2,669 research outputs found

    Boundary and Midpoint Behaviors of Lump Solutions in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We discuss various issues concerning the behaviors near the boundary (\sigma=0,\pi) and the midpoint (\sigma=\pi/2) of the open string coordinate X(\sigma) and its conjugate momentum P(\sigma)=-i\delta/\delta X(\sigma) acting on the matter projectors of vacuum string field theory. Our original interest is in the dynamical change of the boundary conditions of the open string coordinate from the Neumann one in the translationally invariant backgrounds to the Dirichlet one in the D-brane backgrounds. We find that the Dirichlet boundary condition is realized on a lump solution only partially and only when its parameter takes a special value. On the other hand, the string midpoint has a mysterious property: it obeys the Neumann (Dirichlet) condition in the translationally invariant (lump) background.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e, a reference adde

    Field-induced Confined States in Graphene

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    We report an approach to confine the carriers in single-layer graphene, which leads to quantum devices with field-induced quantum confinement. We demonstrated that the Coulomb-blockade effect evolves under a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the graphene device. Our experimental results show that field-induced quantum dots are realized in graphene, and a quantum confinement-deconfinement transition is switched by the magnetic field

    Spin Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Induced by the Spin Hall Effect

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    We demonstrate that the spin Hall effect in a thin film with strong spin-orbit scattering can excite magnetic precession in an adjacent ferromagnetic film. The flow of alternating current through a Pt/NiFe bilayer generates an oscillating transverse spin current in the Pt, and the resultant transfer of spin angular momentum to the NiFe induces ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) dynamics. The Oersted field from the current also generates an FMR signal but with a different symmetry. The ratio of these two signals allows a quantitative determination of the spin current and the spin Hall angle

    Tensile bond strength and SEM analysis of enamel etched with Er:YAG laser and phosphoric acid: a comparative study In vitro

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    Er:YAG laser has been studied as a potential tool for restorative dentistry due to its ability to selectively remove oral hard tissue with minimal or no thermal damage to the surrounding tissues. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the tensile bond strength (TBS) of an adhesive/composite resin system to human enamel surfaces treated with 37% phosphoric acid, Er:YAG laser (lambda=2.94 mum) with a total energy of 16 J (80 mJ/pulse, 2Hz, 200 pulses, 250 ms pulse width), and Er:YAG laser followed by phosphoric acid etching. Analysis of the treated surfaces was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess morphological differences among the groups. TBS means (in MPa) were as follows: Er:YAG laser + acid (11.7 MPa) > acid (8.2 MPa) > Er:YAG laser (6.1 MPa), with the group treated with laser+acid being significantly from the other groups (p=0.0006 and p= 0.00019, respectively). The groups treated with acid alone and laser alone were significantly different from each other (p=0.0003). The SEM analysis revealed morphological changes that corroborate the TBS results, suggesting that the differences in TBS means among the groups are related to the different etching patterns produced by each type of surface treatment. The findings of this study indicate that the association between Er:YAG laser and phosphoric acid can be used as a valuable resource to increase bond strength to laser-prepared enamel.A tecnologia a laser tem sido estudada como uma ferramenta potencial para uso em odontologia devido à sua habilidade em remover tecido ósseo com um mínimo ou nenhum dano aos tecidos vizinhos. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar in vitro a resistência à tração do sistema adesivo em esmalte tratado com ácido fosfórico a 37 %, laser Er:YAG (lambda=2,94 mim) com energia total de 16 J (80 mJ/pulso, 2 Hz, 200 pulsos e largura de pulso de 250 ms) e com a combinação laser Er:YAG seguido por ácido fosfórico. O teste de resistência à tração foi usado para comparar a resistência à tração em cada grupo. Foi também realizada microscopia eletrônica de varredura para permitir a análise das diferenças morfológicas entre os grupos. Foram obtidos os seguintes valores médios de resistência para os grupos tratados com: laser (6,1 MPa), ácido fosfórico (8,2 MPa) e laser mais ácido (11,7 Mpa). Amostras tratadas com laser e ácido apresentaram valores maiores de resistência do que amostras com laser ou ácido isoladamente. A análise da microscopia eletrônica revelou diferenças que corroboram os resultados, demonstrando que diferenças de resistência entre os grupos são devidas às diferenças entre os padrões superficiais resultantes. Nossos resultados sugerem que a combinação do laser Er:YAG com ácido fosfórico pode ser usada como um método para aumentar a resistência à tração do sistema esmalte resina

