1,590 research outputs found
The identification of MAXI J1659-152 as a black hole candidate
We report on the analysis of all 65 pointed Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
observations of the recently discovered soft X-ray transient MAXI J1659-152
(initially referred to as GRB 100925A). The source was studied in terms of its
evolution through the hardness-intensity diagram (HID) as well as its X-ray
variability properties. MAXI J1659-152 traced out an anti-clockwise loop in the
HID, which is commonly seen in transient low-mass X-ray binaries. The
variability properties of the source, in particular the detection of type-B and
type-C low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations, and the way they evolve along
the HID track, indicate that MAXI J1659-152 is a black hole candidate. The
spectral and variability properties of MAXI J1659-152 imply that the source was
observed in the hard and soft intermediate states during the RXTE observations,
with several transitions between these two states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
Low-frequency QPO from the 11 Hz accreting pulsar in Terzan 5: not frame dragging
We report on 6 RXTE observations taken during the 2010 outburst of the 11 Hz
accreting pulsar IGR J17480-2446 located in the globular cluster Terzan 5.
During these observations we find power spectra which resemble those seen in
Z-type high-luminosity neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries, with a
quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the 35-50 Hz range simultaneous with a kHz
QPO and broad band noise. Using well known frequency-frequency correlations, we
identify the 35-50 Hz QPOs as the horizontal branch oscillations (HBO), which
were previously suggested to be due to Lense-Thirring precession. As IGR
J17480-2446 spins more than an order of magnitude more slowly than any of the
other neutron stars where these QPOs were found, this QPO can not be explained
by frame dragging. By extension, this casts doubt on the Lense-Thirring
precession model for other low-frequency QPOs in neutron-star and perhaps even
black-hole systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ
High Levels of Circularly Polarized Emission from the Radio Jet in NGC 1275 (3C 84)
We present multi-frequency, high resolution VLBA circular polarization images
of the radio source 3C 84 in the center of NGC 1275. Our images reveal a
complex distribution of circular polarization in the inner parsec of the radio
jet, with local levels exceeding 3% polarization, the highest yet detected with
VLBI techniques. The circular polarization changes sign along the jet, making
3C 84 also the first radio jet to show both signs of circular polarization
simultaneously. The spectrum and changing sign of the circular polarization
indicate that it is unlikely to be purely intrinsic to the emitted synchrotron
radiation. The Faraday conversion process makes a significant and perhaps
dominant contribution to the circular polarization, and the observed spectrum
suggests the conversion process is near saturation. The sign change in the
circular polarization along the jet may result from this saturation or may be
due to a change in magnetic field order after an apparent bend in the jet. From
the small spatial scales probed here, ~ 0.15 pc, and the comparably high levels
of circular polarization inferred for the intra-day variable source PKS
1519-273, we suggest a connection between small spatial scales and efficient
production of circular polarization.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in ApJ Letter
MOJAVE: Monitoring of jets in active galactic nuclei with VLBA experiments. I. First-epoch 15 GHz linear polarization images
We present first-epoch, milliarcsecond-scale linear polarization images at 15 GHz of 133 jets associated with active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from the MOJAVE (Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments) survey. MOJAVE is a long-term observational program to study the structure and evolution of relativistic outflows in AGNs. The sample consists of all known AGNs with Galactic latitude vertical bar b vertical bar \u3e 2.degrees 5, J2000.0 declination greater than -20 degrees, and correlated 15 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) flux density exceeding 1.5 Jy (2 Jy for sources below the celestial equator) at any epoch during the period 1994-2003. Of the 133 AGNs that satisfy these criteria, 96 are also part of the VLBA 2 cm Survey. Because of strong selection effects, the sample is dominated by blazars with parsec-scale morphologies consisting of a bright core component at the extreme end of a one-sided jet. At least one-third of the cores are completely unresolved on the longest VLBA baselines, indicating brightness temperatures above 1011 K. These cores tend to have electric vectors that are better aligned with the inner jet direction, possibly indicating the presence of a stationary shock near the base of the jet. The linear polarization levels of the cores are generally low (\u3c5%), but many of the extended jet regions display exceedingly high fractional polarizations (\u3e50%) and electric vectors aligned with the jet ridge line, consistent with optically thin emission from transverse shocks. The cores and jets of the radio galaxies show very little or no linear polarization. Both the weak- and strong-lined blazar classes (BL Lac objects and high-polarization radio quasars) show a general increase in fractional polarization with distance down the jet, but the BL Lac jets are generally more polarized and have electric vectors preferentially aligned with the local jet direction. We show that these differences are intrinsic to the jets and not the result of observational biases. We find that distinct features in the jets of gamma-ray-loud (EGRET) blazars are typically twice as luminous as those in non-EGRET blazars and are more highly linearly polarized. These differences can be adequately explained if gamma-ray blazars have higher Doppler-boosting factors, as the result of better alignment with the line of sight and/or higher bulk Lorentz factors
MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VI. Kinematics Analysis of a Complete Sample of Blazar Jets
We discuss the jet kinematics of a complete flux-density-limited sample of
135 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) resulting from a 13 year program to
investigate the structure and evolution of parsec-scale jet phenomena. Our
analysis is based on new 2 cm Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) images obtained
between 2002 and 2007, but includes our previously published observations made
at the same wavelength, and is supplemented by VLBA archive data. In all, we
have used 2424 images spanning the years 1994-2007 to study and determine the
motions of 526 separate jet features in 127 jets. The data quality and temporal
coverage (a median of 15 epochs per source) of this complete AGN jet sample
represents a significant advance over previous kinematics surveys. In all but
five AGNs, the jets appear one-sided, most likely the result of differential
Doppler boosting. In general the observed motions are directed along the jet
ridge line, outward from the optically thick core feature. We directly observe
changes in speed and/or direction in one third of the well-sampled jet
components in our survey. While there is some spread in the apparent speeds of
separate features within an individual jet, the dispersion is about three times
smaller than the overall dispersion of speeds among all jets. This supports the
idea that there is a characteristic flow that describes each jet, which we have
characterized by the fastest observed component speed. The observed maximum
speed distribution is peaked at ~10c, with a tail that extends out to ~50c.
