81 research outputs found

    Improving the Nutritional Status of Preschool Children by Supplementing Adequate Calories

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian perbaikan gizi di PT Perkebunan XI, Kebun Karet, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Anak prasekolah umur 1-5 tahun dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut: Kelom­pok I adalah kelompok kontrol; Kelompok II diberi makanan tambahan kalori tinggi (C); Kelompok III diberi makanan tambahan kalori tinggi protein tinggi (CP); dan Kelompok IV diberi makanan tam­bahan kalori tinggi protein tinggi ditambah pendidikan gizi intensif (CPE). Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 32-35 anak. Pemberian makanan tambahan dilakukan setiap hari selama 4 bulan (122 hari). Makanan tambahan C mengandung rata-rata 500 kalori dan 4 g protein, sedangkan makanan tambahan CP me­ngandung rata-rata 500 kalori dan 20 g protein. Lain daripada itu pengobatan sederhana terhadap infek­si diberikan kepada setiap anak pada semua kelompok. Konsumsi kalori sangat rendah dibandingkan dengan konsumsi protein. Dengan pemberian tambahan kalori yang cukup, tingkat keadaan gizi bertambah baik secara nyata. Perbaikan keadaan gizi pada ke­lompok yang diberi makanan tambahan C sama dengan pada kelompok yang diberi tambahan makanan CP dan CPE. Pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap perbaikan keadaan gizi belum tampak sesudah 6 bulan perlakuan. Hampir 50 % anak dijumpai menderita infeksi, dan jumlah ini menunjukkan kecenderungan berkurang selama program berlangsung

    Aflatoxin Dalam Kacang Tanah, Minyak, Bungkil Dan Oncom

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    Kandungan aflatoxin kacang tanah, minyak, bungkil, oncom diteliti dari bahan-bahan contoh yang diambil dari beberapa pabrik minyak kacang, pembuat oncom dan pedagang oncom di pasar dalam kotamadya Bandung.Sebagian kecil bungkil dari pabrik minyak kacang langsung diolah menjadi oncom. Sebagian besar melalui penyimpanan dulu. Suhu dan lembab nisbi ditempatkan penyimpanan memungkinkan pertumbuhan cendawan penghasil aflatoxin subur. Pengolahan bungkil kacang menjadi oncom dapat mengurangi kandungan aflatoxin

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Status Gizi Keluarga di Tiga Daerah Berbeda Pola Kekerabatan

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    The study was carried out in three different kinship areas : bilineal in West Java, patrilineal in Lampung and matrilineal in West Sumatera. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of sociocultural factors that may effect nutritional status. A total of428 women in three study areas were interviewed and families were observed. The mean per capita expenditure was about the same in the three areas, and the portion of expenditure for food was 55 to 59 percent. Based on weight for height using WHO-NCHS standard, the percent of families with malnourished children was 42,9 percent in Cianjur (West Java), 29,5 percent in Lampung Selatan (Lampung), and 30,7 percent in Tanah Datar (West Sumatera). The study revealed that condition and characteristic of the families of different kinships in the study areas contribute the difference in knowledge, practice and eating pattern leading to the difference in nutritional status. In promoting behavioural change and for determining appropriate approaches to use, factors such as the role and status of women in the family in different kinships and community experiences combined with appropriate methods of adult education should be considered in applying the nutrition extension programme

    Nutrition Anemia and Physical Endurance Among Civil Construction Workers

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    Penyelidikan ini adalah untuk membuktikan suatu hypothesa bahwa ada pengaruh dari keadaan gizi dan kesehatan terhadap kemampuan bekerja para pekerja. Sejumlah 571 pekerja laki-laki telah dipilih dari tiga daerah tempat bekerja yaitu : Rentang, Seladarma (pembuatan canalj Halim Perdanakusuma (pembuatan lapangan terbang) Didapatkan bahwa seluruh pekerja mempunyai nilai gizi yang borderline dan tidak ada perbedaan didalam keadaan fisik mereka, namun masih terdapat rata-rata 30 percent menderita anemia. Anemia banyak disertai dengan rendahnya kadar Iron darah pada pekerja di Rentang dan Seladarma hal ini tidak terdapat pada pekerja di Halim. (Table 4). Mengenai infeksi cacing terutama cacing tambang maka diseluruh pekerja menderita infeksi cacing tersebut tingkat pertama yaitu infeksi ringan yang tidak akan mempengaruhi keadaan fisik kecuali hanya kekurangan Iron didalam darah. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan bekerja maka telah dipakai Harvard Step Test Scores selama 5 menit. Dan ternyata bila pekerja-pekerja tersebut dibagi dua group yaitu yang diatas dan yang dibawah nilai Hb. 11 Gm/100 ml maka terdapat perbedaan yang menyolok sekali atas kemampuan pekerja tersebut didalam melakukan test fisik. Hal ini sesuai dengan penyelidikan Veteri. Perlu juga disini diketahui bahwa pekerja berasal dari Rentang dan Seladarma lebih banyak menggunakan tenaga kaki oleh karena selalu naik dan turun canal. Kesimpulan penyelidikan ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang positip antara faktor makanan dan infeksi cacing dengan kemampuan bekerja yang dewasa ini amat diperlukan didalam pembangunan negara

