750 research outputs found

    Sparling two-forms, the conformal factor and the gravitational energy density of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity

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    It has been shown recently that within the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR) it is possible to define the energy density of the gravitational field. The TEGR amounts to an alternative formulation of Einstein's general relativity, not to an alternative gravity theory. The localizability of the gravitational energy has been investigated in a number of space-times with distinct topologies, and the outcome of these analises agree with previously known results regarding the exact expression of the gravitational energy, and/or with the specific properties of the space-time manifold. In this article we establish a relationship between the expression for the gravitational energy density of the TEGR and the Sparling two-forms, which are known to be closely connected with the gravitational energy. We also show that our expression of energy yields the correct value of gravitational mass contained in the conformal factor of the metric field.Comment: 12 pages, Latex file, no figures, to be published in Gen. Rel. Gra

    The Casimir effect for the scalar and Elko fields in a Lifshitz-like field theory

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    In this work, we obtain the Casimir energy for the real scalar field and the Elko neutral spinor field in a field theory at a Lifshitz fixed point (LP). We analyze the massless and the massive case for both fields using dimensional regularization. We obtain the Casimir energy in terms of the dimensional parameter and the LP parameter. Particularizing our result, we can recover the usual results without LP parameter in (3+1) dimensions presented in the literature. Moreover, we compute the effects of the LP parameter in the thermal corrections for the massless scalar field.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, some results have been modified and other changes to the text have been made to match the accepted version in Eur. Phys. J.

    Gravity localization on hybrid branes

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    This work deals with gravity localization on codimension-1 brane worlds engendered by compacton-like kinks, the so-called hybrid branes. In such scenarios, the thin brane behaviour is manifested when the extra dimension is outside the compact domain, where the energy density is non-trivial, instead of asymptotically as in the usual thick brane models. The zero mode is trapped in the brane, as required. The massive modes, although are not localized in the brane, have important phenomenological implications such as corrections to the Newton's law. We study such corrections in the usual thick domain wall and in the hybrid brane scenarios. By means of suitable numerical methods, we attain the mass spectrum for the graviton and the corresponding wavefunctions. The spectra possess the usual linearly increasing behaviour from the Kaluza-Klein theories. Further, we show that the 4D gravitational force is slightly increased at short distances. The first eigenstate contributes highly for the correction to the Newton's law. The subsequent normalized solutions have diminishing contributions. Moreover, we find out that the phenomenology of the hybrid brane is not different from the usual thick domain wall. The use of numerical techniques for solving the equations of the massive modes is useful for matching possible phenomenological measurements in the gravitational law as a probe to warped extra dimensions.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Energy of general 4-dimensional stationary axisymmetric spacetime in the teleparallel geometry

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    The field equation with the cosmological constant term is derived and the energy of the general 4-dimensional stationary axisymmetric spacetime is studied in the context of the hamiltonian formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR). We find that, by means of the integral form of the constraints equations of the formalism naturally without any restriction on the metric parameters, the energy for the asymptotically flat/de Sitter/Anti-de Sitter stationary spacetimes in the Boyer-Lindquist coordinate can be expressed as E=18π∫Sdθdϕ(sinθgθθ+gϕϕ−(1/grr)(∂gθθgϕϕ/∂r))E=\frac{1}{8\pi}\int_S d\theta d\phi(sin\theta \sqrt{g_{\theta\theta}}+\sqrt{g_{\phi\phi}}-(1/\sqrt{g_{rr}})(\partial{\sqrt{g_ {\theta\theta} g_{\phi\phi}}}/\partial r)). It is surprised to learn that the energy expression is relevant to the metric components grrg_{rr}, gθθg_{\theta\theta} and gϕϕg_{\phi\phi} only. As examples, by using this formula we calculate the energies of the Kerr-Newman (KN), Kerr-Newman Anti-de Sitter (KN-AdS), Kaluza-Klein, and Cveti\v{c}-Youm spacetimes.Comment: 12 page

    Space-time defects and teleparallelism

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    We consider the class of space-time defects investigated by Puntigam and Soleng. These defects describe space-time dislocations and disclinations (cosmic strings), and are in close correspondence to the actual defects that arise in crystals and metals. It is known that in such materials dislocations and disclinations require a small and large amount of energy, respectively, to be created. The present analysis is carried out in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR). We evaluate the gravitational energy of these space-time defects in the framework of the TEGR and find that there is an analogy between defects in space-time and in continuum material systems: the total gravitational energy of space-time dislocations and disclinations (considered as idealized defects) is zero and infinit, respectively.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, to appear in the Class. Quantum Gravit

    Lost in Cloud

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    Cloud computing can reduce cost significantly because businesses can share computing resources. In recent years Small and Medium Businesses (SMB) have used Cloud effectively for cost saving and for sharing IT expenses. With the success of SMBs, many perceive that the larger enterprises ought to move into Cloud environment as well. Government agency s stove-piped environments are being considered as candidates for potential use of Cloud either as an enterprise entity or pockets of small communities. Cloud Computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than as a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility over a network. Underneath the offered services, there exists a modern infrastructure cost of which is often spread across its services or its investors. As NASA is considered as an Enterprise class organization, like other enterprises, a shift has been occurring in perceiving its IT services as candidates for Cloud services. This paper discusses market trends in cloud computing from an enterprise angle and then addresses the topic of Cloud Computing for NASA in two possible forms. First, in the form of a public Cloud to support it as an enterprise, as well as to share it with the commercial and public at large. Second, as a private Cloud wherein the infrastructure is operated solely for NASA, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. The paper addresses the strengths and weaknesses of both paradigms of public and private Clouds, in both internally and externally operated settings. The content of the paper is from a NASA perspective but is applicable to any large enterprise with thousands of employees and contractors

    Seleção de genes endógenos para análise de qRT-PCR em sementes de café.

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    A técnica quantitativa de PCR em tempo real, qRT-PCR, permite analisar a expressão de genes alvo em diferentes condições experimentais. No entanto, a análise precisa dos resultados gerados pela qRT-PCR está diretamente relacionada ao gene normalizador utilizado, o qual deve apresentar expressão constitutiva semelhante para as diferentes amostras/tratamentos avaliados no experimento. Os genes normalizadores escolhidos para as análises em sementes podem diferir daqueles utilizados para as raízes e folhas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação de genes normalizadores úteis ao estudo de expressão gênica em sementes. O experimento englobou sementes mantidas nos frutos, sementes desmuciladas mecanicamente ou por meio da fermentação. Essas sementes e frutos foram em seguida, secados à sombra ou em secador até atingirem os teores de água de 12% ou 35%, foram acondicionados em embalagens herméticas e mantidos em câmara fria (10ºC/ 40%UR) por um período de até 12 meses. Foram avaliados 11 genes candidatos a normalizadores, os quais foram escolhidos, previamente, em um estudo de microarranjos. As expressões e estabilidade destes genes foram avaliadas por meio dos softwares geNorm, NormFinder, Delta Ct e BestKeeper. Pela análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos a partir destes softwares, observou-se que a estabilidade de um gene normalizador é variável em função do fator experimental considerado. O gene da actina é indicado como normalizador nas análises de expressão gênica em sementes de café quando forem considerados todos os três fatores avaliados neste estudo, ou seja, processamento, secagem e armazenamento
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