49 research outputs found

    Klon-klon Kentang Transgenik Hasil Persilangan Terseleksi Tahan Terhadap Penyakit Hawar Daun Phytophthora Infestans Tanpa Penyemprotan Fungisida Di Empat Lapangan Uji Terbatas

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    The use of resistant varieties is an appropriate alternative in controlling the late blight, a major diseases on potato, caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. The development of late blight resistant potato was done through hybridization between non-transgenic Atlantic or Granola with RB transgenic Katahdin SP904 and SP951. The hybrid clones which have been positively contained the RB gene were evaluated for the resistance to P. infestans in four Confined Field Trials (CFTs) i.e. Pasir Sarongge (2008), Lembang (2009-2010), Pangalengan (2010-2011) and Banjarnegara (2011-2012). There are twelve selected hybrid clones which were resistant to P. infestans both in each location of CFT or in four locations were obtained. These clones consist of five clones from crosses of Atlantic and trangenic Katahdin SP951 (B35, B169, B163, B11, B162) and seven clones from crosses of Granola and transgenic Katahdin SP951 (D76, D12, D25, D48, D38, D37, D15). The selected hybrid clones showed resistance to P. infestans until 14 to 18 days after infection or about 40 to 45 days after planting, in the absence of fungicide spraying. The hybrid clones had a resistance score varied from 7,65 to 8,23 and were significantly different from the parents Atlantic and Granola, with a resistance score of 3,6 and 3,45, respectively. This was also supported by AUDPC values, which showed that AUDPC of the hybrid clones were in the range between Atlantic or Granola and transgewnic Katahdin SP951. This indicate that the resistance level of the hybrid clones is in the range between susceptible and resistant check. The resistant hybrid clones are valuable genetic resources for late blight resistance breeding programs, particularly in reducing the frequency of fungicide applications

    Injection of Carica Papaya L. Seed Extract of Cibinong Variety to Macaca Fascicularis L. and Its Effect to Quality of Spermatozoa and Level of Testosterone Hormone

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    Lack of contraceptive choices which meet the requirements is one of the contributing factors to less participation of man in contraceptive use. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of natural material for alternative male contraception, by injecting papaya  seed extract with Cibinong variety  (Carica papaya L.) to long tail monkey (Macaca fascicularis L). The research was conducted at Primates Study Center, Institute of Agriculture, Bogor. Total samples of this research were 8 monkeys, with three intervention groups and one control group. Papaya seed extract was injected via intramuscular in 21 days, with dose for each group were 40 mg/monkey, 80 mg/monkey, and 120 mg/monkey. Data analysis of spermatozoa quality (motility, viability, morfology) was done by using Cochran test before and after intervention stages, and during recovery stage. Meanwhile, data aalysis of spermatozoa concentration and testosterone hormone level was done by using Friedman test. Result of this reseach demonstrated reduction of motility, viability, and morfology of spermatozoa after inejction of papaya seed extract and increase to normal level at recovery stage (p ≤0.05). These results was supported with cement aglutination. The most effective dose was at 40 mg/monkey/day, with reduction of spermatozoa motility from 87.5 % to 40%, and reduction of  testosterone level from 2.35 ng/mL to 1.83 ng/mL. Even though spermatozoa motility and testosterone hormone level reduced, but its conditions were still in good condition category

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Klabet (Trigonella Foenum-graecum L.) Terhadap Perkembangan Uterus Tikus Putih Betina Galur Wistar Prepubertal

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    Phytoestrogen is the chemical compound contains in plant which has estrogenic like effect. Estrogen has important function on woman's sexual organ, such as proliferation of uterine and vaginal cornification. Phytoestrogen are weak agonists for estrogen and illicit statistic significantly increases in uterine wet weight, at definite dose, in uterothrophic bioassay. Biji Klabet or Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) contains steroidal sapogenins such as diosgenin, tigogenin, gitogenin, yamogenin and trigoneoside, that suspected having an estrogen-likeeffect or as phytoestrogen. The aim of this research was to investigate the estrogenic effect of fenugreek's ethanolic extract in immature rat models. These models represent the climacteric/menopause phase, where estrogen level is verylow because ovary produces no estrogen. The testing animals were divided into five groups, namely normal group, estradiol control group and three level doses of fenugreek extract (30mg/200gBW; 60mg/200gBW and 120mg/200gBW). Theresult indicated that on 120mg/200gBW, fenugreek extract significantly (=0.05) increasing wet weight uterine and proliferation of uterine, such as uterine thickness and uterine diameters. Fenugreek extract, start on 60mg/200gBW, also induces vaginal lubrication and estrus cycle

    Efek Nefroprotektif Infus Daun Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis (Park.) Fsb.) Pada Tikus Jantan Yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida

