387 research outputs found

    2MASS J06164006-6407194: The First Outer Halo L Subdwarf

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of an L subdwarf, 2MASS J06164006-6407194, in a search of the Two Micron All Sky Survey for T dwarfs. Its spectrum exhibits features indicative of both a cool and metal poor atmosphere including a heavily pressured-broadened K I resonant doublet, Cs I and Rb I lines, molecular bands of CaH, TiO, CrH, FeH, and H2O, and enhanced collision induced absorption of H2. We assign 2MASS 0616-6407 a spectral type of sdL5 based on a comparison of its red optical spectrum to that of near solar-metallicity L dwarfs. Its high proper motion (mu =1.405+-0.008 arcsec yr-1), large radial velocity (Vrad = 454+-15 km s-1), estimated uvw velocities (94, -573, 125) km s-1 and Galactic orbit with an apogalacticon at ~29 kpc are indicative of membership in the outer halo making 2MASS 0616-6407 the first ultracool member of this population.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Deep search for companions to probable young brown dwarfs

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    We have obtained high contrast images of four nearby, faint, and very low mass objects 2MASSJ04351455-1414468, SDSSJ044337.61+000205.1, 2MASSJ06085283-2753583 and 2MASSJ06524851-5741376 (here after 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00, 2MASS0608-27 and 2MASS0652-57), identified in the field as probable isolated young brown dwarfs. Our goal was to search for binary companions down to the planetary mass regime. We used the NAOS-CONICA adaptive optics instrument (NACO) and its unique capability to sense the wavefront in the near-infrared to acquire sharp images of the four systems in Ks, with a field of view of 28"*28". Additional J and L' imaging and follow-up observations at a second epoch were obtained for 2MASS0652-57. With a typical contrast DKs= 4.0-7.0 mag, our observations are sensitive down to the planetary mass regime considering a minimum age of 10 to 120 Myr for these systems. No additional point sources are detected in the environment of 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00 and 2MASS0608-27 between 0.1-12" (i.e about 2 to 250 AU at 20 pc). 2MASS0652-57 is resolved as a \sim230 mas binary. Follow-up observations reject a background contaminate, resolve the orbital motion of the pair, and confirm with high confidence that the system is physically bound. The J, Ks and L' photometry suggest a q\sim0.7-0.8 mass ratio binary with a probable semi-major axis of 5-6 AU. Among the four systems, 2MASS0652-57 is probably the less constrained in terms of age determination. Further analysis would be necessary to confirm its youth. It would then be interesting to determine its orbital and physical properties to derive the system's dynamical mass and to test evolutionary model predictions.Comment: Research note, 5 pages, 2 tables and 3 figures, accepted to A&

    A focus on L dwarfs with trigonometric parallaxes

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Under embargo until 14 May 2019. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/aaacc5.We report new parallax measurements for ten L and early T type dwarfs, five of which have no previous published values, using observations over 3 years at the robotic Liverpool Telescope. The resulting parallaxes and proper motions have median errors of 2\,mas and 1.5\,mas/year respectively. Their space motions indicate they are all Galactic disk members. We combined this sample with other objects with astrometry from the Liverpool Telescope and with published literature astrometry to construct a sample of 260 L and early T type dwarfs with measured parallaxes, designated the Astrometry Sample. We study the kinematics of the Astrometry Sample, and derived a solar motion of (U,V,W)=(7.9±1.7,13.2±1.2,7.2±1.0)(U,V,W)_{\bigodot} = (7.9\pm1.7,13.2\pm1.2,7.2\pm1.0)\,\kms~ with respect to the local standard of rest, in agreement with recent literature. We derive a kinematic age of 1.5-1.7\,Gyr for the Astrometry Sample assuming the age increases monotonically with the total velocity for a given disk sample. This kinematic age is less than half literature values for other low mass dwarf samples. We believe this difference arises for two reasons (1) the sample is mainly composed of mid to late L dwarfs which are expected to be relatively young and (2) the requirement that objects have a measured parallax biases the sample to the brighter examples which tend to be younger.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    HIPTox—Hazard Identification Platform to Assess the Health Impacts from Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutant Exposures, through Mechanistic Toxicology:A Single-Centre Double-Blind Human Exposure Trial Protocol

