655 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keamanan Data Dengan Metode Cropping Selection Pseudorandom

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    - Data security is a very important thing to be considered at every activity related to confidential data or are limited to a particular community. The data relating to sensitive information and valuable would be at risk if accessed by unauthorized people. In the banking world a lot of customer data that must be protected and carefully considered the safety factor like e-banking, sms banking, internet banking, etc. One of the ways to improve data security with cryptography. This cryptographic technique used to perform the encryption and decryption of data, convert or transform data into a code specific code. This is done so that the information stored and transmitted over the network most safely, for example via the Internet. This technique more safety because it can't be read by anyone except by those who are entitled. This study aims to improve data security with encryption security method Cropping Selection Pseudorandom. The advantage of this encryption technique that uses encryption algorithm is very light but safe in the sense that the results of the encryption can hide the original data into a form that is difficult to translate. Another thing that makes this a very safe method of encryption is the process of random or random algorithm so that it becomes difficult to predict and dismantled. The results achieved with this algorithm obtained an accuracy of above 97% to returns to the initial form

    The Correlation Between Eating Utensils and Place of Sales in the Contamination of Escherichia Coli in Food Sold at Campus Food Stalls

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    Up to now, in general, the safety of food that is sold at any canteens in the campuses, the eating utensils are handled and the food stalls are managed are still uncertain. This research was aimed to understand the correlation between the eating utensils handling and the contamination of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the food sold by the food vendors in the campus. The cross-sectional design research applied on the food stalls in the university campus in Depok with a total number of 173 consumers as respondents. The variables observed as independent variables were the sanitation of the eating utensils and the sanitation of the dining place. The examination method of the Most Probable Number (MPN) for E. coli was conducted to assess the food’s hygiene. The data analyzed using the chi-square test and followed by the logistic regression. The result showed that more than half of the food samples (59.54%) were contaminated by E. coli. The storage place of the eating utensils was most significantly correlated with the E. coli contamination of the served food with an OR=0.45 (0.21-0.87). Therefore, it is necessary to promote the awareness of this risk and reinforce supervision by the Health Authorities and by the management of the place of sales to provide guidance to the food vendors and to the consumers as well. Further research is recommended to observe the E. coli contamination through clean water, eating utensils, the hands of the consumers and the napkins used to wipe dry the eating utensils

    Hygiene Sanitasi Pedagang Kue dan Keberadaan Escherichia Coli pada Makanan Jajanan Kue Cucur di Wilayah Pasar Tradisional Desa Kaliyoso Kecamatan Bongomeme Kabupaten Gorontalo Tahun 2012

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    Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif dengan melihat gambaran hygiene sanitasi dan analisa laboratorium terhadap kandungan Escherichia coli dalam makanan jajanan kue cucur. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pedagang kue sebanyak 14 pedagang dan sampel yaitu 6 kue cucur dari 6 pedagang. Analisa data secara deskriptif, kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi dan di narasikan dengan kepustakaan yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua (100%) pedagang yang keadaan lokasi tempat jualannya tidak memenuhi syarat, terdapat 4 (67%) yang kondisi pedagangnya sudah memenuhi syarat, terdapat 3 (50%) pedagang yang cara penyajiannya sudah memenuhi syarat, serta terdapat 4 (67%) pedagang tingkat pengetahuannya tentang hygiene sanitasi sudah cukup baik. Sementara itu dari 6 sampel makanan jajanan cucur yang diperiksa menunjukan 4 (67%) sampel makanan jajanan kue cucur tidak mengandung Escherichia coli dan 2 (33%) sampel makanan jajanan kue mengandung Escherichia coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua (100%) pedagang yang keadaan lokasi tempat jualannya tidak memenuhi syarat, terdapat 4 (67%) yang kondisi pedagangnya sudah memenuhi syarat, terdapat 3 (50%) pedagang yang cara penyajiannya sudah memenuhi syarat, serta terdapat 4 (67%) pedagang tingkat pengetahuannya tentang hygiene sanitasi sudah cukup baik. Sementara itu dari 6 sampel makanan jajanan cucur yang diperiksa menunjukan 4 (67%) sampel makanan jajanan kue cucur tidak mengandung Escherichia coli dan 2 (33%) sampel makanan jajanan kue mengandung Escherichia coli. Saran yaitu perlu di adakan pengawasan dan penyuluhan oleh instansi terkait tentang pentingnya hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan, sehingga makanan jajanan yang dipasarkan memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Saran yaitu perlu di adakan pengawasan dan penyuluhan oleh instansi terkait tentang pentingnya hygiene sanitasi makanan jajanan, sehingga makanan jajanan yang dipasarkan memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Kata kunci : Hygiene Sanitasi, Pedagang, Escherichia coli, Makanan Jajanan Kue Kata kunci : Hygiene Sanitasi, Pedagang, Escherichia coli, Makanan Jajanan Ku

