269 research outputs found

    Akademi Sepakbola Nusantara di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis

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    As one of the countries that have high interest of football, the lack of achievement of the Indonesian national team in the International arena is a problem that must be solved if one daywant to see Indonesia in the World Cup. The main problems are in the coaching of young players which only relies on community initiatives and football competition in Indonesia is still lesscompetitive. Nusantara Football Academy is the solution of various problems related to a long time and process and substantial funds to improve football coaching system in Indonesia. With the academy is expected to produce a professional football player who can compete in the Internationalarena. Pekanbaru as one of the major cities that have a lot of young talent and the high interest of football should take an active role in improving the football coaching system in Indonesia. In the design of this academy, tropical architecture approach is used to answer a variety of issues relatedto climate conditions that affect site. Some of the principles of Tropical Architecture applied in the design, such us: (1) orientation of the building; (2) Optimization of natural aeration; (3) Percentage of green spaces; (4) Responsive to environmental conditions. The concept of Total Football was chosen to solve the various problems that arise during the design process of Nusantara Football Academy. This concept is applied in all architectural design aspects of Nusantara Football Academy, such as: the order of mass, mass formation, landscaping and interior arrangement, up to building facades. Order mass efficient, simple mass formation, structuringlandscaping and attractive interior and facade that are adapted to the environmental conditions are the result of the application of the concept of Total Football in Nusantara Football Academydesign

    Polymorphisme Gene GH and Morphological Characteristic of Anas Platyrhynchos and Cairina Moschata

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    The aims of this research was to identify the qualitative and quantitative difference of the phenotypes of native mallard and Muscovy, and Muscovy the genetic diversity between Muscovy and mallard using RFLP method with growth hormone primer (GH) gene. The materials were 30-week old male and female ducks from 5 strains—Magelang, Mojosari and Tegal ducks, white-feathered, and black and white-feathered Muscovy. Muscovy Completely Randomized Design was used to analyze parameters 5 strains of ducks based on gender and with 5 replications. The parameters measured were local and Muscovy duck phenotypes and genetic diversity (number of alleles) based on GH gene, heterozygosity and genetic distance. Qualitative properties were analyzed descriptively and quantitative properties were analyzed using Anova followed by HSD in case of significant differences, whereas RFLP analysis was used to determine the allele frequencies, genotype frequencies, genetic diversity, and genetic distance of local ducks. Result showed phenotypic differences between Anas platyrhynchos and Cairina moschata. The dominant feather colorof Muscovy was black and white while mallard was brown. The bill color Muscovy Muscovy was pink with dark brown but black in mallard. The dominant shank's color in both Muscovy and mallard was black. Body size of mallard was larger than that of Muscovy Muscovy, and Magelang ducks weigherd more than Tegal and Mojosari Duck. The PCR-RFLP results showed lower heterozygosity of mallard compared to Muscovy based on GH gene, and genetic distance of the Tegal duck was closer to Mojosari and Magelang ducks, whereas Magelang and Mojosari ducks had a considerable genetic distance based on the GH gene

    Shazam For Bats: Internet of Things for Continuous Real-Time Biodiversity Monitoring

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    Biodiversity surveys are often required for development projects in cities that could affect protected species such as bats. Bats are important biodiversity indicators of the wider health of the environment and activity surveys of bat species are used to report on the performance of mitigation actions. Typically, sensors are used in the field to listen to the ultrasonic echolocation calls of bats or the audio data is recorded for post-processing to calculate the activity levels. Current methods rely on significant human input and therefore present an opportunity for continuous monitoring and in situ machine learning detection of bat calls in the field. Here, we show the results from a longitudinal study of 15 novel Internet connected bat sensors—Echo Boxes—in a large urban park. The study provided empirical evidence of how edge processing can reduce network traffic and storage demands by several orders of magnitude, making it possible to run continuous monitoring activities for many months including periods which traditionally would not be monitored. Our results demonstrate how the combination of artificial intelligence techniques and low-cost sensor networks can be used to create novel insights for ecologists and conservation decision-maker