    Systematic mapping of free energy landscapes of a growing filamin domain during biosynthesis

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    Cotranslational folding (CTF) is a fundamental molecular process that ensures efficient protein biosynthesis and minimizes the formation of misfolded states. However, the complexity of this process makes it extremely challenging to obtain structural characterizations of CTF pathways. Here, we correlate observations of translationally arrested nascent chains with those of a systematic C-terminal truncation strategy. We create a detailed description of chain length-dependent free energy landscapes associated with folding of the FLN5 filamin domain, in isolation and on the ribosome, and thus, quantify a substantial destabilization of the native structure on the ribosome. We identify and characterize two folding intermediates formed in isolation, including a partially folded intermediate associated with the isomerization of a conserved cis proline residue. The slow folding associated with this process raises the prospect that neighboring unfolded domains might accumulate and misfold during biosynthesis. We develop a simple model to quantify the risk of misfolding in this situation and show that catalysis of folding by peptidyl-prolyl isomerases is sufficient to eliminate this hazard. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.

    Micronutrient malnutrition and wasting in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis with and without HIV co-infection in Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Wasting and micronutrient malnutrition have not been well characterized in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. We hypothesized that micronutrient malnutrition is associated with wasting and higher plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) load in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study involving 579 HIV-positive and 222 HIV-negative adults with pulmonary tuberculosis in Zomba, Malawi, anthropometry, plasma HIV load and plasma micronutrient concentrations (retinol, α-tocopherol, carotenoids, zinc, and selenium) were measured. The risk of micronutrient deficiencies was examined at different severity levels of wasting. RESULTS: Body mass index (BMI), plasma retinol, carotenoid and selenium concentrations significantly decreased by increasing tertile of plasma HIV load. There were no significant differences in plasma micronutrient concentrations between HIV-negative individuals and HIV-positive individuals who were in the lowest tertile of plasma HIV load. Plasma vitamin A concentrations <0.70 μmol/L occurred in 61%, and zinc and selenium deficiency occurred in 85% and 87% respectively. Wasting, defined as BMI<18.5 was present in 59% of study participants and was independently associated with a higher risk of low carotenoids, and vitamin A and selenium deficiency. Severe wasting, defined as BMI<16.0 showed the strongest associations with deficiencies in vitamin A, selenium and plasma carotenoids. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that wasting and higher HIV load in pulmonary tuberculosis are associated with micronutrient malnutrition

    REVEL: An Ensemble Method for Predicting the Pathogenicity of Rare Missense Variants

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    Supplemental Data Supplemental Data include one figure and five tables and can be found with this article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.016. Supplemental Data Document S1. Figure S1 and Tables S1–S5 Download Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Data Download Web Resources ClinVar, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/ dbNSFP, https://sites.google.com/site/jpopgen/dbNSFP Human Gene Mutation Database, http://www.hgmd.cf.ac.uk/ REVEL, https://sites.google.com/site/revelgenomics/ SwissVar, http://swissvar.expasy.org/ The vast majority of coding variants are rare, and assessment of the contribution of rare variants to complex traits is hampered by low statistical power and limited functional data. Improved methods for predicting the pathogenicity of rare coding variants are needed to facilitate the discovery of disease variants from exome sequencing studies. We developed REVEL (rare exome variant ensemble learner), an ensemble method for predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants on the basis of individual tools: MutPred, FATHMM, VEST, PolyPhen, SIFT, PROVEAN, MutationAssessor, MutationTaster, LRT, GERP, SiPhy, phyloP, and phastCons. REVEL was trained with recently discovered pathogenic and rare neutral missense variants, excluding those previously used to train its constituent tools. When applied to two independent test sets, REVEL had the best overall performance (p < 10−12) as compared to any individual tool and seven ensemble methods: MetaSVM, MetaLR, KGGSeq, Condel, CADD, DANN, and Eigen. Importantly, REVEL also had the best performance for distinguishing pathogenic from rare neutral variants with allele frequencies <0.5%. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for REVEL was 0.046–0.182 higher in an independent test set of 935 recent SwissVar disease variants and 123,935 putatively neutral exome sequencing variants and 0.027–0.143 higher in an independent test set of 1,953 pathogenic and 2,406 benign variants recently reported in ClinVar than the AUCs for other ensemble methods. We provide pre-computed REVEL scores for all possible human missense variants to facilitate the identification of pathogenic variants in the sea of rare variants discovered as sequencing studies expand in scale
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