    The Implementation of Strategy-Based Instruction to Improve Students' Writing Skills

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    Learning strategy becomes an essential factor in the success of language learning. It is the first step for language learners to enhance their own learning because the learning strategies are tools for active, self-directed involvement, and essential to develop communicative competence (Oxford, 1990). Therefore, students need to be introduced to the various types of learning strategies through integrated strategy-based instruction. This research is aimed at improving students' writing skills, which is focused on the improvement of students' English grammatical competence through Strategy-Based Instruction (SBI). In this classroom action research, the students were engaged in a weekly integrated writing strategy-based instruction or training. They employed some learning strategies to improve their writing skills, i,e. writing difficult or new words and grammatical patterns on some small pieces of cards or mobile phones, using electronic dictionary, discussing their feeling with the lecturer, and practicing peer review, with a guided editing checklist. The findings show that there was an increase in the students' awareness to use strategies (i.e. using mechanical techniques, highlighting, making efforts to find out how a word works in context by checking it in the dictionary, discussing the indiscipline attitude to the lecturer, and practicing peer review with a guided editing checklist). The finding also shows that the students' grammatical competence as one of competences needed in writing improved

    Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Kerja, Perputaran Piutang dan Perputaran Persediaan terhadap Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Industri Barang Konsumsi di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The research was conducted to determine the effect of Working Capital Turnover, Receivabl Turnover, and Inventory Turnover to Profitability in Consumer Goods Industry Company in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of data used is the data panel of 10 industry sectors consumer goods companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange using the cross section.The results showed that the Working Capital Turnover, Receivable Turnover and Inventory Turnover jointly affect the profitability in the review of the Return On Investment (ROI). indicates that the value of F is equal to 28.0346. is equal to 2.6506. Test conditions, if F count > F table, or F-Statistic prob t tabel mean a significant difference in partial working capital turnover on profitability. and inventory turnover variable (X 3 ) to profitability (Y) t hitung variable inventory turnover amounted to 4.123983 t table of 1.9721. it can be deduced that there is a significant effect of the partial rotation of working capital on profitability


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    A city can be a place for productive tourism places. Bandung, for example, has become a tourists' city and especially benefited from weekend visitors from Jakarta. Visitors in the city are offered attractions for leisure and consumption. The city's attractions are dominated by heritages: from pattern of street layout to the existence of a distinctive architecture, to the variety of activities to create the city itself as a visitors' experience. These conditions need a deliberate attempt to create the city as multicultural places of consumption for both retail and tourism as part of urban cultural management. This paper examines the creation of the city as a tourism destination. It is argued that changes to the process of capital accumulation in many cities have led to the commodification of place at a local level. Part of this process has been the creation of heritage as a tangible asset and this is linked to changing patterns of consumer retail activity. This paper argued that tourism should not be conceptualized as a distinct activity but rather as a form of consumption in the context of both local and global changes