    Tingkat Akurasi dan Presisi Data Hujan Sensor Peralatan Otomatis terhadap Penakar Hujan Konvensional di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Rainfall is the height of rainwater that falls on a flat place assuming it does not evaporate, does not seep and does not flow. Rainfall can be measured using conventional and automatic equipment. The equipment for measuring rainfall is an observatory measurer (Ombrometer), while conventional equipment uses bucket typing sensors from the Automatic Rain Gauge (ARG), Automatic Weather Station (AWS) and Automatic Agroclimate Weather Station (AAWS). Rain measured using conventional and automatic equipment has the same units, namely millimeters (mm). Analysis was carried out to determine the quality of monthly rainfall data from automatic equipment on rain posts using Taylor diagrams. The Taylor diagram summarizes three frequently used indicators including correlation, standard deviation, and centered root mean square error. The results show that ARG Palolo, AWS Dolago and AAWS Sidondo are the best among each of the 3 types of automatic equipment, consisting of 12 ARG Palolo, 3 AWS and 3 AAWS in Central Sulawesi Province. ARG Palolo has a level of accuracy and precision that is closest to the rain post, namely having a correlation value of 0.79, p – value 0.00029, centered RMS Error of 95 and standard deviation of 97.15. AWS Dolago has a level of accuracy and precision that is closest to the rain post, namely having a correlation value of 0.975, p – value 1.42E – 10, centered RMS Error of 22.4 and standard deviation of 107.788. AAWS Sidondo has a level of accuracy and precision that is closest to the rain post, namely having a correlation value of 0.455, p – value 0.0768, centered RMS Error of 61.3 and standard deviation of 197.55.Curah hujan adalah ketinggian air hujan yang jatuh pada tempat yang datar dengan asumsi tidak menguap, tidak meresap dan tidak mengalir. Curah hujan dapat diukur menggunakan peralatan konvensional dan otomatis. Peralatan konvensional untuk mengukur curah hujan adalah penakar observatorium (Ombrometer), sedangkan peralatan otomatis menggunakan sensor typing bucket dari Automatic Rain Gauge (ARG), Automatic Weather Station (AWS) dan Automatic Agroclimate Weather Station (AAWS). Hujan yang diukur menggunakan peralatan konvensional maupun otomatis memiliki satuan yang sama yaitu millimeter (mm). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas data curah hujan bulanan peralatan otomatis terhadap pos hujan menggunakan diagram taylor. Diagram Taylor merangkum tiga indikator yang sering digunakan termasuk korelasi, standar deviasi, dan centred root mean square error. Hasil menunjukkan ARG Palolo, AWS Dolago dan AAWS Sidondo merupakan yang terbaik diantara masing – masing 3 tipe peralatan otomatis, yang terdiri dari 12 ARG Palolo, 3 AWS dan 3 AAWS di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. ARG Palolo memiliki tingkat keakuratan dan presisi paling mendekati dengan pos hujannya yaitu memiliki nilai korelasi 0.79, p – value 0.00029, centred RMS Error bernilai 95 dan standar deviasi bernilai 97.15. AWS Dolago memiliki tingkat keakuratan dan presisi paling mendekati dengan pos hujannya yaitu memiliki nilai korelasi 0.975, p – value 1.42E – 10, centred RMS Error bernilai 22.4 dan standar deviasi bernilai 107.788. AAWS Sidondo memiliki tingkat keakuratan dan presisi paling mendekati dengan pos hujannya yaitu memiliki nilai korelasi 0.455, p – value 0.0768, centred RMS Error bernilai 61.3 dan standar deviasi bernilai 197.55

    Piperantha:inovasi Terapi Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia Polyantha) dan Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fas/fas-l pada Regresi Pertumbuhan Kanker Serviks secara In Vitro

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    In this study, we evaluated Eugenia polyantha and Piper crocatum leaves alone and in combination for their anti-cancer properties on HeLa cells. The extraction method by using soxhlet and maceration. The phytochemical constituents of extract were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The anti-cancer property and mechanism of the extract were evaluated by its effect on cell viability and apoptosis. Total flavonoids content was higher in maceration than soxhlet extracts. Single extracts of Eugenia polyantha alone or Piper crocatum showed better anti-cancer activity than their combination. However, Eugenia polyantha extracts showed better anti-cancer activity than Piper crocatum extracts

    Improving Highway Work Zone Safety

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    Highway work zones disrupt normal traffic flow and can create severe safety problems. Due to the rising needs in highway maintenance and construction in the United States, the number of work zones is increasing nationwide. With a total of 1,010 fatalities and more than 40,000 injuries occurring in 2006, improvements in work zone safety are necessary. The three primary objectives of this research project included: 1) to determine the effectiveness of a Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS) in reducing vehicle speeds on two-lane, rural highway work zones; 2) to determine the effectiveness of a Temporary Traffic Sign (TTS), (W20-1, “Road Work Ahead”); and 3) to determine motorists’ responses to the signage. To accomplish these objectives, field experiments were conducted at US-36 and US-73 in Seneca and Hiawatha, Kansas, respectively. During the field experiments, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the PCMS was conducted under three different conditions: 1) PCMS on; 2) PCMS off, but still visible; and 3) PCMS removed from the road and out of sight. The researchers also divided the vehicles into three classes (passenger car, truck, and semitrailer) and compared the mean speed change of these classes based on three different sign setups: PCMS on, PCMS off, and the use of the TTS (W20-1, “Road Work Ahead”). A survey was also conducted at the experimental work zones to obtain a general understanding of the motorists’ attitudes as they traveled through the construction areas. Based on the data analysis results, researchers concluded that the presence of the PCMS effectively reduced vehicle speeds on two-lane highway work zones. A slow speed is more likely to reduce the probability of a crash or the severity of a crash. In addition, researchers performed a univariate analysis of the variance test to determine if a significant interaction existed between motorists’ responses and the sign conditions. The results showed a significant interaction between the signs and passenger car vehicles