This requires a distribution of intrinsic Lorentz factors in the parent
population that range up to ~50. We also note the presence of some rare
low-pattern speeds or even stationary features in otherwise rapidly flowing
jets... (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted by the Astronomical Journal;
online only material is available from
MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments. VII. Blazar Jet Acceleration
We discuss acceleration measurements for a large sample of extragalactic
radio jets from the MOJAVE program which studies the parsec-scale jet structure
and kinematics of a complete, flux-density-limited sample of Active Galactic
Nuclei (AGN). Accelerations are measured from the apparent motion of individual
jet features or "components" which may represent patterns in the jet flow. We
find that significant accelerations are common both parallel and perpendicular
to the observed component velocities. Parallel accelerations, representing
changes in apparent speed, are generally larger than perpendicular acceleration
that represent changes in apparent direction. The trend for larger parallel
accelerations indicates that a significant fraction of these changes in
apparent speed are due to changes in intrinsic speed of the component rather
than changes in direction to the line of sight. We find an overall tendency for
components with increasing apparent speed to be closer to the base of their
jets than components with decreasing apparent speed. This suggests a link
between the observed pattern motions and the underlying flow which, in some
cases, may increase in speed close to the base and decrease in speed further
out; however, common hydro-dynamical processes for propagating shocks may also
play a role. About half of the components show "non-radial" motion, or a
misalignment between the component's structural position angle and its velocity
direction, and these misalignments generally better align the component motion
with the downstream emission. Perpendicular accelerations are closely linked
with non-radial motion. When observed together, perpendicular accelerations are
usually in the correct direction to have caused the observed misalignment.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa
MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments - II. First-Epoch 15 GHz Circular Polarization Results
We report first-epoch circular polarization results for 133 active galactic
nuclei in the MOJAVE program to monitor the structure and polarization of a
flux limited sample of extra-galactic radio jets with the VLBA at 15 GHz. We
found strong circular polarization (%) in approximately 15% of our
sample. The circular polarization was usually associated with jet cores;
however, we did find a few strong jet components to be circularly polarized.
The levels of circular polarization were typically in the range of %
of the local Stokes-. We found no strong correlations between fractional
circular polarization of jet cores and source type, redshift, EGRET detections,
linear polarization, or other observed parsec-scale jet properties. There were
differences between the circular-to-linear polarization ratios of two nearby
galaxies versus more distant quasars and BL Lac objects. We suggest this is
because the more distant sources either have (1) less depolarization of their
linear polarization, and/or (2) poorer effective linear resolution and
therefore their VLBA cores apparently contain a larger amount of linearly
polarized jet emission. The jet of 3C 84 shows a complex circular polarization
structure, similar to observations by Homan & Wardle five years earlier;
however, much of the circular polarization seems to have moved, consistent with
a proper motion of 0.06. The jet of 3C 273 also has several circularly
polarized components, and we find their fractional circular polarization
decreases with distance from the core.Comment: 24 pages, accepted to appear in Astronomical Journa
Morphological analysis on the coherence of kHz QPOs
We take the recently published data of twin kHz quasi-period oscillations
(QPOs) in neutron star (NS) lowmass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) as the samples, and
investigate the morphology of the samples, which focuses on the quality factor,
peak frequency of kHz QPOs, and try to infer their physical mechanism. We
notice that: (1) The quality factors of upper kHz QPOs are low (2 ~ 20 in
general) and increase with the kHz QPO peak frequencies for both Z and Atoll
sources. (2) The distribution of quality factor versus frequency for the lower
kHz QPOs are quite different between Z and Atoll sources. For most Z source
samples, the quality factors of lower kHz QPOs are low (usually lower than 15)
and rise steadily with the peak frequencies except for Sco X-1, which drop
abruptly at the frequency of about 750 Hz. While for most Atoll sources, the
quality factors of lower kHz QPOs are very high (from 2 to 200) and usually
have a rising part, a maximum and an abrupt drop. (3) There are three Atoll
sources (4U 1728-34, 4U 1636-53 and 4U 1608-52) of displaying very high quality
factors for lower kHz QPOs. These three sources have been detected with the
spin frequencies and sidebands, in which the source with higher spin frequency
presents higher quality factor of lower kHz QPOs and lower difference between
sideband frequency and lower kHz QPO frequency.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, publishe
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