570 research outputs found

    Morphological and structural features of the CdxPb1−xS films obtained by CBD from ethylenediamine-citrate bath

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    The calculating of ionic equilibria in the system «Pb(CH3COO)2 - CdCl2 - Na3C6H5O7 - ‎(NH3)2(CH2)2 - N2H4CS» allowed us to find conditions and concentration regions of PbS and CdS co-deposition. The determined conditions provided the CBD obtaining of CdxPb1−xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.033) substitutional solid solutions films with a cubic structure B1 (space group Fm ) with the grains preferred orientation (200). We established the evolution of the surface morphology of the synthesized films from cubic crystallites to hierarchical structure of globular aggregates by scanning electron microscopy. A quantitative analysis of diffraction patterns showed a decrease of microstrains in CdxPb1−xS films by a about factor of 3 with an increase of the cadmium chloride concentration in the reaction mixture from 0.005 to 0.14 mol/l. The excess of the cadmium content, established by EDX analysis, in the studied films as compared to its content in the solid solution is associated with the additional formation of the amorphous CdS phase up to 72 mol %.A Corrigendum is available for this article at https://doi.org/10.15826/chimtech.2021.8.2.12

    Centrifugal quantum states of neutrons

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    We propose a method for observation of the quasi-stationary states of neutrons, localized near the curved mirror surface. The bounding effective well is formed by the centrifugal potential and the mirror Fermi-potential. This phenomenon is an example of an exactly solvable "quantum bouncer" problem that could be studied experimentally. It could provide a promising tool for studying fundamental neutron-matter interactions, as well as quantum neutron optics and surface physics effects. We develop formalism, which describes quantitatively the neutron motion near the mirror surface. The effects of mirror roughness are taken into account.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activities

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    The results of the study showed the necessity and effectiveness of the use of means of physical culture and recreational activities in the prevention of students' deviant behavior. In the process of use of means of physical culture and recreational activities, attention was focused on getting pleasure from students in order to interrupt their destructive and stereotypical behavioral behavior programs, for which all forms of physical exercises were used aimed at emotionally active rest, entertainment, getting satisfaction from motor activity and comfortable psycho-emotional envi-ronment in the classroo

    Quantum motion of a neutron in a wave-guide in the gravitational field

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    We study theoretically the quantum motion of a neutron in a horizontal wave-guide in the gravitational field of the Earth. The wave-guide in question is equipped with a mirror below and a rough absorber above. We show that such a system acts as a quantum filter, i.e. it effectively absorbs quantum states with sufficiently high transversal energy but transmits low-energy states. The states transmitted are mainly determined by the potential well formed by the gravitational field of the Earth and the mirror. The formalism developed for quantum motion in an absorbing wave-guide is applied to the description of the recent experiment on the observation of the quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field

    Light-emitting-diode Fourier-transform spectroscopy of HD16O between 11200 and 12400 cm-1

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    The absorption spectrum of monodeuterated water, HDO has been investigated between 11200 and 12400 cm-1. The spectrum has been recorded using IFS-125M interferometer with spectral resolution of 0.05 cm-1. For measurements White’s-type cell were used. The bright light emitting diode (LED) EDEI-1LS3-R was applied as a source of radiation. Signal to noise ratio was about 104. The spectral line parameters - line positions, intensities and half-widths were obtained by least square fitting. As a result of the spectrum analysis the line list containing more than 1500 lines was created. The spectral line parameters have been compared with the previous measured and calculated data. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only


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    The important role of immune disorders in recurrent miscarriage has been proven. Clarification of the character of B-lymphocyte differentiation and its regulation factors in women with threatened miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage in history is an urgent problem, since it will reveal the immune mechanisms of the pathogenesis of this pathology. Purpose: to establish the features of B-lymphocyte differentiation and factors of its regulation in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage and threatening spontaneous miscarriage at the time of examination.Were examined pregnant women aged 18-40 years at a gestation period of 5-12 weeks. The main group consisted of 60 pregnant women with a threatening spontaneous miscarriage at the time of examination and a history of recurrent miscarriage. As a control, 35 pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancy were examined. The comparison group consisted of 25 primary pregnant women with threatened spontaneous miscarriage at the time of examination. The material for the study was peripheral venous blood. Subpopulations of B-lymphocytes CD19+, CD19+ IgD+, CD20+IgM+, CD20+IgG+ were determined by flow cytometry; CD19+CD20- CD38+, CD19+CD27- , CD19+CD27+. Serum levels of BAFF and APRIL were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.In the main group, an increase in the proportion of B-cells, CD20+IgM+-lymphocytes and memory cells was recorded in the peripheral blood, along with a decrease in the level of naive cells and plasma cells. In the comparison group, an increase in the proportion of immature IgM+B-cells, circulating memory cells, along with a decrease in naive B-lymphocytes, was registered. in the main group there was a pronounced decrease in the serum BAFF level compared with the control and comparison groups. Analysis of the APRIL content showed a pronounced downward trend in groups with threatened miscarriage relative to healthy pregnant women. Thus, threatening habitual and sporadic miscarriages were associated with a shift in the differentiation of B-lymphocytes towards immature forms and a lack of regulatory influence of BAFF and APRIL, which is reflected in the disruption of B-cell homeostasis and weakening of humoral effector mechanisms at the systemic level. The revealed changes may indicate a single mechanism for the development of a threatening spontaneous miscarriage, the severity of which increases with repeated loss of pregnancy. These changes can lead to an increase in effector cytotoxic mechanisms and an increase in proinflammatory cytokines, which can lead to the development of damaging reactions in the fetoplacental complex, which can be reflected in the clinical picture of the threat of termination of pregnancy