    Small RNAs \u3e26 nt in length associate with AGO1 and are upregulated by nutrient deprivation in the alga Chlamydomonas

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    Small RNAs (sRNAs) associate with ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins forming effector complexes with key roles in gene regulation and defense responses against molecular parasites. In multicellular eukaryotes, extensive duplication and diversification of RNA interference (RNAi) components have resulted in intricate pathways for epigenetic control of gene expression. The unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii also has a complex RNAi machinery, including 3 AGOs and 3 DICER-like proteins. However, little is known about the biogenesis and function of most endogenous sRNAs. We demonstrate here that Chlamydomonas contains uncommonly long (\u3e26 nt) sRNAs that associate preferentially with AGO1. Somewhat reminiscent of animal PIWI-interacting RNAs, these \u3e26 nt sRNAs are derived from moderately repetitive genomic clusters and their biogenesis is DICER-independent. Interestingly, the sequences generating these \u3e26-nt sRNAs have been conserved and amplified in several Chlamydomonas species. Moreover, expression of these longer sRNAs increases substantially under nitrogen or sulfur deprivation, concurrently with the downregulation of predicted target transcripts. We hypothesize that the transposon-like sequences from which \u3e26-nt sRNAs are produced might have been ancestrally targeted for silencing by the RNAi machinery but, during evolution, certain sRNAs might have fortuitously acquired endogenous target genes and become integrated into gene regulatory networks

    Molecular evolution of urea amidolyase and urea carboxylase in fungi

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    Background: Urea amidolyase breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide in a two-step process, while another enzyme, urease, does this in a one step-process. Urea amidolyase has been found only in some fungal species among eukaryotes. It contains two major domains: the amidase and urea carboxylase domains. A shorter form of urea amidolyase is known as urea carboxylase and has no amidase domain. Eukaryotic urea carboxylase has been found only in several fungal species and green algae. In order to elucidate the evolutionary origin of urea amidolyase and urea carboxylase, we studied the distribution of urea amidolyase, urea carboxylase, as well as other proteins including urease, across kingdoms. Results: Among the 64 fungal species we examined, only those in two Ascomycota classes (Sordariomycetes and Saccharomycetes) had the urea amidolyase sequences. Urea carboxylase was found in many but not all of the species in the phylum Basidiomycota and in the subphylum Pezizomycotina (phylum Ascomycota). It was completely absent from the class Saccharomycetes (phylum Ascomycota; subphylum Saccharomycotina). Four Sordariomycetes species we examined had both the urea carboxylase and the urea amidolyase sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these two enzymes appeared to have gone through independent evolution since their bacterial origin. The amidase domain and the urea carboxylase domain sequences from fungal urea amidolyases clustered strongly together with the amidase and urea carboxylase sequences, respectively, from a small number of beta- and gammaproteobacteria. On the other hand, fungal urea carboxylase proteins clustered together with another copy of urea carboxylases distributed broadly among bacteria. The urease proteins were found in all the fungal species examined except for those of the subphylum Saccharomycotina. Conclusions: We conclude that the urea amidolyase genes currently found only in fungi are the results of a horizontal gene transfer event from beta-, gamma-, or related species of proteobacteria. The event took place before the divergence of the subphyla Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina but after the divergence of the subphylum Taphrinomycotina. Urea carboxylase genes currently found in fungi and other limited organisms were also likely derived from another ancestral gene in bacteria. Our study presented another important example showing plastic and opportunistic genome evolution in bacteria and fungi and their evolutionary interplay

    Seiberg-Witten Transforms of Noncommutative Solitons

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    We evaluate the Seiberg-Witten map for solitons and instantons in noncommutative gauge theories in various dimensions. We show that solitons constructed using the projection operators have delta-function supports when expressed in the commutative variables. This gives a precise identification of the moduli of these solutions as locations of branes. On the other hand, an instanton solution in four dimensions allows deformation away from the projection operator construction. We evaluate the Seiberg-Witten transform of the U(2) instanton and show that it has a finite size determined by the noncommutative scale and by the deformation parameter \rho. For large \rho, the profile of the D0-brane density of the instanton agrees surprisingly well with that of the BPST instanton on commutative space.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX; comments added, typos corrected, and a reference added; comments added, typos correcte