10,977 research outputs found

    Addressing business agility challenges with enterprise systems

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    It is clear that systems agility (i.e., having a responsive IT infrastructure that can be changed quickly to meet changing business needs) has become a critical component of organizational agility. However, skeptics continue to suggest that, despite the benefits enterprise system packages provide, they are constraining choices for firms faced with agility challenges. The reason for this skepticism is that the tight integration between different parts of the business that enables many enterprise systems\u27 benefits also increases the systems\u27 complexity, and this increased complexity, say the skeptics, increases the difficulty of changing systems when business needs change. These persistent concerns motivated us to conduct a series of interviews with business and IT managers in 15 firms to identify how they addressed, in total, 57 different business agility challenges. Our analysis suggests that when the challenges involved an enterprise system, firms were able to address a high percentage of their challenges with four options that avoid the difficulties associated with changing the complex core system: capabilities already built-in to the package but not previously used, leveraging globally consistent integrated data already available, using add-on systems available on the market that easily interfaced with the existing enterprise system, and vendor provided patches that automatically updated the code. These findings have important implications for organizations with and without enterprise system architectures

    Planar cell polarity genes Frizzled3a, Vangl2, and Scribble are required for spinal commissural axon guidance

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    Background A fundamental feature of early nervous system development is the guidance of axonal projections to their targets in order to assemble neural circuits that control behavior. Spinal commissural neurons are an attractive model to investigate the multiple guidance cues that control growth cone navigation both pre- and post-midline crossing, as well as along both the dorsal–ventral (D–V) and anterior–posterior (A–P) axes. Accumulating evidence suggests that guidance of spinal commissural axons along the A–P axis is dependent on components of the planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway. In the zebrafish, the earliest born spinal commissural neuron to navigate the midline and turn rostrally is termed commissural primary ascending (CoPA). Unlike mammalian systems, CoPA axons cross the midline as a single axon and allow an analysis of the role of PCP components in anterior pathfinding in single pioneering axons. Results Here, we establish CoPA cells in the zebrafish spinal cord as a model system for investigating the molecular function of planar cell polarity signaling in axon guidance. Using mutant analysis, we show that the functions of Fzd3a and Vangl2 in the anterior turning of commissural axons are evolutionarily conserved in teleosts. We extend our findings to reveal a role for the PCP gene scribble in the anterior guidance of CoPA axons. Analysis of single CoPA axons reveals that these commissural axons become responsive to PCP-dependent anterior guidance cues even prior to midline crossing. When midline crossing is prevented by dcc gene knockdown, ipsilateral CoPA axons still extend axons anteriorly in response to A–P guidance cues. We show that this ipsilateral anterior pathfinding that occurs in the absence of midline crossing is dependent on PCP signaling. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that anterior guidance decisions by CoPA axons are dependent on the function of planar cell polarity genes both prior to and after midline crossing

    Effects of the roller feed ratio on wrinkling failure in conventional spinning of a cylindrical cup

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    In this study, wrinkling failure in conventional spinning of a cylindrical cup has been investigated by using both finite element (FE) analysis and experimental methods. FE simulation models of a spinning experiment have been developed using the explicit finite element solution method provided by the software Abaqus. The severity of wrinkles is quantified by calculating the standard deviation of the radial coordinates of element nodes on the edge of the workpiece obtained from the FE models. The results show that the severity of wrinkles tends to increase when increasing the roller feed ratio. A forming limit study for wrinkling has been carried out and shows that there is a feed ratio limit beyond which the wrinkling failure will take place. Provided that the feed ratio is kept below this limit, the wrinkling failure can be prevented. It is believed that high compressive tangential stresses in the local forming zone are the causes of the wrinkling failure. Furthermore, the computational performance of the solid and shell elements in simulating the spinning process are examined and the tool forces obtained from wrinkling and wrinkle-free models are compared. Finally, the effects of the feed ratio on variations of the wall thickness of the spun cylindrical cup are investigated. </jats:p

    Thresholds in the Process of International Financial Integration

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    The financial crisis has re-ignited the fierce debate about the merits of financial globalization and its implications for growth, especially for developing countries. The empirical literature has not been able to conclusively establish the presumed growth benefits of financial integration. Indeed, a new literature proposes that the indirect benefits of financial integration may be more important than the traditional financing channel emphasized in previous analyses. A major complication, however, is that there seem to be certain "threshold" levels of financial and institutional development that an economy needs to attain before it can derive the indirect benefits and reduce the risks of financial openness. In this paper, we develop a unified empirical framework for characterizing such threshold conditions. We find that there are clearly identifiable thresholds in variables such as financial depth and institutional quality − the cost-benefit trade-off from financial openness improves significantly once these threshold conditions are satisfied. We also find that the thresholds are lower for foreign direct investment and portfolio equity liabilities compared to those for debt liabilities.financial openness, capital account liberalization, growth, threshold conditions, financial development, institutions, macroeconomic policies