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    Over the past decade, our understanding of the impact of air pollution on short- and long-term population health has advanced considerably, focusing on adverse effects on cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is, however, increasing evidence that air pollution exposures affect cognitive function, particularly in susceptible groups. Our study seeks to assess and hazard rank the cognitive effects of prevalent indoor and outdoor pollutants through a single-centre investigation on the cognitive functioning of healthy human volunteers aged 50 and above with a familial predisposition to dementia. Participants will all undertake five sequential controlled exposures. The sources of the air pollution exposures are wood smoke, diesel exhaust, cleaning products, and cooking emissions, with clean air serving as the control. Pre- and post-exposure spirometry, nasal lavage, blood sampling, and cognitive assessments will be performed. Repeated testing pre and post exposure to controlled levels of pollutants will allow for the identification of acute changes in functioning as well as the detection of peripheral markers of neuroinflammation and neuronal toxicity. This comprehensive approach enables the identification of the most hazardous components in indoor and outdoor air pollutants and further understanding of the pathways contributing to neurodegenerative diseases. The results of this project have the potential to facilitate greater refinement in policy, emphasizing health-relevant pollutants and providing details to aid mitigation against pollutant-associated health risks

    Microarray analysis of Shigella flexneri-infected epithelial cells identifies host factors important for apoptosis inhibition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Shigella flexneri </it>inhibits apoptosis in infected epithelial cells. In order to understand the pro-survival effects induced by the bacteria, we utilized apoptosis-specific microarrays to analyze the changes in eukaryotic gene expression in both infected and uninfected cells in the presence and absence of staurosporine, a chemical inducer of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. The goal of this research was to identify host factors that contribute to apoptosis inhibition in infected cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The microarray analysis revealed distinct expression profiles in uninfected and infected cells, and these changes were altered in the presence of staurosporine. These profiles allowed us to make comparisons between the treatment groups. Compared to uninfected cells, <it>Shigella-</it>infected epithelial cells, both in the presence and absence of staurosporine, showed significant induced expression of <it>JUN</it>, several members of the inhibitor of apoptosis gene family, nuclear factor κB and related genes, genes involving tumor protein 53 and the retinoblastoma protein, and surprisingly, genes important for the inhibition of the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. We confirmed the microarray results for a selection of genes using <it>in situ </it>hybridization analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Infection of epithelial cells with <it>S. flexneri </it>induces a pro-survival state in the cell that results in apoptosis inhibition in the presence and absence of staurosporine. The bacteria may target these host factors directly while some induced genes may represent downstream effects due to the presence of the bacteria. Our results indicate that the bacteria block apoptosis at multiple checkpoints along both pathways so that even if a cell fails to prevent apoptosis at an early step, <it>Shigella </it>will block apoptosis at the level of caspase-3. Apoptosis inhibition is most likely vital to the survival of the bacteria <it>in vivo</it>. Future characterization of these host factors is required to fully understand how <it>S. flexneri </it>inhibits apoptosis in epithelial cells.</p

    Interactions between brown-dwarf binaries and Sun-like stars

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    Several mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of brown dwarfs, but there is as yet no consensus as to which -- if any -- are operative in nature. Any theory of brown dwarf formation must explain the observed statistics of brown dwarfs. These statistics are limited by selection effects, but they are becoming increasingly discriminating. In particular, it appears (a) that brown dwarfs that are secondaries to Sun-like stars tend to be on wide orbits, a\ga 100\,{\rm AU} (the Brown Dwarf Desert), and (b) that these brown dwarfs have a significantly higher chance of being in a close (a\la 10\,{\rm AU}) binary system with another brown dwarf than do brown dwarfs in the field. This then raises the issue of whether these brown dwarfs have formed {\it in situ}, i.e. by fragmentation of a circumstellar disc; or have formed elsewhere and subsequently been captured. We present numerical simulations of the purely gravitational interaction between a close brown-dwarf binary and a Sun-like star. These simulations demonstrate that such interactions have a negligible chance (<0.001<0.001) of leading to the close brown-dwarf binary being captured by the Sun-like star. Making the interactions dissipative by invoking the hydrodynamic effects of attendant discs might alter this conclusion. However, in order to explain the above statistics, this dissipation would have to favour the capture of brown-dwarf binaries over single brown-dwarfs, and we present arguments why this is unlikely. The simplest inference is that most brown-dwarf binaries -- and therefore possibly also most single brown dwarfs -- form by fragmentation of circumstellar discs around Sun-like protostars, with some of them subsequently being ejected into the field.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc