity and, possibly, a different specificity with respect to the original (lead) compound. (1E,3E)-1,4-Bis(2-naphthyl)-2,3-dinitro-1,3-butadiene (2-Naph-DNB) is one of the molecules so obtained, a structural isomer of 1-Naph-DNB provided with a different spatial arrangement. When analyzed in vitro for its inhibition of cell proliferation 2-Naph-DNB showed a remarkable activity in the range of micromolar concentrations, with significant differences, with respect to 1-Naph-DNB, against some cell lines. Furthermore, it was able to significantly trigger apoptosis, to up-regulate p53, to block cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and, finally, to slightly bind to DNA forming interstrand cross-links (ISCL). 2-Naph-DNB was then analyzed for its toxic activity in vivo in CD1 mice. This allowed the determination of toxicity parameters such as the lethal doses (LD) and the maximal tolerated dose (MTD) together with the definition of the spectrum of tissue alterations due to its administration i.v. Altogether our data suggest that the idea of modifying the geometry of the lead compound 1-Naph-DNB deserves further investigation aimed at synthesizing new molecules with similar chemical functionalities but with different spatial requirements, hopefully characterized by still enhanced activities in terms of inhibition of cell proliferation and apoptosis

    Modelling regional land change scenarios to assess land abandonment and reforestation dynamics in the Pyrenees (France)

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    International audienceOver the last decades and centuries, European mountain landscapes have experienced substantial transformations. Natural and anthropogenic LULC changes (land use and land cover changes), especially agro-pastoral activities, have directed influenced the spatial organization and composition of European mountain landscapes. For the past 60 years, natural reforestation has been occurring due to a decline in both agricultural production activities and rural population. Stakeholders, to better anticipate future changes, need spatially and temporally explicit models to identiy areas at risk of land change and possible abandonment. This paper presents an integrated approach combining forecasting scenarios and a LULC changes simulation model to assess where LULC changes may occur in the Pyrenees Mountains, based on historical LULC trands and a range of future socio-economic drivers. The proposed methodology considers local specificities of Pyrenan valleys, sub-regional climate and topographical properties, and regional economic policies. Results indicate that some regions are projected to face strong abandonment, regardless of scenario conditions. Overall, high rates of change are associated with administrative regions where land productivity is highly dependent on socio-economic drivers and climatic and environmental conditions limit intensive (agricultural and/or pastoral) production and profitability. The combination of the results for the four scenarios allows assessements of where encroachment (e.g. colonization by shrublands) and reforestation are the most probable. This assessment intends to provide insight into the potential future development of the Pyrenees to help identify areas that are the most sensitive to change and to guide decision makers to help their management decisions

    IL-6-Dependent PGE2 Secretion by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Inhibits Local Inflammation in Experimental Arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Based on their capacity to suppress immune responses, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are intensively studied for various clinical applications. Although it has been shown in vitro that the immunomodulatory effect of MSCs mainly occurs through the secretion of soluble mediators, the mechanism is still not completely understood. The aim of the present study was to better understand the mechanisms underlying the suppressive effect of MSCs in vivo, using cells isolated from mice deficient in the production of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) or interleukin (IL)-6 in the murine model of collagen-induced arthritis. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, we show that primary murine MSCs from various strains of mice or isolated from mice deficient for iNOS or IL-6 exhibit different immunosuppressive potential. The immunomodulatory function of MSCs was mainly attributed to IL-6-dependent secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) with a minor role for NO. To address the role of these molecules in vivo, we used the collagen-induced arthritis as an experimental model of immune-mediated disorder. MSCs effectively inhibited collagen-induced inflammation during a narrow therapeutic window. In contrast to wild type MSCs, IL-6-deficient MSCs and to a lesser extent iNOS-deficient MSCs were not able to reduce the clinical signs of arthritis. Finally, we show that, independently of NO or IL-6 secretion or Treg cell induction, MSCs modulate the host response by inducing a switch to a Th2 immune response. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data indicate that mscs mediate their immunosuppressive effect via two modes of action: locally, they reduce inflammation through the secretion of anti-proliferative mediators, such as NO and mainly PGE2, and systemically they switch the host response from a Th1/Th17 towards a Th2 immune profile

    The kinetic fragility of liquids as manifestation of the elastic softening

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    We show that the fragility mm, the steepness of the viscosity and relaxation time close to the vitrification, increases with the degree of elastic softening, i.e. the decrease of the elastic modulus with increasing temperature, in universal way. This provides a novel connection between the thermodynamics, via the modulus, and the kinetics. The finding is evidenced by numerical simulations and comparison with the experimental data of glassformers with widely different fragilities (33≤m≤11533 \le m \le 115), leading to a fragility-independent elastic master curve extending over eighteen decades in viscosity and relaxation time. The master curve is accounted for by a cavity model pointing out the roles of both the available free volume and the cage softness. A major implication of our findings is that ultraslow relaxations, hardly characterised experimentally, become predictable by linear elasticity. As an example, the viscosity of supercooled silica is derived over about fifteen decades with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; Added new results, improved the theoretical sectio
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