649 research outputs found

    Collective motional resonances and instabilities of an electron cloud stored in a Penning trap

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    We have experimentally investigated the behavior of an electron cloud confined in a Penning trap at weak superimposed magnetic fields. Exciting the motional frequencies of the electrons by an external drive field we found the axial mode split into two components which were identified as center-of-mass and individual electron oscillations. When the trapping potential was varied, rapid electron loss appeared at numerous values of the applied voltage. They are determined by the relation n z ω z + n m ω m =ω c . ω z ,ω m ,ω c are the axial, magnetron, and cyclotron frequency of the trapped electrons, respectively. The reason for this loss is attributed to higher order contributions to the ideal quadrupole trapping potential

    Large Deviations in the Superstable Weakly Imperfect Bose Gas

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    The superstable Weakly Imperfect Bose Gas {(WIBG)} was originally derived to solve the inconsistency of the Bogoliubov theory of superfluidity. Its grand-canonical thermodynamics was recently solved but not at {point of} the {(first order)} phase transition. This paper proposes to close this gap by using the large deviations formalism and in particular the analysis of the Kac distribution function. It turns out that, as a function of the chemical potential, the discontinuity of the Bose condensate density at the phase transition {point} disappears as a function of the particle density. Indeed, the Bose condensate continuously starts at the first critical particle density and progressively grows but the free-energy per particle stays constant until the second critical density is reached. At higher particle densities, the Bose condensate density as well as the free-energy per particle both increase {monotonously}

    Low-temperature heat transfer in nanowires

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    The new regime of low-temperature heat transfer in suspended nanowires is predicted. It takes place when (i) only ``acoustic'' phonon modes of the wire are thermally populated and (ii) phonons are subject to the effective elastic scattering. Qualitatively, the main peculiarities of heat transfer originate due to appearance of the flexural modes with high density of states in the wire phonon spectrum. They give rise to the T1/2T^{1/2} temperature dependence of the wire thermal conductance. The experimental situations where the new regime is likely to be detected are discussed.Comment: RevTex file, 1 PS figur

    Effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the universal thermal conductance

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    The effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the thermal conductance in mesoscopic systems at low temperatures is calculated using full elasticity theory. The low frequency behavior of the scattering shows novel power law dependences arising from the unusual properties of the elastic modes. This leads to new predictions for the low temperature depression of the thermal conductance below the ideal universal value. Comparison with the data of Schwab et al. [Nature 404, 974 (2000)] suggests that surface roughness on a scale of the width of the thermal pathway is important in the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Elastic Wave Transmission at an Abrupt Junction in a Thin Plate, with Application to Heat Transport and Vibrations in Mesoscopic Systems

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    The transmission coefficient for vibrational waves crossing an abrupt junction between two thin elastic plates of different widths is calculated. These calculations are relevant to ballistic phonon thermal transport at low temperatures in mesoscopic systems and the Q for vibrations in mesoscopic oscillators. Complete results are calculated in a simple scalar model of the elastic waves, and results for long wavelength modes are calculated using the full elasticity theory calculation. We suggest that thin plate elasticty theory provide a useful and tractable approximation to the full three dimensional geometry.Comment: 35 pages, including 12 figure

    Bloch-Wall Phase Transition in the Spherical Model

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    The temperature-induced second-order phase transition from Bloch to linear (Ising-like) domain walls in uniaxial ferromagnets is investigated for the model of D-component classical spin vectors in the limit D \to \infty. This exactly soluble model is equivalent to the standard spherical model in the homogeneous case, but deviates from it and is free from unphysical behavior in a general inhomogeneous situation. It is shown that the thermal fluctuations of the transverse magnetization in the wall (the Bloch-wall order parameter) result in the diminishing of the wall transition temperature T_B in comparison to its mean-field value, thus favouring the existence of linear walls. For finite values of T_B an additional anisotropy in the basis plane x,y is required; in purely uniaxial ferromagnets a domain wall behaves like a 2-dimensional system with a continuous spin symmetry and does not order into the Bloch one.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Measurements of the Separated Longitudinal Structure Function FL From Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets at Low Q2

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    Structure functions, as measured in lepton-nucleon scattering, have proven to be very useful in studying the partonic dynamics within the nucleon. However, it is experimentally difficult to separately determine the longitudinal and transverse structure functions, and consequently there are substantially less data available in particular for the longitudinal structure function. Here, we present separated structure functions for hydrogen and deuterium at low four-momentum transfer squared, Q2 \u3c 1GeV2, and compare them with parton distribution parametrization and kT factorization approaches. While differences are found, the parametrizations generally agree with the data, even at the very low-Q2 scale of the data. The deuterium data show a smaller longitudinal structure function and a smaller ratio of longitudinal to transverse cross section, R, than the proton. This suggests either an unexpected difference in R for the proton and the neutron or a suppression of the gluonic distribution in nuclei

    Bound Magnetic Polaron Interactions in Insulating Doped Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

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    The magnetic behavior of insulating doped diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is characterized by the interaction of large collective spins known as bound magnetic polarons. Experimental measurements of the susceptibility of these materials have suggested that the polaron-polaron interaction is ferromagnetic, in contrast to the antiferromagnetic carrier-carrier interactions that are characteristic of nonmagnetic semiconductors. To explain this behavior, a model has been developed in which polarons interact via both the standard direct carrier-carrier exchange interaction (due to virtual carrier hopping) and an indirect carrier-ion-carrier exchange interaction (due to the interactions of polarons with magnetic ions in an interstitial region). Using a variational procedure, the optimal values of the model parameters were determined as a function of temperature. At temperatures of interest, the parameters describing polaron-polaron interactions were found to be nearly temperature-independent. For reasonable values of these constant parameters, we find that indirect ferromagnetic interactions can dominate the direct antiferromagnetic interactions and cause the polarons to align. This result supports the experimental evidence for ferromagnetism in insulating doped DMS.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Applications of quark-hadron duality in F2 structure function

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    Inclusive electron-proton and electron-deuteron inelastic cross sections have been measured at Jefferson Lab (JLab) in the resonance region, at large Bjorken x, up to 0.92, and four-momentum transfer squared Q2 up to 7.5 GeV2 in the experiment E00-116. These measurements are used to extend to larger x and Q2 precision, quantitative, studies of the phenomenon of quark-hadron duality. Our analysis confirms, both globally and locally, the apparent violation of quark-hadron duality previously observed at a Q2 of 3.5 GeV2 when resonance data are compared to structure function data created from CTEQ6M and MRST2004 parton distribution functions (PDFs). More importantly, our new data show that this discrepancy saturates by Q2 ~ 4 Gev2, becoming Q2 independent. This suggests only small violations of Q2 evolution by contributions from the higher-twist terms in the resonance region which is confirmed by our comparisons to ALEKHIN and ALLM97.We conclude that the unconstrained strength of the CTEQ6M and MRST2004 PDFs at large x is the major source of the disagreement between data and these parameterizations in the kinematic regime we study and that, in view of quark-hadron duality, properly averaged resonance region data could be used in global QCD fits to reduce PDF uncertainties at large x.Comment: 35 page