121 research outputs found

    Generators of nonclassical states by combination of the linear coupling of boson modes, Kerr nonlinearity and the strong linear losses

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    We show that the generators of quantum states of light can be built by employing the Kerr nonlinearity, a strong linear absorption or losses and the linear coupling of optical modes. Our setup can be realized, for instance, with the use of the optical fiber technology. We consider in detail the simplest cases of three and four coupled modes, where a strongly lossy mode is linearly coupled to other linear and nonlinear modes. In the three-mode design, our scheme emulates the third-order nonlinear absorption, allowing for generation of the single photon states, or the two-photon absorption allowing to generate the phase states. In the four-mode design, the scheme emulates a non-local absorption which produces an entangled state of two uncoupled modes. We also note that in the latter case and in the case of the phase states generation the output state is in the linear modes, which prevents its subsequent degradation by the strong losses accompanying the strong Kerr nonlinearity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; typos in the text and figures were correcte

    Second-order superposition operations via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference

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    We propose an experimental scheme to implement a second-order nonlocal superposition operation and its variants by way of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. The second-order coherent operations enable us to generate a NOON state with high particle number in a heralded fashion and also can be used to enhance the entanglement properties of continuous variable states. We discuss the feasibility of our proposed scheme considering realistic experimental conditions such as on-off photodetectors with nonideal efficiency and imperfect single-photon sources.Comment: published version, 6 pages, 6 figure

    Tomography by noise

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    We present an efficient and robust method for the reconstruction of photon number distributions by using solely thermal noise as a probe. The method uses a minimal number of pre-calibrated quantum devices, only one on/off single-photon detector is sufficient. Feasibility of the method is demonstrated by the experimental inference of single-photon, thermal and two-photon states. The method is stable to experimental imperfections and provides a direct, user-friendly quantum diagnostics tool

    Biased tomography schemes: an objective approach

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    We report on an intrinsic relationship between the maximum-likelihood quantum-state estimation and the representation of the signal. A quantum analogy of the transfer function determines the space where the reconstruction should be done without the need for any ad hoc truncations of the Hilbert space. An illustration of this method is provided by a simple yet practically important tomography of an optical signal registered by realistic binary detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in PR

    Nonlinear dissipation can combat linear loss

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    We demonstrate that it is possible to compensate for effects of strong linear loss when generating non-classical states by engineered nonlinear dissipation. We show that it is always possible to construct such a loss-resistant dissipative gadget in which, for a certain class of initial states, the desired non-classical pure state can be attained within a particular time interval with an arbitrary precision. Further we demonstrate that an arbitrarily large linear loss can still be compensated by a sufficiently strong coherent or even thermal driving, thus attaining a strongly non-classical (in particular, sub-Poissonian) stationary mixed states.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Quantum tight-binding chains with dissipative coupling

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    We present a one-dimensional tight-binding chain of two-level systems coupled only through common dissipative Markovian reservoirs. This quantum chain can demonstrate anomalous thermodynamic behavior contradicting Fourier law. Population dynamics of individual systems of the chain is polynomial with the order determined by the initial state of the chain. The chain can simulate classically hard problems, such as multi-dimensional random walks
