3,017 research outputs found
Deciding the Winner of an Arbitrary Finite Poset Game is PSPACE-Complete
A poset game is a two-player game played over a partially ordered set (poset)
in which the players alternate choosing an element of the poset, removing it
and all elements greater than it. The first player unable to select an element
of the poset loses. Polynomial time algorithms exist for certain restricted
classes of poset games, such as the game of Nim. However, until recently the
complexity of arbitrary finite poset games was only known to exist somewhere
between NC^1 and PSPACE. We resolve this discrepancy by showing that deciding
the winner of an arbitrary finite poset game is PSPACE-complete. To this end,
we give an explicit reduction from Node Kayles, a PSPACE-complete game in which
players vie to chose an independent set in a graph
Laser-generated plasma as a spectroscopic light source
Laser generated plasma as spectroscopic light sourc
A new heap game
Given heaps of tokens. The moves of the 2-player game introduced
here are to either take a positive number of tokens from at most heaps,
or to remove the {\sl same} positive number of tokens from all the heaps.
We analyse this extension of Wythoff's game and provide a polynomial-time
strategy for it.Comment: To appear in Computer Games 199
Words with the Maximum Number of Abelian Squares
An abelian square is the concatenation of two words that are anagrams of one
another. A word of length can contain distinct factors that
are abelian squares. We study infinite words such that the number of abelian
square factors of length grows quadratically with .Comment: To appear in the proceedings of WORDS 201
Fast Algorithm for Partial Covers in Words
A factor of a word is a cover of if every position in lies
within some occurrence of in . A word covered by thus
generalizes the idea of a repetition, that is, a word composed of exact
concatenations of . In this article we introduce a new notion of
-partial cover, which can be viewed as a relaxed variant of cover, that
is, a factor covering at least positions in . We develop a data
structure of size (where ) that can be constructed in time which we apply to compute all shortest -partial covers for a
given . We also employ it for an -time algorithm computing
a shortest -partial cover for each
A Minimal Periods Algorithm with Applications
Kosaraju in ``Computation of squares in a string'' briefly described a
linear-time algorithm for computing the minimal squares starting at each
position in a word. Using the same construction of suffix trees, we generalize
his result and describe in detail how to compute in O(k|w|)-time the minimal
k-th power, with period of length larger than s, starting at each position in a
word w for arbitrary exponent and integer . We provide the
complete proof of correctness of the algorithm, which is somehow not completely
clear in Kosaraju's original paper. The algorithm can be used as a sub-routine
to detect certain types of pseudo-patterns in words, which is our original
intention to study the generalization.Comment: 14 page
Game saturation of intersecting families
We consider the following combinatorial game: two players, Fast and Slow,
claim -element subsets of alternately, one at each turn,
such that both players are allowed to pick sets that intersect all previously
claimed subsets. The game ends when there does not exist any unclaimed
-subset that meets all already claimed sets. The score of the game is the
number of sets claimed by the two players, the aim of Fast is to keep the score
as low as possible, while the aim of Slow is to postpone the game's end as long
as possible. The game saturation number is the score of the game when both
players play according to an optimal strategy. To be precise we have to
distinguish two cases depending on which player takes the first move. Let
and denote the score of
the saturation game when both players play according to an optimal strategy and
the game starts with Fast's or Slow's move, respectively. We prove that
An improved map of conserved regulatory sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
BACKGROUND: The regulatory map of a genome consists of the binding sites for proteins that determine the transcription of nearby genes. An initial regulatory map for S. cerevisiae was recently published using six motif discovery programs to analyze genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation data for 203 transcription factors. The programs were used to identify sequence motifs that were likely to correspond to the DNA-binding specificity of the immunoprecipitated proteins. We report improved versions of two conservation-based motif discovery algorithms, PhyloCon and Converge. Using these programs, we create a refined regulatory map for S. cerevisiae by reanalyzing the same chromatin immunoprecipitation data. RESULTS: Applying the same conservative criteria that were applied in the original study, we find that PhyloCon and Converge each separately discover more known specificities than the combination of all six programs in the previous study. Combining the results of PhyloCon and Converge, we discover significant sequence motifs for 36 transcription factors that were previously missed. The new set of motifs identifies 636 more regulatory interactions than the previous one. The new network contains 28% more regulatory interactions among transcription factors, evidence of greater cross-talk between regulators. CONCLUSION: Combining two complementary computational strategies for conservation-based motif discovery improves the ability to identify the specificity of transcriptional regulators from genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation data. The increased sensitivity of these methods significantly expands the map of yeast regulatory sites without the need to alter any of the thresholds for statistical significance. The new map of regulatory sites reveals a more elaborate and complex view of the yeast genetic regulatory network than was observed previously
A Hadron Blind Detector for the PHENIX Experiment
A novel Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) has been developed for an upgrade of the
PHENIX experiment at RHIC. The HBD will allow a precise measurement of
electron-positron pairs from the decay of the light vector mesons and the
low-mass pair continuum in heavy-ion collisions. The detector consists of a 50
cm long radiator filled with pure CF4 and directly coupled in a windowless
configuration to a triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector with a CsI
photocathode evaporated on the top face of the first GEM foil.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Quark Matter 2005 conference proceeding
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