12 research outputs found


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    Graphene/semi-insulating single crystal CdTe Schottky-type heterojunction X- and γ-Ray Radiation Detectors

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    Abstract We developed a new concept of X- and γ-ray radiation semiconductor detectors based on a large area graphene/semi-insulating single crystal CdTe Schottky-type heterojunction. These two terminal electronic devices can be easily fabricated by forming a Van der Waals contact between large area chemical vapor deposited graphene and CdTe substrates in air and at room temperature. This approach significantly reduces the fabrication cost and improves the reproducibility and stability of electrical properties. A detailed analysis of their AC and DC electrical properties was carried out in order to determine the width of the space charge region and dominant charge transport mechanisms at reverse bias. The unoptimized graphene/CdTe heterojunction detectors exhibited a promising spectral resolution of 241Am (59 keV) and 137Cs (662 keV) isotope radiation at room temperature

    A health risk assessment for fluoride in Central Europe

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    Like many elements, fluorine (which generally occurs in nature as fluoride) is beneficial to human health in trace amounts, but can be toxic in excess. The links between low intakes of fluoride and dental protection are well known; however, fluoride is a powerful calcium-seeking element and can interfere with the calcified structure of bones and teeth in the human body at higher concentrations causing dental or skeletal fluorosis. One of the main exposure routes is via drinking water and the World Health Organisation currently sets water quality guidelines for the element. In Central Europe, groundwater resources that exceed the guideline value of 1.5 mg l-1 are widespread and effects on health of high fluoride in water have been reported. The aim of the current project was to develop a geographic information system (GIS) to aid the identification of areas where high-fluoride waters and fluorosis may be a problem; hence, where water treatment technologies should be targeted. The development of the GIS was based upon the collation and digitisation of existing information relevant to fluoride risk in Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia assembled for the first time in a readily accessible form. In addition, geochemistry and health studies to examine in more detail the relationships between high-fluoride drinking waters and health effects in the population were carried out in Moldova and Ukraine demonstrating dental fluorosis prevalence rates of 60–90% in adolescents consuming water containing 2–7 mg l-1 fluoride


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    This article presents a clinical case of treatment of an anterior abdominal wall abscess,which arose due to the formation of an external fistula of the sigmoid colon duringperforation of the diverticulum of the latter.The patient underwent laparotomy, a combined left hemicolectomy with small bowelresection, excision of the large intestinal fistula of the anterior abdominal wall,rehabilitation, and drainage of the abdominal cavity. The postoperative period was withoutcomplications, the wound healed with primary tension. The patient was discharged fromthe hospital in a satisfactory condition on the 17th day.Сonclusion. The treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the anterior abdominalwall it is necessary to pay attention to the cause of their occurrence, as well as to excludesurgical diseases of the abdominal cavity.В статье представлен клинический случай лечения абсцесса передней брюшнойстенки, который возник вследствие формирования наружного свища сигмовиднойкишки при перфорации дивертикула последней.Пациенту выполнено лапаротомию, комбинированную левостороннеюгемиколэктомию с резекцией тонкой кишки, иссечение толстокишечногосвища передней брюшной стенки, санацию и дренирование брюшной полости.Послеоперационный период проходил без осложнений, рана зажила первичнымнатяжением. Пациент на 17-е сутки в удовлетворительном состоянии выписаниз больницы.Вывод. При лечении гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний передней брюшной стенкинеобходимо обращать внимание на причину их возникновения, а также исключитьхирургические заболевания брюшной полости.У статті представлено клінічний випадок лікування абсцесу передньої черевноїстінки, який виник внаслідок формування зовнішньої нориці сигмоподібної кишкипри перфорації дивертикулу останньої.Пацієнту виконано лапаротомію, комбіновану лівобічну геміколектомію зрезекцією тонкої кишки, висічення товстокишкової нориці передньої черевноїстінки, санацію та дренування черевної порожнини. Післяопераційний періодперебігав без ускладнень, рана загоїлася первинним натягом. Пацієнта на 17-тудобу у задовільному стані виписано з лікарні.Висновок. При лікуванні гнійно-запальних захворювань передньої черевної стінкинеобхідно звертати увагу на причину їх виникнення, а також виключити хірургічнізахворювання черевної порожнини