214 research outputs found

    Life Sounds Extraction and Classification in Noisy Environment

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the sound event detection in a noisy environment and presents a first classification approach. Detection is the first step of our sound analysis system and is necessary to extract the significant sounds before ini-tiating the classification step. We present three original event detection algorithms. Among these algorithms, one is based on the wavelet and gives the best performances. We evaluate and compare their performance in a noisy en-vironment with the state of the art algorithms in the field. Then, we present a statistical study to obtain the acous-tical parameters necessary for the training and, the sound classification results. The detection algorithms and sound classification are applied to medical telemonitoring. We re-place video camera by microphones surveying life sounds in order to preserve patient's privacy

    Sound Detection and Classification for Medical Telesurvey

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    International audienceMedical Telesurvey needs human operator assistance by smart information systems. This paper deals with the sound event detection in a noisy environment and presents a first classification approach. Detection is the first step of our sound analysis system and is necessary to extract the sig-nificant sounds before initiating the classification step. An algorithm based on the Wavelet Transform is evaluated in noisy environment. Then Wavelet based cepstral coeffi-cients are proposed and their results are compared with more classical parameters. Detection algorithm and sound classification methods are applied to medical telemonitor-ing. In our opinion, microphones surveying life sounds are better preserving patient privacy than video cameras

    Observaţii asupra rezistenţei la îngheţ a soiului de nuc fernor, în timpul perioadei de repaus (ianuarie-aprilie), în condiţiile pedoclimatice din zona Sălcioara, jud. Dâmboviţa

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    t is well known that walnut varieties with lateral fructification have a lower resistance to temperature variations during relative rest and on the entering vegetation.In the first decade of January 2017, in Salcioaravillage, Dambovitacounty there was recorded extremely high variations in the negative temperatures, which could affect the viability of the male florids (men) and the small unisexed female buds.At the end of April (26-28 April) there were late spring frosts that caused massive tissue necrosis of young tissues in native walnut trees and partial frosts of male ‘Fernor’sprouts found in the phenophase of swelling of the buds.If the autochthonous genotypes produced 80% of the production of walnuts in the year 2017, these late frosts did not affect the subsequent developmentof fruit buds in the ‘Fernor’variety. Approximately 10% of male florid shoots (avenues) showed partial frostbite without having their total pollen emission capacity and 3% of small buds unisexed females were affected by frost

    A Dense Companion to the Short-Period Millisecond Pulsar Binary PSR J0636+5128

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    PSR J0636+5128 is a millisecond pulsar in one of the most compact pulsar binaries known, with a 96\,min orbital period. The pulsar mass function suggests a very low-mass companion, similar to that seen in so-called "black widow" binaries. Unlike in most of those, however, no radio eclipses by material driven off from the companion were seen leading to the possibility that the companion was a degenerate remnant of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf. We report the discovery of the optical counterpart of its companion in images taken with the Gemini North and Keck~I telescopes. The companion varies between r=25r=25 and r=23r=23 on the 96\,min orbital period of the binary, caused by irradiation from the pulsar's energetic wind. We modeled the multi-color lightcurve using parallax constraints from pulsar timing and determine a companion mass of (1.71±0.23)×102M(1.71\pm0.23)\times 10^{-2}\,M_\odot, a radius of (7.6±1.4)×102R(7.6\pm1.4)\times 10^{-2}\,R_\odot, and a mean density of 54±26gcm354\pm26\,{\rm g\,cm}^{-3}, all for an assumed neutron star mass of 1.4M1.4\,M_\odot. This makes the companion to PSR J0636+5128 one of the densest of the "black widow" systems. Modeling suggests that the composition is not predominantly hydrogen, perhaps due to an origin in an ultra-compact X-ray binary.Comment: 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to ApJ on June 29, 2018. Accepted on July 20, 201

    The Peculiar Phase Structure of Random Graph Bisection

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    The mincut graph bisection problem involves partitioning the n vertices of a graph into disjoint subsets, each containing exactly n/2 vertices, while minimizing the number of "cut" edges with an endpoint in each subset. When considered over sparse random graphs, the phase structure of the graph bisection problem displays certain familiar properties, but also some surprises. It is known that when the mean degree is below the critical value of 2 log 2, the cutsize is zero with high probability. We study how the minimum cutsize increases with mean degree above this critical threshold, finding a new analytical upper bound that improves considerably upon previous bounds. Combined with recent results on expander graphs, our bound suggests the unusual scenario that random graph bisection is replica symmetric up to and beyond the critical threshold, with a replica symmetry breaking transition possibly taking place above the threshold. An intriguing algorithmic consequence is that although the problem is NP-hard, we can find near-optimal cutsizes (whose ratio to the optimal value approaches 1 asymptotically) in polynomial time for typical instances near the phase transition.Comment: substantially revised section 2, changed figures 3, 4 and 6, made minor stylistic changes and added reference

    Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of esophageal columnar metaplasia

