532 research outputs found

    Diccionario del español de CentroamĂ©rica - los usos lingĂŒĂ­sticos en la literatura social de AmĂ©rica Central

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    Esta obra lexicogrĂĄfica saca toda su sustancia de la literatura social contemporĂĄnea de los seis paĂ­ses del Istmo centroamericano (unas cien referencias literarias de los años 1920 a 1990), y consta de mĂĄs de 1300 artĂ­culos que representan unas 1500 acepciones ejemplificados por 2222 citas.Este diccionario se ha hecho desde una Ăłptica claramente descriptiva, sintĂ©tica y, como ya lo hemos señalado, didĂĄctica, lo que lo convierte en el primero de esta Ă­ndole y de esta envergadura respecto al ĂĄrea geogrĂĄfica contemplada. Por su naturaleza regional (o “plurinacional”) y su presentaciĂłn “unificadora” (o por lo menos “homogĂ©nea”), este catĂĄlogo de voces españolas “diferenciadas” responde tambiĂ©n, en cierto modo, a la polĂ­tica lexicogrĂĄfica, a la vez abierta y federativa, llevada desde hace ya algunos años por la AsociaciĂłn de Academias de la Lengua Española. El trabajo se inscribe, por lo tanto, en la lĂ­nea de concepciĂłn de las publicaciones, recientes o por venir, de dicha instancia cientĂ­fica, como son el joven Diccionario panhispĂĄnico de dudas, o el inminente Diccionario acadĂ©mico de americanismos. Este Ășltimo –asĂ­ como el futuro Atlas LingĂŒĂ­stico de AmĂ©rica Central (ALAC), serĂĄ, sin lugar a dudas, sumamente instructivo y de una ayuda imprescindible para los muchos estudiosos de la lengua española

    The Interliterary substitution or foreign literary borrowing as a traductological resort. About the best way for the translator to couple the Spanish prose together with the French poetry

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    It is of common knowledge that literary translation, more than the transposition of a language into another one is the transposition of a culture into another one and, even more, that of a literary tradition into another one. We mean to show here that if translating is subject to linguistic constraints which make it a scientific activity, it is connected in other respects (by the involvement of the literary culture of the translator and the acuteness of its pen) with own interpretative options that make it an artistic activity. Our French version of a few excerpts from modern Spanish novels will enable to ascertain more clearly how a poetic borrowing drawn out of the target literary culture (in the circumstances, the French one) can represent a first-rate traductological resort. The examples in question will finally show how the translator may be led to couple the Spanish prose together with the French poetry, for both ethical and aesthetic reasons

    La impronta de la oralidad en las creaciones literarias centroamericanas: apuntes para una fenomenologĂ­a de los rasgos fonolĂłgicos

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    In the present analysis –fragment of a larger research concerning the “aesthetic aspect” of the Central American discourse, namely: the lexical specific features and other regional dialects– we have in mind to concentrate on the phonological aspects of the discourse in question by methodical reviewing of the phonemic modifications that the writers have endeavoured to reproduce there, particularly in dialogical constructions. In order to make easier the understanding of those Central American works whose aim consists in explaining precisely the weight of the oral character, it seems appropriate to arrange here briefly in a system the phonemic shifts or regional polymorphic achievements that are detectable in those texts

    Quand un seul ‘ĂȘtre’ vous manque : regard français sur la bivalence culturelle de l’ ‘ĂȘtre’ dans la langue espagnole Ă  travers une perception cervantesque des verbes SER et ESTAR

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    La traduction en espagnol du verbe "ĂȘtre" français a toujours prĂ©sentĂ© des difficultĂ©s Ă  tous les niveaux d’étude de la langue de CervantĂšs, puisque Ă  un signifiant unique français correspondent deux signifiants espagnols. Outre les aspects purement grammaticaux et sĂ©mantiques qui sont Ă  rappeler (liĂ©s Ă  des principes fonctionnels pour les premiers, et polysĂ©miques pour les seconds), il est intĂ©ressant d’aborder la dualitĂ© de l’objet d’étude d’un point de vue culturel, voire philosophique, pour ne pas dire mĂ©taphysique. C’est ce que nous avons tentĂ© de faire en effectuant un parallĂ©lisme entre la complĂ©mentaritĂ© du binĂŽme verbal "ser" et "estar", et la complĂ©mentaritĂ© du "couple littĂ©raire" emblĂ©matique de Don Quichotte et Sancho Panza

    InterprĂ©tation et traduction de quarante constructions phrasĂ©ologiques et terminologiques asturiennes (Guatemala) – Un nĂ©cessaire retour aux sources conceptuelles

