711 research outputs found

    Temperature Driven Structural Phase Transition in Tetragonal-Like BiFeO3

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    Highly-strained BiFeO3 exhibits a "tetragonal-like, monoclinic" crystal structure found only in epitaxial films (with an out-of-plane lattice parameter exceeding the in-plane value by >20%). Previous work has shown that this phase is properly described as a MC_{C} monoclinic structure at room temperature [with a (010)pc_{pc} symmetry plane, which contains the ferroelectric polarization]. Here we show detailed temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction data that evidence a structural phase transition at ~100C to a high-temperature MA_{A} phase ["tetragonal-like" but with a (1-10)pc_{pc} symmetry plane]. These results indicate that the ferroelectric properties and domain structures of strained BiFeO3_3 will be strongly temperature dependent.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The influence of alfalfa-switchgrass intercropping on microbial community structure and function

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    The use of nitrogen fertilizer on bioenergy crops such as switchgrass results in increased costs, nitrogen leaching and emissions of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas. Intercropping with nitrogen-fixing alfalfa has been proposed as an environmentally sustainable alternative, but the effects of synthetic fertilizer versus intercropping on soil microbial community functionality remain uncharacterized. We analysed 24 metagenomes from the upper soil layer of agricultural fields from Prosser, WA over two growing seasons and representing three agricultural practices: unfertilized switchgrass (control), fertilized switchgrass and switchgrass intercropped with alfalfa. The synthetic fertilization and intercropping did not result in major shifts of microbial community taxonomic and functional composition compared with the control plots, but a few significant changes were noted. Most notably, mycorrhizal fungi, ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria increased in abundance with intercropping and fertilization. However, only betaproteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria abundance in fertilized plots significantly correlated to N2O emission and companion qPCR data. Collectively, a short period of intercropping elicits minor but significant changes in the soil microbial community toward nitrogen preservation and that intercropping may be a viable alternative to synthetic fertilization

    Evaluation de méthodes de segmentation bayésiennes pour l'imagerie TEP en oncologie

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    Ce travail se concentre sur l'étude de méthodes de segmentation statistiques pour la détermination des volumes fonctionnels dans le cadre de l'imagerie TEP avec des applications en oncologie, en particulier la radiothérapie. Nous présentons ici une comparaison des performances de différentes approches (locale et globale, « dure » et « floue ») pour des images réelles d'acquisitions TEP du fantôme IEC. Les résultats obtenus sur images simulées sont ici confirmés: la méthode locale est la mieux adaptée, et fonctionne mieux que l'approche par chaînes de Markov cachées et la méthode de référence par seuillage

    Dental wear at macro- and microscopic scale in rabbits fed diets of different abrasiveness: A pilot investigation

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    To differentiate the effects of internal and external abrasives on tooth wear, we performed a controlled feeding experiment in rabbits fed diets of varying phytolith content as an internal abrasive and with addition of sand as an external abrasive. 13 rabbits were each fed one of the following four pelleted diets with different abrasive characteristics (no phytoliths: lucerne L; phytoliths: grass G; more phytoliths: grass and rice hulls GR; phytoliths plus external abrasives: grass, rice hulls and sand GRS) for two weeks. At the end the feeding period, three tooth wear proxies were applied to quantify wear on the cheek teeth at macroscopic and microscopic wear scales: CT scans were obtained to quantify tooth height. Mesowear was scored adapted to this species, and 3D dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) was performed on four antagonistic teeth. Both external and internal abrasives resulted in increased wear in all proxies compared to the phytolith and sand-free diet (L). The wear effect was more prominent on the maxillary than on the mandibular teeth. On the GRS diet, the upper third premolar had the largest decline in relative tooth height compared to others in the same tooth row. The impact of diet abrasiveness on the mesowear signal was only clearly visible for the most abrasive diet, most likely due to the limited sample size. DMTA was especially sensitive to phytolith changes in the diet, and surface roughness generally increased with increasing amounts of abrasive agents (L < G < GR < GRS) as expressed in an increase of most height and volume parameters. The fast pace of dental wear in this species led to some expected correlations between tooth height, mesowear and DMTA parameters, creating a distinct wear pattern for each diet. Animal models with high wear rates may be particularly suitable for investigations on functional interrelationships of different wear proxies

    Potentiel de la culture de légumes dans des biofiltres

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    Automatic Head and Neck Tumor segmentation and outcome prediction relying on FDG-PET/CT images: Findings from the second edition of the HECKTOR challenge.