    Thresholds in the process of international financial integration

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    The financial crisis has re-ignited the fierce debate about the merits of financial globalization and its implications for growth, especially for developing countries. The empirical literature has not been able to conclusively establish the presumed growth benefits of financial integration. Indeed, a new literature proposes that the indirect benefits of financial integration may be more important than the traditional financing channel emphasized in previous analyses. A major complication, however, is that there seem to be certain"threshold"levels of financial and institutional development that an economy needs to attain before it can derive the indirect benefits and reduce the risks of financial openness. This paper develops a unified empirical framework for characterizing such threshold conditions. The analysis finds that there are clearly identifiable thresholds in variables such as financial depth and institutional quality -- the cost-benefit trade-off from financial openness improves significantly once these threshold conditions are satisfied. The findings also show that the thresholds are lower for foreign direct investment and portfolio equity liabilities compared with those for debt liabilities.Debt Markets,Economic Theory&Research,Currencies and Exchange Rates,Emerging Markets,Achieving Shared Growth

    Phenology satellite experiment

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    The detection of a phenological event (the brown wave-vegetation senescence) for specific forest and crop types using ERTS-1 imagery is described. Data handling techniques included computer analysis and photo interpretation procedures. Computer analysis of ERTS-1 multispectral scanner digital tapes in all bands was used to give the relative changes of spectral reflectance with time of forests and specified crops. These data were obtained for a number of the study's twenty-four sites located within four north-south corridors across the United States. Analysis of ground observation photography and ERTS-1 imagery for sites in the Appalachian Corridor and Mississippi Valley Corridor indicates that the recession of vegetation development can be detected very well. Tentative conclusions are that specific phenological events such as crop maturity or leaf fall can be mapped for specific sites and possibly for entire regions

    Aerodynamics for the ADEPT SR-1 Flight Experiment

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    Adaptable, Deployable, Entry, and Placement Technology (ADEPT) is a combination of a heatshield and an aerodynamic decelerator for atmospheric entry applications. The ADEPT Sounding Rocket (SR)-1 mission was a suborbital flight experiment of an 0.7 m-diameter ADEPT to verify system-level performance and to characterize dynamic stability behavior. The aerodynamic database for ADEPT SR-1 was constructed from non-continuum and continuum flowfield computations, along with data from recent ADEPT ground testing and the IRVE-3 flight test vehicle. High-altitude (free-molecular and transitional regimes) data were generated using DSMC methods. Pre-flight predictions of continuum static aerodynamics coefficients were derived from Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solutions at conditions along a design trajectory, with comparisons to available ground test data of the nano-ADEPT geometry. Dynamic pitch damping characteristics were taken from functional forms developed for the IRVE-3 flight test vehicle through ballistic range testing. Comparison of pre-flight predictions to post-flight reconstruction of aerodynamic force and moment coefficients is presented

    Genome-wide DNA methylation in childhood cancer

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    High field magneto-transport in high mobility gated InSb/InAlSb quantum well heterostructures

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    We present high field magneto-transport data from a range of 30nm wide InSb/InAlSb quantum wells. The low temperature carrier mobility of the samples studied ranged from 18.4 to 39.5 m2V-1s-1 with carrier densities between 1.5x1015 and 3.28x1015 m-2. Room temperature mobilities are reported in excess of 6 m2V-1s-1. It is found that the Landau level broadening decreases with carrier density and beating patterns are observed in the magnetoresistance with non-zero node amplitudes in samples with the narrowest broadening despite the presence of a large g-factor. The beating is attributed to Rashba splitting phenomenon and Rashba coupling parameters are extracted from the difference in spin populations for a range of samples and gate biases. The influence of Landau level broadening and spin-dependent scattering rates on the observation of beating in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations is investigated by simulations of the magnetoconductance. Data with non-zero beat node amplitudes are accompanied by asymmetric peaks in the Fourier transform, which are successfully reproduced by introducing a spin-dependent broadening in the simulations. It is found that the low-energy (majority) spin up state suffers more scattering than the high-energy (minority) spin down state and that the absence of beating patterns in the majority of (lower density) samples can be attributed to the same effect when the magnitude of the level broadening is large