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    Catedra de Chirurgie Nr 4, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Centrul Medical Excellece LEDA, Centrul Medical ,,Synevo” Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Definiția Esofagului Barrett (EB) a evoluat, iar astăzi variază în întreaga lume cu o lipsă de consens în ceea ce privește importanța identificării metaplaziei intestinale. Diagnosticul metaplaziei la etapele timpurii prezintă interes, datorită naturii sale preneoplazice și a riscului crescut de progresie spre adenocarcinom esofagian. Material si metode: Un lot de 52 bolnavi cu EB tratați în Clinica de Chirurgie Nr 4 pe parcursul anilor 2010-2018. S-au aplicat tehnici de diagnostic de endoscopie digestivă avansată, biopsiere ghidată (NearFocus, NBI+) și examen patomorfologic prin dublu control, urmate de tratament chirurgical multimodal: endoluminal și chirurgical laparoscopic. Rezultate: Au fost realizate 7 disecții endoscopice de submucoasă, 16 intervenții prin argon plasma coagulare și în 29 de cazuri a fost aplicată rezecția endoscopică de mucoasă. Intervențiile chirurgicale laparoscopice au succedat etapa endoluminală, fiind efectuate în 5 cazuri manșonul antireflux Hill-Toupet, 13 Hill-Nisen-Rosseti și 34 intervenții Hill-Lortat –Jacob în varianta modificată. Concluzii: Tehnicile contemporane de diagnostic endoscopic (magnificație, NBI+, Near Focus) efectuate la nivel expert, ameliorează esențial diagnosticul EB, permit biopsierea focusată optic a sectoarelor suspecte, cresc calitatea și acuratețea biopsiilor prin evidențierea formelor de patern foveolar. Depistarea precoce a pacienților cu esofag columnar metaplaziat a constituit o condiție obligatorie pentru antrenarea tratamentului multimodal și crește cota intervențiilor miniinvazive în această patologie până la 90%.Introduction: The definition of Barrett's Esophagus has evolved, but today throughout the world there is still no consensus in regard of the importance of intestinal metaplasia identification. The diagnosis of intestinal metaplasia presents interest later on, due to its preneoplasic nature and a high risk of evolution into esophageal adenocarcinoma. Materials and methods: A study comprised of 52 patients that were treated in Department Nr.4 of Surgery during 2010-2018. Advanced digestive endoscopic techniques, guided biopsy (NearFocus, NBI+), pathomorphological examination double controlled, followed by multimodal surgical treatment: endoluminal and lapaoscopic were applied. Results: 7 endoscopic submucosal dissections were performed, 16 through argon plasma coagulation and 29 cases of mucosal endoscopic resection. Laparoscopic surgeries were performed before endoluminal, 5 cases on Hill-Toupet technique, 13 Hill-NisenRosseti and 34 Hill-Lortat –Jacob (modified). Conclusions: The contemporary endoscopic diagnosis (magnification, NBI+, Near Focus) made at ,,expert level” improve the diagnosis of BE, allow focused biopsy of suspicious zones, enhance the quality of biopsy through highlighting the foveolar patterns. Early detection of patients with esophageal columnar metaplasia represents a mandatory condition for multimodal treatment and increasing the minimal invasive surgeries by 90%

    Discovery, TESS Characterization, and Modeling of Pulsations in the Extremely Low-mass White Dwarf GD 278

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    We report the discovery of pulsations in the extremely low-mass (ELM), likely helium-core white dwarf GD 278 via ground- and space-based photometry. GD 278 was observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in Sector 18 at a 2 minute cadence for roughly 24 days. The TESS data reveal at least 19 significant periodicities between 2447 and 6729 s, one of which is the longest pulsation period ever detected in a white dwarf. Previous spectroscopy found that this white dwarf is in a 4.61 hr orbit with an unseen >0.4 M ⊙ companion and has T eff = 9230 ± 100 K and logg=6.627±0.056" role="presentation">logg=6.627±0.056 , which corresponds to a mass of 0.191 ± 0.013 M ⊙. Patterns in the TESS pulsation frequencies from rotational splittings appear to reveal a stellar rotation period of roughly 10 hr, making GD 278 the first ELM white dwarf with a measured rotation rate. The patterns inform our mode identification for asteroseismic fits, which, unfortunately, do not reveal a global best-fit solution. Asteroseismology reveals two main solutions roughly consistent with the spectroscopic parameters of this ELM white dwarf, but with vastly different hydrogen-layer masses; future seismic fits could be further improved by using the stellar parallax. GD 278 is now the tenth known pulsating ELM white dwarf; it is only the fifth known to be in a short-period binary, but is the first with extended, space-based photometry.Fil: Lopez, Isaac D.. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hermes, J. J.. University Of Boston. Departament Astronomy; Estados UnidosFil: Calcaferro, Leila Magdalena. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Bell, Keaton. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Samuels, Adam. University Of Boston. Departament Astronomy. Center For Space Physics; Estados UnidosFil: Vanderbosch, Zachary P.. University of Texas at Austin; Estados UnidosFil: Corsico, Alejandro Hugo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Istrate, Alina G.. University of Utrecht; Países Bajo

    Гастро-эзофагиальная рефлюксная болезнь: атипичные клинические проявления и влияние на качество жизни больных

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    Spitalul Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, Chişinău, Catedra Medicină internă nr. 6, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Feroviar, Chişinău, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIn this work data are presented about the influence of gastro-esophageal reflux disease on patient’s lifestyle, having an obscure evolution, but sometimes with severe atypical evolution and complications (hemorrhages, perforations, esophageal cancer) which may lead to death.В настоящем обзоре литературы приводятся данные о влиянии гастро-эзофагиальной рефлюксной болезни на качество жизни больных, которая может протекать со стертой клинической картиной, а иногда с тяжелым атипичным течением и развитием различных тяжелых осложнений (кровотечения, перфорации, рак пищевода) приводящих к смерти