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    In literary texts the developed ideas are often just a pretext for original discursive creations from certain authors to such an extent that the referential function of the language steps aside to bring out its poetical function. We are basing our argument on some forty examples extracted from seven works in prose by the Guatemalan writer Miguel Angel ASTURIAS in order to put forward different translation (or tradaptation) techniques of phonic and/or semic plays on words taken from Spanish either motivated by link up or based on live metaphors, whether it is about creations or paremic de-fossilizations, or else formal neologisms. The search for a similarity of effect (or a rhetoric equivalent) made possible by adaptation – and even by rephrasing – of the linguistic segments of the matter in hand, will at the best (and the simplest) result in isomorphic, and usually homomorphic, sometimes in heteromorphic translations and, very rarely, in interpretative or free translations. In this way, we can conclude that it is possible that a formal gap, deliberately used by the translator, may prove to be more faithful in spirit to the original text than a simple calque

    Figures de RhĂ©torique dans Le Seigneur des Anneaux de J.R.R. Tolkien : Approche exploratoire d’une Ɠuvre d’inspiration fondamentalement linguistique

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    The growing academic respect for and interest in Professor Tolkien’s Legendarium together with his worldwide popularity not only stem from his treatment of great literary themes and his recognized talent as a story-teller but also, as Tolkien scholar Michael Drout points out, from his ability to “produce aesthetic effects simultaneously on multiple levels, so that the effects created [
] are connected with the themes of cultural interaction and individual morality that are integral to Tolkien’s vision”. This paper examines the author’s meticulous craftsmanship in his handling of rhetorical figures and their interrelationships with the principles of the world thus sub-created

    Una mexicanidad lingĂŒĂ­stica hereditaria: los nahuatlismos lĂ©xicos en el discurso narrativo centroamericano del siglo XX

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    Dans la littĂ©rature centre-amĂ©ricaine (particuliĂšrement le roman social des annĂ©es 1940 Ă  1970) on peut observer les manifestations linguistiques d\u27un phĂ©nomĂšne de transculturation narrative, c\u27est-Ă -dire les signes de la transposition au champ de l\u27Ă©criture du mĂ©tissage socio-culturel de l\u27AmĂ©rique centrale. Dans la prĂ©sente analyse – et partant d\u27une Ă©tude gĂ©nĂ©rale de ce qui caractĂ©rise "l\u27esthĂ©tique" du mode discursif rĂ©gional, Ă  savoir : les particularismes lexicaux et autres dialectalismes centre-amĂ©ricains – je veux me centrer sur la catĂ©gorie des nahuatlismes dont la prĂ©sence non nĂ©gligeable confĂšre aux textes littĂ©raires choisis des aspects de mexicanitĂ©. De fait, ces indigĂ©nismes centre-amĂ©ricains s\u27enracinent dans le parler mexicain (avec quelques variantes, parfois) prĂ©cisĂ©ment de par leur rattachement aux sources civilisationnelles toltĂšques et aztĂšques propres Ă  ce parler. Afin d\u27aboutir Ă  des conclusions lexicologiques fiables, j\u27ai choisi comme outil de travail mon propre Diccionario del español de CentroamĂ©rica, rĂ©cemment publiĂ© par l\u27UniversitĂ© de Valladolid (2010), ce dictionnaire ayant Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© sur la base de la production littĂ©raire rĂ©gionale qui nous intĂ©resse ici. De façon Ă  satisfaire des exigences de volume et de maniabilitĂ© j\u27ai dĂ» procĂ©der Ă  une rĂ©duction d\u27Ă©chelle au tiers des entrĂ©es lexicales initiales (soit 400 des 1218 rĂ©pertoriĂ©es) parmi lesquelles j\u27ai pu identifier 53 unitĂ©s provenant de la langue nahuatl. Ces nahuatlismes lexicaux qui ne reprĂ©sentent donc qu\u27un Ă©chantillon des 163 que j\u27ai recensĂ©s au fil des trente romans retenus Ă  cet effet, sont ceux que je me propose d\u27Ă©tudier ici, suivant cinq approche linguistiques complĂ©mentaires : diatopique, sĂ©mantique ou conceptuelle, typologique ou catĂ©gorielle, sociolinguistique et, pour finir, discursive ; le croisement de ces diffĂ©rents points de vue conclut ma recherche dialectologique dans l\u27optique de caractĂ©riser scientifiquement (Ă  l\u27aide de donnĂ©es statistiques), de maniĂšre globale et multidimensionnelle Ă  la fois, l\u27un des traits linguistiques indigĂ©nistes les plus marquĂ©s de cette littĂ©rature rĂ©gionale