    Pengajaran Reflektif Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Dan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Quality of education and teacher professionalism are intertwined. In other words, the educators have responsibility to demonstrate professional commitment to the improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia. In demonstrating professional commitment, the educators are required to improve several aspects in doing their profession,i.e. the received knowledge, experiential knowledge, and awareness of doing reflection. The strategies in doing reflection include: (a) identifying/describing the problems/situation, (b) analyzing and interpreting the causes/reasons, (c) getting overall meaning and application, and (d) getting solutions or ways to prevent

    Isu Lingkungan dalam Komik Daichouhen Doraemon: Nobita To Animaru Puranetto Volume Ke-10 Karya Fujiko F. Fujio

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    Kata Kunci: Komik, Ekokritisisme, Isu Lingkungan, Alam, Pencemaran, Pemanasan GlobalMenurut Djamal Irawan, lingkungan hidup adalah kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk di dalamnya manusia dan perilakunya yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan kehidupan dan kesejahteraanmanusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya. Hasil interaksi antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungan memiliki efek positif maupun negatif. Efek negatif yang ditimbulkan dari interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya disebut dengan isu lingkungan. Isu lingkungan di Jepang mulai bermunculan sekitar tahun 1868 saat Restorasi Meiji, dan kerusakan-kerusakan lingkungan disertai dengan penyakit yang menyerang warga semakin sering terjadi. Salah satunya adalah Penyakit Minamata di Teluk Minamata akibat keracunan zat Merkuri pada tahun 1956. Kesadaran akan melestarikan lingkungan mulai digaungkan di Jepang pada tahun 1997. Pada tahun 1998, penduduk Jepang mulai diberikan penyuluhan mengenai pemanasan global. Pada tahun yang sama, Fujiko F. Fujio mengangkat isu-isu lingkungan global ke dalam komik Daichouhen Doraemon volume ke-10 ini sebagai sarana edukasi masyarakat tentang bahaya pemanasan global.Teori ekokritisisme dari Cheryll Glotfelly dan Greg Garrard digunakan untuk menganalisa isu-isu lingkungan yang tergambar dalam komik ini, termasuk jenis-jenis, penyebab, dan solusi dari isu lingkungan oleh Ir. Philip Kristanto. Selain itu, teori komik yang dicetuskan oleh Scott McCloud juga digunakan dalam menganalisa komik Daichouhen Doraemon: Nobita to Animaru Puranetto volume ke-10.Kesimpulan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat delapan jenis isu lingkungan global dalam komik Doraemon Petualangan volume ke-10: Nobita dan Planet Binatang yang disebabkan oleh populasi penduduk dan perkembangan IPTEK. Isu-isu lingkungan tersebut antara lain adalah alihfungsi hutan kota menjadi lahan komersil, penggundulan hutan yang mengakibatkan satwa-satwa liar kehilangan habitat, desertifikasi atau penggurunan yang mengakibatkan wabah kelaparan, polusi air yang menyebabkan hilangnya spesies-spesies hewan akuatis, polusi udara yang menyebabkan hujan asam, penggunaan nuklir sebagai senjata perang, dan pemanasan global (global warming)

    Computer Mediated Communication (Cmc) dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Lintas Budaya (Tinjauan pada Soompi Discussion Forum Empress Ki Tanyang Shipper)

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    This essay attempts to see the practice of computer mediated communication of soompi discussion forumTaNyang shipper trough intercultural communication perspective. By using computer mediated social learningtheory that emphasize closeness between the partisipant of the CMC despite of their phisical absence like in thepersonal communication does.The partisipants discusses and analyses everything about this TaNyang couple from the drama EmpressKi as well as about the Korean culture such as language, fashion, music, dancing and food. Because they presentedin the drama so well that like it or not partisipants have to be familiar with it.This is the excellence of the Korean goverment that has policy spreading korean culture trough drama. Sothat the partisipant of this forum who come from all over the country around the world and have their own culturehave been united by communicating one culture, Korean
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