16,993 research outputs found

    Improving Fixed-Point Implementation of QR Decomposition by Rounding-to-Nearest

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    QR decomposition is a key operation in many current communication systems. This paper shows how to reduce the area of a fixed-point QR decomposition implementation based on Givens rotations by using a new number representation system. This new representation allows performing round-tonearest at the same cost of truncation. Consequently, the rounding errors of the results are halved, which allows it to reduce the word-length by one bit. This reduction positively impacts on the area, delay and power consumption of the design.Ministry of Education and Science of Spain and Junta of Andalucía under contracts TIN2013-42253-P and TIC-1692, respectively, and Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Broadband transverse susceptibility in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22

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    Producción CientíficaNoncollinear spin systems with magnetically induced ferroelectricity from changes in spiral magnetic ordering have attracted significant interest in recent research due to their remarkable magnetoelectric effects with promising applications. Single phase multiferroics are of great interest for these new multifunctional devices, being Y-type hexaferrites good candidates, and among them the ZnY compounds due to their ordered magnetic behaviour over room temperature. Polycrystalline Y type hexaferrites with composition Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe2O22 (BSZFO) were sintered in 1050 °C–1250 °C temperature range. Transverse susceptibility measurements carried out on these BSZFO samples in the temperature range 80–350 K with DC fields up to ± 5000 Oe reveal different behaviour depending on the sintering temperature. Sample sintered at 1250 °C is qualitatively different, suggesting a mixed Y and Z phase like CoY hexaferrites. Sintering at lower temperatures produce single phase Y-type, but the transverse susceptibility behaviour of the sample sintered at 1150 °C is shifted at temperatures 15 K higher. Regarding the DC field sweeps the observed behaviour is a peak that shifts to lower values with increasing temperature, and the samples corresponding to single Y phase exhibit several maxima and minima in the 250 K–330 K range at low DC applied field as a result of the magnetic field induced spin transitions in this compound.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Agencia Estatal de Investigación with FEDER (MAT2016-80784-P

    A Cellular Automaton Model for the Traffic Flow in Bogota

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    In this work we propose a car cellular automaton model that reproduces the experimental behavior of traffic flows in Bogot\'a. Our model includes three elements: hysteresis between the acceleration and brake gaps, a delay time in the acceleration, and an instantaneous brake. The parameters of our model were obtained from direct measurements inside a car on motorways in Bogot\'a. Next, we simulated with this model the flux-density fundamental diagram for a single-lane traffic road and compared it with experimental data. Our simulations are in very good agreement with the experimental measurements, not just in the shape of the fundamental diagram, but also in the numerical values for both the road capacity and the density of maximal flux. Our model reproduces, too, the qualitative behavior of shock waves. In addition, our work identifies the periodic boundary conditions as the source of false peaks in the fundamental diagram, when short roads are simulated, that have been also found in previous works. The phase transition between free and congested traffic is also investigated by computing both the relaxation time and the order parameter. Our work shows how different the traffic behavior from one city to another can be, and how important is to determine the model parameters for each city.Comment: 14 pages and 13 figures (gzipped tar file). Submitted to Int.J.Mod.Phys.C. Minor changes, specially at references and typoes, plus a clearer summary of the CA rule

    Hodge polynomials of the moduli spaces of pairs

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    Let XX be a smooth projective curve of genus g≥2g\geq 2 over the complex numbers. A holomorphic pair on XX is a couple (E,ϕ)(E,\phi), where EE is a holomorphic bundle over XX of rank nn and degree dd, and ϕ∈H0(E)\phi\in H^0(E) is a holomorphic section. In this paper, we determine the Hodge polynomials of the moduli spaces of rank 2 pairs, using the theory of mixed Hodge structures. We also deal with the case in which EE has fixed determinant.Comment: 23 pages, typos added, minor change

    Proposal for a Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    The fact that neutrinos are massive suggests that the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) might be extended in order to include three gauge-singlet neutrino superfields with Yukawa couplings of the type H2LνcH_2 L \nu^c. We propose to use these superfields to solve the μ\mu problem of the MSSM without having to introduce an extra singlet superfield as in the case of the next-to-MSSM (NMSSM). In particular, terms of the type νcH1H2\nu^c H_1 H_2 in the superpotential may carry out this task spontaneously through sneutrino vacuum expectation values. In addition, terms of the type (νc)3(\nu^c)^3 avoid the presence of axions and generate effective Majorana masses for neutrinos at the electroweak scale. On the other hand, these terms break lepton number and R-parity explicitly implying that the phenomenology of this model is very different from the one of the MSSM or NMSSM. For example, the usual neutralinos are now mixed with the neutrinos. For Dirac masses of the latter of order 10−410^{-4} GeV, eigenvalues reproducing the correct scale of neutrino masses are obtained.Comment: 9 pages, latex, title modified. Final version published in PR
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