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    By focusing on metabolic and morphological tissue properties respectively, FluoroDeoxyGlucose (FDG)-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) modalities include complementary and synergistic information for cancerous lesion delineation and characterization (e.g. for outcome prediction), in addition to usual clinical variables. This is especially true in Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The goal of the HEad and neCK TumOR segmentation and outcome prediction (HECKTOR) challenge was to develop and compare modern image analysis methods to best extract and leverage this information automatically. We present here the post-analysis of HECKTOR 2nd edition, at the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. The scope of the challenge was substantially expanded compared to the first edition, by providing a larger population (adding patients from a new clinical center) and proposing an additional task to the challengers, namely the prediction of Progression-Free Survival (PFS). To this end, the participants were given access to a training set of 224 cases from 5 different centers, each with a pre-treatment FDG-PET/CT scan and clinical variables. Their methods were subsequently evaluated on a held-out test set of 101 cases from two centers. For the segmentation task (Task 1), the ranking was based on a Borda counting of their ranks according to two metrics: mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and median Hausdorff Distance at 95th percentile (HD95). For the PFS prediction task, challengers could use the tumor contours provided by experts (Task 3) or rely on their own (Task 2). The ranking was obtained according to the Concordance index (C-index) calculated on the predicted risk scores. A total of 103 teams registered for the challenge, for a total of 448 submissions and 29 papers. The best method in the segmentation task obtained an average DSC of 0.759, and the best predictions of PFS obtained a C-index of 0.717 (without relying on the provided contours) and 0.698 (using the expert contours). An interesting finding was that best PFS predictions were reached by relying on DL approaches (with or without explicit tumor segmentation, 4 out of the 5 best ranked) compared to standard radiomics methods using handcrafted features extracted from delineated tumors, and by exploiting alternative tumor contours (automated and/or larger volumes encompassing surrounding tissues) rather than relying on the expert contours. This second edition of the challenge confirmed the promising performance of fully automated primary tumor delineation in PET/CT images of HNC patients, although there is still a margin for improvement in some difficult cases. For the first time, the prediction of outcome was also addressed and the best methods reached relatively good performance (C-index above 0.7). Both results constitute another step forward toward large-scale outcome prediction studies in HNC

    Phase transition close to room temperature in BiFeO3 thin films

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    BiFeO3 (BFO) multiferroic oxide has a complex phase diagram that can be mapped by appropriately substrate-induced strain in epitaxial films. By using Raman spectroscopy, we conclusively show that films of the so-called supertetragonal T-BFO phase, stabilized under compressive strain, displays a reversible temperature-induced phase transition at about 100\circ, thus close to room temperature.Comment: accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communication

    Genomic determinants of organohalide-respiration in Geobacter lovleyi, an unusual member of the Geobacteraceae

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    Background Geobacter lovleyi is a unique member of the Geobacteraceae because strains of this species share the ability to couple tetrachloroethene (PCE) reductive dechlorination to cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) with energy conservation and growth (i.e., organohalide respiration). Strain SZ also reduces U(VI) to U(IV) and contributes to uranium immobilization, making G. lovleyi relevant for bioremediation at sites impacted with chlorinated ethenes and radionuclides. G. lovleyi is the only fully sequenced representative of this distinct Geobacter clade, and comparative genome analyses identified genetic elements associated with organohalide respiration and elucidated genome features that distinguish strain SZ from other members of the Geobacteraceae. Results Sequencing the G. lovleyi strain SZ genome revealed a 3.9 Mbp chromosome with 54.7% GC content (i.e., the percent of the total guanines (Gs) and cytosines (Cs) among the four bases within the genome), and average amino acid identities of 53–56% compared to other sequenced Geobacter spp. Sequencing also revealed the presence of a 77 kbp plasmid, pSZ77 (53.0% GC), with nearly half of its encoded genes corresponding to chromosomal homologs in other Geobacteraceae genomes. Among these chromosome-derived features, pSZ77 encodes 15 out of the 24 genes required for de novo cobalamin biosynthesis, a required cofactor for organohalide respiration. A plasmid with 99% sequence identity to pSZ77 was subsequently detected in the PCE-dechlorinating G. lovleyi strain KB-1 present in the PCE-to-ethene-dechlorinating consortium KB-1. Additional PCE-to-cis-DCE-dechlorinating G. lovleyi strains obtained from the PCE-contaminated Fort Lewis, WA, site did not carry a plasmid indicating that pSZ77 is not a requirement (marker) for PCE respiration within this species. Chromosomal genomic islands found within the G. lovleyi strain SZ genome encode two reductive dehalogenase (RDase) homologs and a putative conjugative pilus system. Despite the loss of many c-type cytochrome and oxidative-stress-responsive genes, strain SZ retained the majority of Geobacter core metabolic capabilities, including U(VI) respiration. Conclusions Gene acquisitions have expanded strain SZ’s respiratory capabilities to include PCE and TCE as electron acceptors. Respiratory processes core to the Geobacter genus, such as metal reduction, were retained despite a substantially reduced number of c-type cytochrome genes. pSZ77 is stably maintained within its host strains SZ and KB-1, likely because the replicon carries essential genes including genes involved in cobalamin biosynthesis and possibly corrinoid transport. Lateral acquisition of the plasmid replicon and the RDase genomic island represent unique genome features of the PCE-respiring G. lovleyi strains SZ and KB-1, and at least the latter signifies adaptation to PCE contamination