61 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Magnetic Waveguide

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    We have studied the internal and external dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anharmonic magnetic waveguide. An oscillating condensate experiences a strong coupling between the center of mass motion and the internal collective modes. Due to the anharmonicity of the magnetic potential, not only the center of mass motion shows harmonic frequency generation, but also the internal dynamics exhibit nonlinear frequency mixing. We describe the data with a theoretical model to high accuracy. For strong excitations we test the experimental data for indications of a chaotic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Calibration of a single atom detector for atomic micro chips

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    We experimentally investigate a scheme for detecting single atoms magnetically trapped on an atom chip. The detector is based on the photoionization of atoms and the subsequent detection of the generated ions. We describe the characterization of the ion detector with emphasis on its calibration via the correlation of ions with simultaneously generated electrons. A detection efficiency of 47.8% (+-2.6%) is measured, which is useful for single atom detection, and close to the limit allowing atom counting with sub-Poissonian uncertainty

    Indium joints for cryogenic gravitational wave detectors

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    A viable technique for the preparation of highly thermal conductive joints between sapphire components in gravitational wave detectors is presented. The mechanical loss of such a joint was determined to be as low as 2 × 10−3 at 20 K and 2 × 10−2 at 300 K. The thermal noise performance of a typical joint is compared to the requirements of the Japanese gravitational wave detector, KAGRA. It is shown that using such an indium joint in the suspension system allows it to operate with low thermal noise. Additionally, results on the maximum amount of heat which can be extracted via indium joints are presented. It is found that sapphire parts, joined by means of indium, are able to remove the residual heat load in the mirrors of KAGRA

    Measurement of the optical absorption of bulk silicon at cryogenic temperature and the implication for the Einstein Telescope

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    International audienceWe report in this article on the measurement of the optical absorption of moderately doped crystalline silicon samples at 1550 nm, which is a candidate material for the main optics of the low temperature interferometer of the Einstein Telescope (ET). We observe a nearly constant absorption from room temperature down to cryogenic temperatures for two silicon samples presenting an optical absorption of 0.029 cm −1 and 780 ppm cm −1 , both crystals doped with boron. This is in contradiction to what was assumed previously—a negligible optical absorption at low temperature due to the carrier freezeout. As the main consequence, if the silicon intrinsic absorption can not be lowered , the cross section of the mirror suspension of the ET must be increased to be able to carry away the excess heat generated by the partially absorbed laser beam during the operation of the interferometer

    Mutants of the Drosophila ncd microtubule motor protein cause centrosomal and spindle pole defects in mitosis

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    Nonclaret disjunctional (ncd) is a kinesin-related microtubule motor protein required for meiotic and early mitotic chromosome distribution in Drosophila. ncd translocates on microtubules with the opposite polarity to kinesin, toward microtubule minus ends, and is associated with spindles in chromosome/spindle preparations. Here we report a new mutant of ncd caused by partial deletion of the predicted coiled-coil central stalk. The mutant protein exhibits a velocity of translocation and ability to generate torque in motility assays comparable to near full-length ncd, but only partially rescues a null mutant for chromosome mis-segregation. Antibody staining experiments show that the partial loss-of-function and null mutants cause centrosomal and spindle pole defects, including centrosome splitting and loss of centrosomes from spindle poles, and localize ncd to centrosomes as well as spindles of wild-type embryos. Association of ncd with spindles and centrosomes is microtubule- and cell cycle-dependent: inhibition of microtubule assembly with colchicine abolishes ncd staining and centrosomal staining is observed in prometaphase, metaphase and anaphase, but diminishes in late anaphase/telophase. The cell cycle dependence of centrosomal staining and the defects of mutants provide clear evidence for activity of the ncd motor protein near or at the spindle poles in mitosis. The ncd motor may interact with centrosomal microtubules and spindle fibers to attach centrosomes to spindle poles, and mediate poleward translocation (flux) of kinetochore fibers, a process that may underlie poleward movement of chromosomes in mitosis. Together with previous work, our findings indicate that ncd is important in maintaining spindle poles in mitosis as well as in meiosis

    Haploidy and androgenesis in Drosophila.

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