    Development of an adverse outcome pathway network for nephrotoxicity

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    Adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) were introduced in modern toxicology to provide evidence-based representations of the events and processes involved in the progression of toxicological effects across varying levels of the biological organisation to better facilitate the safety assessment of chemicals. AOPs offer an opportunity to address knowledge gaps and help to identify novel therapeutic targets. They also aid in the selection and development of existing and new in vitro and in silico test methods for hazard identification and risk assessment of chemical compounds. However, many toxicological processes are too intricate to be captured in a single, linear AOP. As a result, AOP networks have been developed to aid in the comprehension and placement of associated events underlying the emergence of related forms of toxicity—where complex exposure scenarios and interactions may influence the ultimate adverse outcome. This study utilised established criteria to develop an AOP network that connects thirteen individual AOPs associated with nephrotoxicity (as sourced from the AOP-Wiki) to identify several key events (KEs) linked to various adverse outcomes, including kidney failure and chronic kidney disease. Analysis of the modelled AOP network and its topological features determined mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and tubular necrosis to be the most connected and central KEs. These KEs can provide a logical foundation for guiding the selection and creation of in vitro assays and in silico tools to substitute for animal-based in vivo experiments in the prediction and assessment of chemical-induced nephrotoxicity in human health

    Pengembangan Pink Miana Menjadi Produk Unggulan Daerah Berbasis IPTEK Untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Desa Puntukrejo

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    Tanaman Pink Miana (Coleus scuttelarioides) merupakan varietas miana yang hanya dibudidayakan di  salah satu UMKM pariwisata The Lawu Fresh, Desa Puntukrejo Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah.  Tanaman hias yang terkenal dengan keunikan warna daunnya ini ternyata mengandung berbagai zat  seperti antioksidan serta antiinflamasi yang baik bagi imunitas tubuh. Akan tetapi, melimpahnya potensi  yang dimiliki miana tidak diimbangi dengan kapabilitas masyarakat setempat dalam pengolahannya.  Pengolahan Pink Miana yang kurang tepat dapat menyebabkan berkurang atau hilangnya kandungan zat zat tersebut jika diolah dengan suhu yang terlalu panas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemecahan  permasalahan tersebut adalah controlled boiling. Controlled boiling merupakan metode merebus  menggunakan api kecil dengan pengawasan suhu yang teratur agar tidak melampaui suhu maksimal yang  dapat diterima bahan. Adapun hasil temuan yang diperoleh adalah produk sirup berbahan dasar daun  miana pertama “Pink Fresh” yang mengandung antioksidan serta antiinflamasi tinggi yang berkhasiat  bagi imunitas tubuh. Tujuan dari pembuatan minuman fungsional berbahan dasar miana adalah  memberikan variasi minuman kesehatan yang inovatif dibandingkan yang telah ada di pasaran. Terciptanya produk minuman fungsional berbahan dasar miana “Pink Fresh” diharapkan dapat menjadi  produk penunjang imun tubuh dengan penerapan kegiatan berbasis based learning untuk memanfaatkan  potensi desa menjadi produk dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi guna mencapai keberdayaan ekonomi  masyarakat desa. Kalangan muda menjadi target pasar utama dari produk “Pink Fresh” karena inovasi  rasanya yang tidak seperti minuman kesehatan lainnya. Meskipun menggunakan sistem pre-order,  penjualan pertama dari produk “Pink Fresh” mendapat sambutan hangat dari para konsumen hingga  mencapai 70 botol dalam pesanan pertama

    The Privatization of Metropolitan Jakarta's (Jabodetabek) Urban Fringes:The Early Stages of "Post-Suburbanization" in Indonesia

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    Problem, research strategy, and findings: Recent metropolitan development in developed countries is associated with post-suburbia, or a decline in population in the former central city and the growth of polycentric structures outside the traditional core. Current urban development in Asian cities, particularly in the Jakarta metropolitan region (Jabodetabek), also reflects an early stage of post-suburbia. We examine physical development patterns and the changing role of public and private sectors, although our approach is descriptive in nature. The rapid growth in fringe areas that have developed from dormitory communities into independent towns, triggered by privatization of industrial estates and multifunction new towns, shows typical post-suburban patterns. The national government's pro-growth economic policies and the local autonomy granted to local governments have given the private sector the power to largely control the acquisition, development, and management of land in fringe areas, accelerating post-suburban development patterns.Takeaway for practice: Planners in developing nations must be alert to the rapidly increasing role of the private sector, recognizing how the private sector can help the government to respond to regional needs for housing, jobs, shopping and educational opportunities, and infrastructure while understanding the key role that planning can and should play in ensuring private sector actions do not exacerbate regional problems and lead to uncoordinated public responses
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