1,843 research outputs found

    Pacific bonito management information document

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    Management of Pacific bonito in California is examined in this Management Information Document by a State-Federal team of scientists. Abundance of Pacific bonito in southern California has fallen dramatically between the 1963-1969 period and the 1974-1977 period. Since 1976 the commercia1 fleet has found few large fish in southern California, and has caught fish in the size range of 15 to 57 cm (1.2 to 4.7 pounds). This fact, coupled with the low abundance indices, point out the need for a more active management regime. To develop management measures for the California bonito fishery both a surplus yield analysis and a yield-per-recruit analysis were performed. A maximum sustained yield of 10,000 short tons was estimated for the fishery in southern California, while the whole fishery, including Baja California, has an estimated MSY of 13,000 tons. In order to achieve this level of catch, however, the stock abundance must be increased by a factor of five. Yield-per-recruit considerations suggest that a minimum size limit in the commercial fishery has two important effects. A three-pound size limit could result in a slight increase in yield-per-recruit. If the size limit is increased to 5 or 7.5 lbs, the yield-per-recruit would fall significantly. Offsetting the effect on yield-per-recruit, however, would be a substantial increase in average amount of spawning per recruit which should result in a proportional increase in recruitment. With the current depressed stock abundance both a reduced annual take and a minimum size limit on commercial catch would confer substantial benefits in the form of an increase in the future stock size. After considering seven different types of management measures, the team finds that three types -- an annual commercial catch quota, a commercial size limit, and a recreational bag limit -- appear desirable. Re-establishment of the stock in southern California was the major consideration in this evaluation because the stock is currently depressed. All segments of the fishery will benefit from a more abundant resource. The difficult issues for policy, however, concern the rate of rebuilding, the degree of risk that is acceptable, and the distribution of benefits among user groups. By judicious choice among the options discussed here, a variety of positions can be established with respect to these issues. The greater the size limit, for instance, the more benefit is provided the recreational sector while difficulties are imposed upon commercial fishermen. The higher the quotas adopted, the slower the stock rebuilding and the greater the risk of continued stock depletion. A final reconciliation of the management options involves social, political and legal considerations which must be thoroughly incorporated by decision-makers before adoption of a management plan. (93pp.

    Doubting what you already know:Uncertainty regarding state transitions is associated with obsessive compulsive symptoms

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    Obsessive compulsive (OC) symptoms involve excessive information gathering (e.g., checking, reassurance-seeking), and uncertainty about possible, often catastrophic, future events. Here we propose that these phenomena are the result of excessive uncertainty regarding state transitions (transition uncertainty): a computational impairment in Bayesian inference leading to a reduced ability to use the past to predict the present and future, and to oversensitivity to feedback (i.e. prediction errors). Using a computational model of Bayesian learning under uncertainty in a reversal learning task, we investigate the relationship between OC symptoms and transition uncertainty. Individuals high and low in OC symptoms performed a task in which they had to detect shifts (i.e. transitions) in cue-outcome contingencies. Modeling subjects' choices was used to estimate each individual participant's transition uncertainty and associated responses to feedback. We examined both an optimal observer model and an approximate Bayesian model in which participants were assumed to attend (and learn about) only one of several cues on each trial. Results suggested the participants were more likely to distribute attention across cues, in accordance with the optimal observer model. As hypothesized, participants with higher OC symptoms exhibited increased transition uncertainty, as well as a pattern of behavior potentially indicative of a difficulty in relying on learned contingencies, with no evidence for perseverative behavior. Increased transition uncertainty compromised these individuals' ability to predict ensuing feedback, rendering them more surprised by expected outcomes. However, no evidence for excessive belief updating was found. These results highlight a potential computational basis for OC symptoms and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The fact the OC symptoms predicted a decreased reliance on the past rather than perseveration challenges preconceptions of OCD as a disorder of inflexibility. Our results have implications for the understanding of the neurocognitive processes leading to excessive uncertainty and distrust of past experiences in OCD


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    Salmon restoration and enhancement are dominant environmental policy issues in Oregon and Washington. In response to salmon species listings under the Endangered Species Act, salmon protection and recovery actions are being implemented throughout the Pacific Northwest at substantial opportunity costs. In this paper, we examine the willingness to pay (WTP) of coastal residents for local coho salmon enhancement programs. A contingent valuation study is completed using survey responses from five rural, coastal communities of Oregon and Washington, where coho salmon are prevalent. Our empirical results indicate that coastal residents are willing to pay for local coho salmon enhancement and that WTP varies considerably with individual opinions of the merit of the enhancement program.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps

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    The axial pump is considered in terms of the total turbopump assembly. Stage hydrodynamic design, pump rotor assembly, pump materials for liquid hydrogen applications, and safety factors as utilized in state of the art pumps are among the topics discussed. Axial pump applications are included

    On right conjugacy closed loops of twice prime order

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    The right conjugacy closed loops of order 2p, where p is an odd prime, are classified up to isomorphism.Comment: Clarified definitions, added some remarks and a tabl

    The current state of CCS: Ongoing research at the University of Cambridge with application to the UK policy framework

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    The Earth's climate is changing and the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) is recognised as the principal cause. To meet legally binding targets, UK GHG emissions need to be cut by at least 80% of the 1990 levels by 2050. With an increase in future fossil fuel use, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is the only method of meeting these targets. Some key challenges face the deployment of CCS including cost, uncertainty of CCS deployment, the risks of long-term CO2 storage, public communication and scale. Research at the University of Cambridge is resolving these issues and assisting the deployment of CCS technology. The right regulatory framework also needs to be set so that the technology is commercially deployed. The current UK policy framework for CCS is outlined in this document and the immediate barriers to deployment are highlighted. The ongoing CCS research taking place primarily at the University of Cambridge is described. There are many steps that need to be taken if CCS deployment is to ultimately succeed; this document attempts to highlight these steps and address them.Carbon Capture Technologie

    On Nichols algebras over PGL(2,q) and PSL(2,q)

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    We compute necessary conditions on Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the groups \mathbf{PGL}(2,q)=\mathbf{PGL}(2,\FF_q) and \mathbf{PSL}(2,q)=\mathbf{PSL}(2,\FF_q) to generate finite dimensional Nichols algebras. This is a first step towards a classification of pointed Hopf algebras with group of group-likes isomorphic to one of these groups. As a by-product of the techniques developed in this work, we prove that there is no non-trivial finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebra over the Mathieu groups M20M_{20} and M21=PSL(3,4)M_{21}=\mathbf{PSL}(3,4).Comment: Minor change

    Leakage from gravity currents in a porous medium. Part 2. A line sink

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    We consider the propagation of a buoyancy-driven gravity current in a porous medium bounded by a horizontal, impermeable boundary. The current is fed by a constant flux injected at a point and leaks through a line sink at a distance from the injection point. This is an idealized model of how a fault in a cap rock might compromise the geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. The temporal evolution of the efficiency of storage, defined as the instantaneous ratio of the rate at which fluid is stored without leaking to the rate at which it is injected, is of particular interest. We show that the ‘efficiency of storage’ decays like t−2/5 for times t that are long compared with the time taken for the current to reach the fault. This algebraic decay is in contrast to the case of leakage through a circular sink (Neufeld et al., J. Fluid Mech., vol. 2010) where the efficiency of storage decays more slowly like 1/lnt. The implications of the predicted decay in the efficiency of storage are discussed in the context of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Using parameter values typical of the demonstration project at Sleipner, Norway, we show that the efficiency of storage should remain greater than 90% on a time scale of millennia, provided that there are no significant faults in the cap rock within about 12km of the injection site