364 research outputs found

    Halo assembly bias and its effects on galaxy clustering

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    The clustering of dark halos depends not only on their mass but also on their assembly history, a dependence we term `assembly bias'. Using a galaxy formation model grafted onto the Millennium Simulation of the LCDM cosmogony, we study how assembly bias affects galaxy clustering. We compare the original simulation to `shuffled' versions where the galaxy populations are randomly swapped among halos of similar mass, thus isolating the effects of correlations between assembly history and environment at fixed mass. Such correlations are ignored in the halo occupation distribution models often used populate dark matter simulations with galaxies, but they are significant in our more realistic simulation. Assembly bias enhances 2-point correlations by 10% for galaxies with M_bJ-5logh brighter than -17, but suppresses them by a similar amount for galaxies brighter than -20. When such samples are split by colour, assembly bias is 5% stronger for red galaxies and 5% weaker for blue ones. Halo central galaxies are differently affected by assembly bias than are galaxies of all types. It almost doubles the correlation amplitude for faint red central galaxies. Shuffling galaxies among halos of fixed formation redshift or concentration in addition to fixed mass produces biases which are not much smaller than when mass alone is fixed. Assembly bias must reflect a correlation of environment with aspects of halo assembly which are not encoded in either of these parameters. It induces effects which could compromise precision measurements of cosmological parameters from large galaxy surveys.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Satellite Galaxies and Fossil Groups in the Millennium Simulation

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    We use a semianalytic galaxy catalogue constructed from the Millennium Simulation to study the satellites of isolated galaxies in the LCDM cosmogony. This sample (~80,000$ bright primaries, surrounded by ~178,000 satellites) allows the characterization, with minimal statistical uncertainty, of the dynamical properties of satellite/primary galaxy systems in a LCDM universe. We find that, overall, the satellite population traces the dark matter rather well: its spatial distribution and kinematics may be approximated by an NFW profile with a mildly anisotropic velocity distribution. Their spatial distribution is also mildly anisotropic, with a well-defined ``anti-Holmberg'' effect that reflects the misalignment between the major axis and angular momentum of the host halo. The isolation criteria for our primaries picks not only galaxies in sparse environments, but also a number of primaries at the centre of ''fossil'' groups. We find that the abundance and luminosity function of these unusual systems are in reasonable agreement with the few available observational constraints. We recover the expected L_{host} \sigma_{sat}^3 relation for LCDM models for truly-isolated primaries. Less strict primary selection, however, leads to substantial modification of the scaling relation. Our analysis also highlights a number of difficulties afflicting studies that rely on blind stacking of satellite systems to constrain the mean halo mass of the primary galaxies.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS in press. Accepted version with minor changes. Version with high resolution figures available at: http://www.astro.uvic.ca/~lsales/SatPapers/SatPapers.htm

    Red Sequence Cluster Finding in the Millennium Simulation

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    We investigate halo mass selection properties of red-sequence cluster finders using galaxy populations of the Millennium Simulation (MS). A clear red sequence exists for MS galaxies in massive halos at redshifts z < 1, and we use this knowledge to inform a cluster-finding algorithm applied to 500 Mpc/h projections of the simulated volume. At low redshift (z=0.4), we find that 90% of the clusters found have galaxy membership dominated by a single, real-space halo, and that 10% are blended systems for which no single halo contributes a majority of a cluster's membership. At z=1, the fraction of blends increases to 22%, as weaker redshift evolution in observed color extends the comoving length probed by a fixed range of color. Other factors contributing to the increased blending at high-z include broadening of the red sequence and confusion from a larger number of intermediate mass halos hosting bright red galaxies of magnitude similar to those in higher mass halos. Our method produces catalogs of cluster candidates whose halo mass selection function, p(M|\Ngal,z), is characterized by a bimodal log-normal model with a dominant component that reproduces well the real-space distribution, and a redshift-dependent tail that is broader and displaced by a factor ~2 lower in mass. We discuss implications for X-ray properties of optically selected clusters and offer ideas for improving both mock catalogs and cluster-finding in future surveys.Comment: final version to appear in MNRAS. Appendix added on purity and completeness, small shift in red sequence due to correcting an error in finding i

    Properties of Galaxy Groups in the SDSS: II.- AGN Feedback and Star Formation Truncation

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    Successfully reproducing the galaxy luminosity function and the bimodality in the galaxy distribution requires a mechanism that can truncate star formation in massive haloes. Current models of galaxy formation consider two such truncation mechanisms: strangulation, which acts on satellite galaxies, and AGN feedback, which predominantly affects central galaxies. The efficiencies of these processes set the blue fraction of galaxies as function of galaxy luminosity and halo mass. In this paper we use a galaxy group catalogue extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to determine these fractions. To demonstrate the potential power of this data as a benchmark for galaxy formation models, we compare the results to the semi-analytical model for galaxy formation of Croton et al. (2006). Although this model accurately fits the global statistics of the galaxy population, as well as the shape of the conditional luminosity function, there are significant discrepancies when the blue fraction of galaxies as a function of mass and luminosity is compared between the observations and the model. In particular, the model predicts (i) too many faint satellite galaxies in massive haloes, (ii) a blue fraction of satellites that is much too low, and (iii) a blue fraction of centrals that is too high and with an inverted luminosity dependence. In the same order, we argue that these discrepancies owe to (i) the neglect of tidal stripping in the semi-analytical model, (ii) the oversimplified treatment of strangulation, and (iii) improper modeling of dust extinction and/or AGN feedback. The data presented here will prove useful to test and calibrate future models of galaxy formation and in particular to discriminate between various models for AGN feedback and other star formation truncation mechanisms.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Statistical analysis of galaxy surveys — II. The three-point galaxy correlation function measured from the 2dFGRS

