408 research outputs found

    Surface potential at a ferroelectric grain due to asymmetric screening of depolarization fields

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    Nonlinear screening of electric depolarization fields, generated by a stripe domain structure in a ferroelectric grain of a polycrystalline material, is studied within a semiconductor model of ferroelectrics. It is shown that the maximum strength of local depolarization fields is rather determined by the electronic band gap than by the spontaneous polarization magnitude. Furthermore, field screening due to electronic band bending and due to presence of intrinsic defects leads to asymmetric space charge regions near the grain boundary, which produce an effective dipole layer at the surface of the grain. This results in the formation of a potential difference between the grain surface and its interior of the order of 1 V, which can be of either sign depending on defect transition levels and concentrations. Exemplary acceptor doping of BaTiO3 is shown to allow tuning of the said surface potential in the region between 0.1 and 1.3 V.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Symplectic geometries on supermanifolds

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    Extension of symplectic geometry on manifolds to the supersymmetric case is considered. In the even case it leads to the even symplectic geometry (or, equivalently, to the geometry on supermanifolds endowed with a non-degenerate Poisson bracket) or to the geometry on an even Fedosov supermanifolds. It is proven that in the odd case there are two different scalar symplectic structures (namely, an odd closed differential 2-form and the antibracket) which can be used for construction of symplectic geometries on supermanifolds.Comment: LaTex, 1o pages, LaTex, changed conten

    Deformation quantization of cosmological models

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    The Weyl-Wigner-Groenewold-Moyal formalism of deformation quantization is applied to cosmological models in the minisuperspace. The quantization procedure is performed explicitly for quantum cosmology in a flat minisuperspace. The de Sitter cosmological model is worked out in detail and the computation of the Wigner functions for the Hartle-Hawking, Vilenkin and Linde wave functions are done numerically. The Wigner function is analytically calculated for the Kantowski-Sachs model in (non)commutative quantum cosmology and for string cosmology with dilaton exponential potential. Finally, baby universes solutions are described in this context and the Wigner function is obtained.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure

    Traces for star products on the dual of a Lie algebra

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    In this paper, we describe all traces for the BCH star-product on the dual of a Lie algebra. First we show by an elementary argument that the BCH as well as the Kontsevich star-product are strongly closed if and only if the Lie algebra is unimodular. In a next step we show that the traces of the BCH star-product are given by the \ad-invariant functionals. Particular examples are the integration over coadjoint orbits. We show that for a compact Lie group and a regular orbit one can even achieve that this integration becomes a positive trace functional. In this case we explicitly describe the corresponding GNS representation. Finally we discuss how invariant deformations on a group can be used to induce deformations of spaces where the group acts on.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e. Updated reference

    Сравнительный анализ ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of IT-products for the insurance sector of the Russian economy. Within the research the comparative analysis of the software products focused on the insurance sector of economy is carried out, the main criteria for the comparative analysis of information systems for the insurance sector are developed and proved, the expert assessment of four information systems for the insurance sector of the Russian economy is carried out by the method of the analysis of hierarchies.El artículo está dedicado a un análisis comparativo de productos de TI para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa. En el marco del estudio, se realizó un análisis comparativo de productos de software orientados al sector de seguros de la economía, se desarrollaron y corroboraron los criterios principales para un análisis comparativo de los sistemas de información para el sector de seguros, y se realizó una evaluación experta de cuatro sistemas de información para el sector de seguros de la economía rusa mediante el método de análisis de jerarquía.Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу ИТ-продуктов для страхового сектора российской экономики. В рамках исследования проведен сравнительный анализ программных продуктов, ориентированных на страховой сектор экономики, разработаны и обоснованы основные критерии для сравнительного анализа информационных систем для страхового сектора, проведена экспертная оценка четырех информационных систем для страхового сектора российской экономики методом анализа иерархий

    The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of its Application in Cyber Games

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    Artificial intelligence, as a separate field of research, is currently experiencing a boom - new methods of machine learning and hardware are emerging and improving, and the results achieved change the life of society. Machine translation, handwriting recognition, speech recognition are changing our reality. The work of creating unmanned vehicles, voice assistants and other devices using these technologies is in an active process. The article examines the historical context of the artificial intelligence development, it evaluates the possibilities of its introduction into cyber games, as a safe and effective platform for testing new methods of machine learning. The promotion of such projects can increase the reputation of development companies, ensure increased user confidence in other products and, with a competent marketing strategy, cause a significant public resonance among video game fans, providing the developer with economic profit

    A Path Integral Approach To Noncommutative Superspace

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    A path integral formula for the associative star-product of two superfields is proposed. It is a generalization of the Kontsevich-Cattaneo-Felder's formula for the star-product of functions of bosonic coordinates. The associativity of the star-product imposes certain conditions on the background of our sigma model. For generic background the action is not supersymmetric. The supersymmetry invariance of the action constrains the background and leads to a simple formula for the star-product.Comment: Latex 13 pages. v2: references and footnotes adde

    Tensor calculus on noncommutative spaces

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    It is well known that for a given Poisson structure one has infinitely many star products related through the Kontsevich gauge transformations. These gauge transformations have an infinite functional dimension (i.e., correspond to an infinite number of degrees of freedom per point of the base manifold). We show that on a symplectic manifold this freedom may be almost completely eliminated if one extends the star product to all tensor fields in a covariant way and impose some natural conditions on the tensor algebra. The remaining ambiguity either correspond to constant renormalizations to the symplectic structure, or to maps between classically equivalent field theory actions. We also discuss how one can introduce the Riemannian metric in this approach and the consequences of our results for noncommutative gravity theories.Comment: 17p; v2: extended version, to appear in CQ

    Formality theorems for Hochschild chains in the Lie algebroid setting

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    In this paper we prove Lie algebroid versions of Tsygan's formality conjecture for Hochschild chains both in the smooth and holomorphic settings. In the holomorphic setting our result implies a version of Tsygan's formality conjecture for Hochschild chains of the structure sheaf of any complex manifold and in the smooth setting this result allows us to describe quantum traces for an arbitrary Poisson Lie algebroid. The proofs are based on the use of Kontsevich's quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild cochains of R[[y_1,...,y_d]], Shoikhet's quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild chains of R[[y_1,...,y_d]], and Fedosov's resolutions of the natural analogues of Hochschild (co)chain complexes associated with a Lie algebroid.Comment: 40 pages, no figure

    Two-Connection Renormalization and Nonholonomic Gauge Models of Einstein Gravity

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    A new framework to perturbative quantum gravity is proposed following the geometry of nonholonomic distributions on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. There are considered such distributions and adapted connections, also completely defined by a metric structure, when gravitational models with infinite many couplings reduce to two--loop renormalizable effective actions. We use a key result from our partner work arXiv:0902.0911 that the classical Einstein gravity theory can be reformulated equivalently as a nonholonomic gauge model in the bundle of affine/de Sitter frames on pseudo-Riemannian spacetime. It is proven that (for a class of nonholonomic constraints and splitting of the Levi-Civita connection into a "renormalizable" distinguished connection, on a base background manifold, and a gauge like distortion tensor, in total space) a nonholonomic differential renormalization procedure for quantum gravitational fields can be elaborated. Calculation labor is reduced to one- and two-loop levels and renormalization group equations for nonholonomic configurations.Comment: latex2e, 40 pages, v4, accepted for Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 7 (2010