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    Renal dysfunction can be caused by several factors, including hypertension, urinary tract obstruction, autoimmune disorders, urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, consumption of drugs that affect nephrotoxic and antibiotic from aminoglycoside class. Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) is a traditional plant that hasbeen used empirically to treat kidney diseases. The research has been done to figure out the nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion on white male rats strain Sprague-Dawley previously inducedby carbon tetrachloride. There were 25 rats which were divided randomly into five groups. Group I which was the normal control group received CMC 0,5%. Group II which was the carbon tetrachloride control group was induced with carbon tetrachloride that was dissolved in the coconut oil 0,4 mL/kg bw rat. Group III, IV and V were administered doses of infusion 13,5 g/kg bw/day; 27 g/kg bw/day and 54 g/kg bw/day for 7 days. Two hours later, the animals were given carbon tetrachloride induction. At the 8th day, the blood was collected from the orbital sinus and then the rats were performed a surgery to collect the kidney. The urea and creatinine plasma level measurement has been done by colorimetric method and histology of kidney was observed. One way ANOVA (α=0,1) of the study showed that nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion were significantly different among groups and dose of 54 g/kg bw/day has the best nephroprotective effect

    Skenario Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Bogor

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    This study discusses the policy scenarios on private-forest management in Bogor. The aims of this study are: determining leverage attribut on private-forest and formulating policy models, and making scenario for the development of the sustainability index of privately managed forest. This study uses multidimensional scalling (MDS) to analyze five dimensions. By using ordinal score on certain attribute, i.e. 0 (the lowest) and 10 (the highest) of each attribute. Then, by using Rap-Pforest, we could estimate the leverage attribute of f each dimension. To prepare policy models will use a prospective analysis. Final stages, to build strategic scenarios model. The analysis showed that there are two dimensions, i.e. ecology and legal and institutional, are moderately sustainable. While for the dimensions of economy, socio-culture, and accessibility and technology are less sustain. Based on five dimensions sustainability index, this study concludes that63 indicators were used and resulting 21 leverage-attributes. Qualitative model formulation for policy scenarios are: HRB = f (EKN3, EKN4, SOS1, SOS3, LBG2, LBG3). Scenario II most realistic choice, this scenario has been able to increase the value of sustainability index of 46.35 (less sustainable) to 52.52 (quite sustainable). This study recommends, it is necessary to conduct the development strategy by involving all stakeholders as the most appropriate policy options to improve the sustainability of small scale privately managed forest in Bogor

    Integrated Management of Mangroves Ecosystem in Lampung Mangrove Center (Lmc) East Lampung Regency, Indonesia

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    Mangroves forest ecosystem along the east coastal in Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) Margasari Village is a renewable resources. It is a border between two ecosystem. Because of that situation, more than one stakeholders involved. There are department involues, Forestry Fisheries and Marine, and Agriculture Department in East Lampung District. Often, the policy of each department is not efficient and effective. Based on that situation, on 2006, the mangroves management try to make an integrated model between the stakeholders. In this research, It want to know the effectiveness of that model. The samples in this research used Simple Random Sampling which they were 25 the people and the team of integrated management of University of Lampung and the East Lampung Regency government. The datas will be described and analysis with SWOT Analizing (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats). The strategy of the integrated management will be defined after that. Integrated management of mangroves ecosystem in Margasari Village have in good management of sustainability approach and increase the welfare of the people. The position of the analzing of the integrated management is on the aggressive curve. It is indicated that the integrated management has been done since 2006 have progressive development, between the people, government, and University of Lampung. The strategies of management plan are education for the people on mangroves ecosystem functions and benefits, human resources development, law enforcement in break the rule in mangroves management (illegal loging and wild harvesting), development in International and national net working, science and technology development, and community empowerment and economyc increase

    The Roles and Sustainability of Local Institutions of Mangrove Management in Pahawang Island

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    Local institutions along with community participation are crucial things in a sustainable development.  Collective actions performed by a community in managing natural resources have led to success, but local institutions are also facing challenges to institutional sustainability.  This research aimed to elucidate and explain the roles and sustainability of local institutions of mangrove management. This research is a qualitative research, using a case study method Research results showed that the majority of community support and admit that mangroves in their region as Mangrove Preservation Area under controlled by management of local organization with agreed rules.  Nevertheless, the inability of local organizations to enforce such rules when facing investors and politics in the local level has caused these organizations to elude their support and institutional status.  It is for this reason that local institutions need to be strengthened through collaboration among local institutions, local, national and international NGOs, universities, research institutions, and many others.  Such collaboration can improve bargaining position of local institutions, so that finally can promote regency government policies which favoring more to local institutions. Mangrove management in a sustainable way by local institutions will help regency government in rural development