39 research outputs found

    A new construction for a QMA complete 3-local Hamiltonian

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    We present a new way of encoding a quantum computation into a 3-local Hamiltonian. Our construction is novel in that it does not include any terms that induce legal-illegal clock transitions. Therefore, the weights of the terms in the Hamiltonian do not scale with the size of the problem as in previous constructions. This improves the construction by Kempe and Regev, who were the first to prove that 3-local Hamiltonian is complete for the complexity class QMA, the quantum analogue of NP. Quantum k-SAT, a restricted version of the local Hamiltonian problem using only projector terms, was introduced by Bravyi as an analogue of the classical k-SAT problem. Bravyi proved that quantum 4-SAT is complete for the class QMA with one-sided error (QMA_1) and that quantum 2-SAT is in P. We give an encoding of a quantum circuit into a quantum 4-SAT Hamiltonian using only 3-local terms. As an intermediate step to this 3-local construction, we show that quantum 3-SAT for particles with dimensions 3x2x2 (a qutrit and two qubits) is QMA_1 complete. The complexity of quantum 3-SAT with qubits remains an open question.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Walks on Necklaces and Mixing

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    We analyze continuous-time quantum walks on necklace graphs - cyclical graphs consisting of many copies of a smaller graph (pearl). Using a Bloch-type ansatz for the eigenfunctions, we block-diagonalize the Hamiltonian, reducing the effective size of the problem to the size of a single pearl. We then present a general approach for showing that the mixing time scales (with growing size of the necklace) similarly to that of a simple walk on a cycle. Finally, we present results for mixing on several necklace graphs

    Fast Universal Quantum Computation with Railroad-switch Local Hamiltonians

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    We present two universal models of quantum computation with a time-independent, frustration-free Hamiltonian. The first construction uses 3-local (qubit) projectors, and the second one requires only 2-local qubit-qutrit projectors. We build on Feynman's Hamiltonian computer idea and use a railroad-switch type clock register. The resources required to simulate a quantum circuit with L gates in this model are O(L) small-dimensional quantum systems (qubits or qutrits), a time-independent Hamiltonian composed of O(L) local, constant norm, projector terms, the possibility to prepare computational basis product states, a running time O(L log^2 L), and the possibility to measure a few qubits in the computational basis. Our models also give a simplified proof of the universality of 3-local Adiabatic Quantum Computation.Comment: Added references to work by de Falco et al., and realized that Feynman's '85 paper already contained the idea of a switch in i

    Preparing projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer

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    We present a quantum algorithm to prepare injective PEPS on a quantum computer, a class of open tensor networks representing quantum states. The run-time of our algorithm scales polynomially with the inverse of the minimum condition number of the PEPS projectors and, essentially, with the inverse of the spectral gap of the PEPS' parent Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Physical Review Letters. Removed heuristics, refined run-time boun

    Universal 2-local Hamiltonian Quantum Computing

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    We present a Hamiltonian quantum computation scheme universal for quantum computation (BQP). Our Hamiltonian is a sum of a polynomial number (in the number of gates L in the quantum circuit) of time-independent, constant-norm, 2-local qubit-qubit interaction terms. Furthermore, each qubit in the system interacts only with a constant number of other qubits. The computer runs in three steps - starts in a simple initial product-state, evolves it for time of order L^2 (up to logarithmic factors) and wraps up with a two-qubit measurement. Our model differs from the previous universal 2-local Hamiltonian constructions in that it does not use perturbation gadgets, does not need large energy penalties in the Hamiltonian and does not need to run slowly to ensure adiabatic evolution.Comment: recomputed the necessary number of interactions, new geometric layout, added reference

    The Quantum Transverse Field Ising Model on an Infinite Tree from Matrix Product States

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    We give a generalization to an infinite tree geometry of Vidal's infinite time-evolving block decimation (iTEBD) algorithm for simulating an infinite line of quantum spins. We numerically investigate the quantum Ising model in a transverse field on the Bethe lattice using the Matrix Product State ansatz. We observe a second order phase transition, with certain key differences from the transverse field Ising model on an infinite spin chain. We also investigate a transverse field Ising model with a specific longitudinal field. When the transverse field is turned off, this model has a highly degenerate ground state as opposed to the pure Ising model whose ground state is only doubly degenerate.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures, PDFlate

    Simulation of Classical Thermal States on a Quantum Computer: A Transfer Matrix Approach

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    We present a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to simulate thermal states of a classical Hamiltonians on a quantum computer. Our scheme employs a sequence of locally controlled rotations, building up the desired state by adding qubits one at a time. We identify a class of classical models for which our method is efficient and avoids potential exponential overheads encountered by Grover-like or quantum Metropolis schemes. Our algorithm also gives an exponential advantage for 2D Ising models with magnetic field on a square lattice, compared with the previously known Zalka's algorithm.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; (new in version 2: added new figure, title changed, rearranged paragraphs

    Criticality without frustration for quantum spin-1 chains

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    Frustration-free (FF) spin chains have a property that their ground state minimizes all individual terms in the chain Hamiltonian. We ask how entangled the ground state of a FF quantum spin-s chain with nearest-neighbor interactions can be for small values of s. While FF spin-1/2 chains are known to have unentangled ground states, the case s=1 remains less explored. We propose the first example of a FF translation-invariant spin-1 chain that has a unique highly entangled ground state and exhibits some signatures of a critical behavior. The ground state can be viewed as the uniform superposition of balanced strings of left and right parentheses separated by empty spaces. Entanglement entropy of one half of the chain scales as log(n)/2 + O(1), where n is the number of spins. We prove that the energy gap above the ground state is polynomial in 1/n. The proof relies on a new result concerning statistics of Dyck paths which might be of independent interest.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Version 2: minor changes in the proof of Lemma

    Hamiltonian Quantum Cellular Automata in 1D

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    We construct a simple translationally invariant, nearest-neighbor Hamiltonian on a chain of 10-dimensional qudits that makes it possible to realize universal quantum computing without any external control during the computational process. We only require the ability to prepare an initial computational basis state which encodes both the quantum circuit and its input. The computational process is then carried out by the autonomous Hamiltonian time evolution. After a time polynomially long in the size of the quantum circuit has passed, the result of the computation is obtained with high probability by measuring a few qudits in the computational basis. This result also implies that there cannot exist efficient classical simulation methods for generic translationally invariant nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians on qudit chains, unless quantum computers can be efficiently simulated by classical computers (or, put in complexity theoretic terms, unless BPP=BQP).Comment: explanation in Section II largely rewritten, 2 new figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Quantum Speedup by Quantum Annealing

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    We study the glued-trees problem of Childs et. al. in the adiabatic model of quantum computing and provide an annealing schedule to solve an oracular problem exponentially faster than classically possible. The Hamiltonians involved in the quantum annealing do not suffer from the so-called sign problem. Unlike the typical scenario, our schedule is efficient even though the minimum energy gap of the Hamiltonians is exponentially small in the problem size. We discuss generalizations based on initial-state randomization to avoid some slowdowns in adiabatic quantum computing due to small gaps.Comment: 7 page