11 research outputs found

    EffEct of brEEding sEason on thE kinEmatic paramEtErs and morphology of ram' spErm from synthEtic population bulgarian milk shEEp brEEd

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    abstract AbADjievA, D., M. Chervenkov, r. StefAnov, n. MetoDiev, e. kiStAnovA, D. kAChevA and e. rAyChevA, 2014. effect of breeding season on the kinematic parameters and morphology of ram' sperm from synthetic population bulgarian milk sheep breed. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., the aim of this study was the investigation of the breeding season effect on the kinematic and main spermatological parameters of the rams from Synthetic Population Bulgarian Milk sheep breed (SPBM), new Bulgarian breed certificated in 2005. the experiment was carried out with seven rams. Two consecutive ejaculates from each ram were obtained by artificial vagina before and during the breeding campaign (n=28). overall sperm motility and the individual kinematic parameters of motile spermatozoa were assessed by the computer-aided sperm analysis system Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA). the sperm morphology was estimated after sperm blue stain and calculated as a percent of abnormal cells among 100 sperm cells from several fields on the slide. it was found that the ejaculates obtained from SPbM rams during the breeding season had better features of sperm motion kinetics. the values of the velocity parameters (P< 0.05), motility (P< 0.05), and percentages of spermatozoa with rapid (P< 0.01) and medium (P< 0.001) speed were higher than those from the ejaculates collected before the breeding season. Minor and not significant changes in the kinematic parameters of motile spermatozoa in consecutive ejaculates were observed. No significant differences were established in morphological status of spermatozoa in nonbreeding and breeding season. It seems that the better sperm motility kinematic parameters during the breeding season ensure the higher sperm fertility and success on the future insemination

    Effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial activity in buffalo sperm Bubalus bubalis

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    Sperm mitochondrial activity is investigated and used as “in vitro” spermatozoa vitality indicator and about quality effectiveness of different sperm diluents. It was studied the cytochemically activity of NADPH-diaphorase and LDH-C4 in cryopreserved buffalo sperm. Low intensity of the enzyme reaction was established in all examined sperm samples in both enzymes, regardless from the used cryoprotectors. The main part of the enzyme reaction was localized in mitochondrial sheath and in a very small degree in the head base of spermatozoa. No increase of the enzymes activities or the spermatozoa motility has been found after the incubating with Sp-TALP medium although the established caffeine stimulating effect on the glycolysis and fresh spermatozoa motility. Established by us low sperm motility after cryopreservation may be due to low LDH and NADPH-diaphorase activity due to glycolisis disturbances and ATP synthesis. This method allows to estimate quality of buffalo semen and to find some different disturbances in mitochondrial sheath, which could not be found by routine morphological studies and could be used in practice ejaculates with high number of metabolic active sperm cells

    Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 636.087.7 EFFECT OF THE Spirulina platensis INCLUDED IN THE MAIN DIET ON THE BOAR SPERM QUALITY

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    Abstract: Microalgae Spirulina platensis accumulates many chemical components which are suitable for all higher organisms as food and forage raw material. There are a lot of vitally important for the organisms minerals and macroelements such as iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins, carotin, nucleic acids, enzymes and other active substances. That should explain the value of Spirulina as a feed additive for the agricultural animals. In the present work the influence of the microalgae Spirulina platensis on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of boars ' sperm was studied. The experiment was carried out with 6 boars from Danube white breed in the experimental animal base of the Agricultural Institute- Shumen. The time of the experiment was divided in the control and experimental periods. During the control period the animals received the main diet in accordance with Bulgarian state standard BDS- 1642-96. In the experimental period to the main diet was added 7 ml / per head the fresh biomass of microalgae preserved by melasa (final quantity- 1,4 mg Spirulina platensis). The obtained results shown that the addition of Spirulina improves the sperm parameters in boars: the volume of the ejaculates increased with 30 ml in experimental period (306 ml against 276 in control, P<0,05) as well as the spermatozoa concentration enhanced with 27 mln/ml. The total dehydrogenases activities estimated by reaction with methylene blue as well as LDH activity were higher in the experimental period. Also the survivability of the spermatozoids at 24, 48 and 72 hour in the experimental period was more than in control


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    Abstract: The aim of this study was the characterization of the ovaries’ state in local Bulgarian ovine breeds at the moment of ovulation by real-time transrectal ultrasonography. It was observed 32 ewes of Bulgarian local breeds Karakachanska and West-Oldmountainous between 1,5 and 4 years old, housed under closely to their natural conditions. Ovaries were examined ultrasonically after estrus synchronization with the implantation of intravaginal sponges containing 45 mg of Cronolone over 14 days. The effect of age and breed on the variability of the ovary’s size and preovulatory follicle’s size was studied. Key words: ovaries, ovulatory follicles, local sheep breeds, ultraconography Introduction and literature review According to the requirements of Amsterdam Protocol “Animal protection and welfare ” on protecting and providing favourable conditions for animals in their breeding and performing experiments, adopted by the European Community, the ultrasonography is the most suitable method for investigation

    Diabetes associated metabolomic perturbations in NOD mice

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    Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice are a widely-used model oftype1 diabetes (T1D). However, not all animals develop overt diabetes. This study examined the circulating metabolomic profiles of NOD mice progressing or not progressing to T1D. Total beta-cell mass was quantified in the intact pancreas using transgenic NOD mice expressinggreen fluorescent protein under the control of mouse insulin I promoter.While both progressor and non-progressor animals displayed lymphocyte infiltration and endoplasmic reticulum stress in the pancreas tissue;overt T1D did not develop until animals lost ~70% of the total beta-cell mass.Gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF) was used to measure >470 circulating metabolites in male and female progressor and non-progressor animals (n=76) across a wide range of ages (neonates to >40-wk).Statistical and multivariate analyses were used to identify age and sex independent metabolic markers which best differentiated progressor and non-progressor animals’ metabolic profiles. Key T1D-associated perturbations were related with: (1) increased plasma glucose and reduced 1,5-anhydroglucitol markers of glycemic control; (2) increased allantoin, gluconic acid and nitric oxide-derived saccharic acid markers of oxidative stress; (3) reduced lysine, an insulin secretagogue; (4) increased branched-chain amino acids, isoleucine and valine; (5) reduced unsaturated fatty acids including arachidonic acid; and (6)perturbations in urea cycle intermediates suggesting increased arginine-dependent NO synthesis. Together these findings highlight the strength of the unique approach of comparing progressor and non-progressor NOD mice to identify metabolic perturbations involved in T1D progression