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    We present new results for the three-point correlation function, ζ, measured as a function of scale, luminosity and colour from the final version of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). The reduced three-point correlation function, Q3~ζ/ξ2, is estimated for different triangle shapes and sizes, employing a full covariance analysis. The form of Q3 is consistent with the expectations for the Λ cold dark matter model, confirming that the primary influence shaping the distribution of galaxies is gravitational instability acting on Gaussian primordial fluctuations. However, we find a clear offset in amplitude between Q3 for galaxies and the predictions for the dark matter. We are able to rule out the scenario in which galaxies are unbiased tracers of the mass at the 9σ level. On weakly non-linear scales, we can interpret our results in terms of galaxy bias parameters. We find a linear bias term that is consistent with unity, b1= 0.93+0.10-0.08 and a quadratic bias c2=b2/b1=-0.34+0.11-0.08. This is the first significant detection of a non-zero quadratic bias, indicating a small but important non-gravitational contribution to the three-point function. Our estimate of the linear bias from the three-point function is independent of the normalization of underlying density fluctuations, so we can combine this with the measurement of the power spectrum of 2dFGRS galaxies to constrain the amplitude of matter fluctuations. We find that the rms linear theory variance in spheres of radius 8 h−1 Mpc is σ8= 0.88+0.12-0.10, providing an independent confirmation of values derived from other techniques. On non-linear scales, where ξ > 1, we find that Q3 has a strong dependence on scale, colour and luminosit

    AEGIS: The color-magnitude relation for X-ray selected AGN

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    We discuss the relationship between rest-frame color and optical luminosity for X-ray sources in the range 0.6<z<1.4 selected from the Chandra survey of the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). These objects are almost exclusively active galactic nuclei (AGN). While there are a few luminous QSOs, most are relatively weak or obscured AGN whose optical colors should be dominated by host galaxy light. The vast majority of AGN hosts at z~1 are luminous and red, with very few objects fainter than M_{B}=-20.5 or bluer than U-B=0.6. This places the AGN in a distinct region of color-magnitude space, on the ``red sequence'' or at the top of the ``blue cloud'', with many in between these two modes in galaxy color. A key stage in the evolution of massive galaxies is when star formation is quenched, resulting in a migration from the blue cloud to the red sequence. Our results are consistent with scenarios in which AGN either cause or maintain this quenching. The large numbers of red sequence AGN imply that strong, ongoing star formation is not a necessary ingredient for AGN activity, as black hole accretion appears often to persist after star formation has been terminated.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in AEGIS ApJ Letters special editio

    The Effect of Major Mergers on Age and Metallicity Across the Fundamental Plane

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    Recent low-redshift observations have attempted to determine the star formation histories of elliptical galaxies by tracking correlations between the stellar population parameters (age and metallicity) and the structural parameters that enter the fundamental plane (size and velocity dispersion). These studies have found that velocity dispersion, rather than effective radius or dynamical mass, is the main predictor of a galaxy's stellar age and metallicity. In this work, we apply an analytic model that predicts the structural properties of remnants formed in major mergers to progenitor disk galaxies with properties taken from two different semi-analytic models. We predict the effective radius, velocity dispersion, luminosity, age, and metallicity of the merger remnants, enabling us to compare directly to observations of early-type galaxies. While we find a tight correlation between age and velocity dispersion, we find a stronger dependence of age and metallicity on effective radius than observations report. The correlations arise as a result of the dependence of gas fraction, age, and metallicity on the stellar mass in the progenitor disk galaxies. These dependences induce a rotation in the radius-velocity plane between the correlations with effective radius and circular velocity in the disk galaxy progenitors, and the correlations with effective radius and velocity dispersion in the elliptical galaxy remnants. The differences between our results and those from observations suggest that major mergers alone cannot produce the observed lack of correlation between effective radius and stellar population parameters. Simulations have suggested that subsequent minor mergers introduce scatter in the effective radius while leaving the velocity dispersion essentially unchanged. Incorporating such minor mergers into the model may, then, bring the simulations into closer agreement with observations.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Red Galaxy Growth and the Halo Occupation Distribution

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    We have traced the past 7 Gyr of red galaxy stellar mass growth within dark matter halos. We have determined the halo occupation distribution, which describes how galaxies reside within dark matter halos, using the observed luminosity function and clustering of 40,696 0.2<z<1.0 red galaxies in Bootes. Half of 10^{11.9} Msun/h halos host a red central galaxy, and this fraction increases with increasing halo mass. We do not observe any evolution of the relationship between red galaxy stellar mass and host halo mass, although we expect both galaxy stellar masses and halo masses to evolve over cosmic time. We find that the stellar mass contained within the red population has doubled since z=1, with the stellar mass within red satellite galaxies tripling over this redshift range. In cluster mass halos most of the stellar mass resides within satellite galaxies and the intra-cluster light, with a minority of the stellar mass residing within central galaxies. The stellar masses of the most luminous red central galaxies are proportional to halo mass to the power of a third. We thus conclude that halo mergers do not always lead to rapid growth of central galaxies. While very massive halos often double in mass over the past 7 Gyr, the stellar masses of their central galaxies typically grow by only 30%.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 34 pages, 22 Figures, 5 Table