285 research outputs found

    One Year Review of Civil Procedure

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    Stars and brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster. III. OSIRIS/GTC low-resolution spectroscopy of variable sources

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    Context. Although many studies have been performed so far, there are still dozens of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young sigma Orionis open cluster without detailed spectroscopic characterisation. Aims. We look for unknown strong accretors and disc hosts that were undetected in previous surveys. Methods. We collected low-resolution spectroscopy (R ~ 700) of ten low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in sigma Orionis with OSIRIS at the Gran Telescopio Canarias under very poor weather conditions. These objects display variability in the optical, infrared, Halpha, and/or X-rays on time scales of hours to years. We complemented our spectra with optical and near-/mid-infrared photometry. Results. For seven targets, we detected lithium in absorption, identified Halpha, the calcium doublet, and forbidden lines in emission, and/or determined spectral types for the first time. We characterise in detail a faint, T Tauri-like brown dwarf with an 18 h-period variability in the optical and a large Halpha equivalent width of -125+/-15 AA, as well as two M1-type, X-ray-flaring, low-mass stars, one with a warm disc and forbidden emission lines, the other with a previously unknown cold disc with a large inner hole. Conclusions. New unrevealed strong accretors and disc hosts, even below the substellar limit, await discovery among the list of known sigma Orionis stars and brown dwarfs that are variable in the optical and have no detailed spectroscopic characterisation yet.Comment: A&A, in press (accepted for publication in section 14. Catalogs and data of Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall to Idealized Global Scale Forcings

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    Heavy rainfall and flooding associated with tropical cyclones (TCs) are responsible for a large number of fatalities and economic damage worldwide. Despite their large socio-economic impacts, research into heavy rainfall and flooding associated with TCs has received limited attention to date, and still represents a major challenge. Our capability to adapt to future changes in heavy rainfall and flooding associated with TCs is inextricably linked to and informed by our understanding of the sensitivity of TC rainfall to likely future forcing mechanisms. Here we use a set of idealized high-resolution atmospheric model experiments produced as part of the U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group activity to examine TC response to idealized global-scale perturbations: the doubling of CO2, uniform 2K increases in global sea surface temperature (SST), and their combined impact. As a preliminary but key step, daily rainfall patterns of composite TCs within climate model outputs are first compared and contrasted to the observational records. To assess similarities and differences across different regions in response to the warming scenarios, analyses are performed at the global and hemispheric scales and in six global TC ocean basins. The results indicate a reduction in TC daily precipitation rates in the doubling CO2 scenario (on the order of 5% globally), and an increase in TC rainfall rates associated with a uniform increase of 2K in SST (both alone and in combination with CO2 doubling; on the order of 10-20% globally)