19,439 research outputs found

    Titanium-nitrogen reaction investigated for application to gettering systems

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    Titanium is one of several gettering materials available for removing nitrogen from inert gases. The reaction rate of titanium-metal sponge and nitrogen in argon-nitrogen mixtures was studied at 900 degrees C. The rate was found to depend upon the partial pressure of nitrogen in the gas phase. Mathematical relationships simulate titanium systems

    Study of low frequency hydromagnetic waves using ATS-1 data

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    Low frequency oscillations of the magnetic field at ATS-1 were analyzed for the 25 month data interval, Dec., 1966 through 1968. Irregular oscillations and those associated with magnetic storms were excluded from the analysis. Of the 222 events identified, 170 were found to be oscillating predominantly transverse to the background magnetic field. The oscillations were observed to occur most frequently in the early afternoon hours. They also seemed to occur more frequently during Dec., Jan., and Feb. than at any other time of the year. During a given event, the frequency was fairly constant. The event duration varied between a minimum of 10 min. and a maximum of 14 hrs and 26 min. During a given event the amplitude varied

    Quantum Fermion Hair

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    It is shown that the Dirac operator in the background of a magnetic %Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole and a Euclidean vortex possesses normalizable zero modes in theories containing superconducting cosmic strings. One consequence of these zero modes is the presence of a fermion condensate around magnetically charged black holes which violates global quantum numbers.Comment: 16pp (harvmac (l)) and 2 figs.(not included

    A New Way to Look at Regional Survey Data: Differences in Vacancy Rates and Persons per Household by County, 2000-2005

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    Regional survey estimates and their significance levels are simultaneously displayed in maps that show all 3,141 U.S. counties and equivalents. An analyst can focus his attention on significant differences (or those with a different, low-valued uncertainty measure) for all but the very smallest counties. Differences between Census 2000 and the 2005 American Community Survey values are shown.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, revision of Applied Demography 2017 conference tex

    Solid state Ku-band spacecraft transmitters

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    A transmitter is considered that consists of GaAs IMPATT and Read diodes operating in a microstrip circuit environment to provide amplification with a minimum of 63 db small signal gain and a minimum compressed gain at 5 W output of 57 db. Reported are Schottky-Read diode design and fabrication, microstrip and circulator optimization, preamplifier development, power amplifier development, dc-to-dc converter design, and integration of the breadboard transmitter modules. A four-stage power amplifier in cascade with a three-stage preamplifier had an overall gain of 56.5 db at 13.5 GHz with a power output of 4.5 W. A single-stage Read amplifier delivered 5.9 W with 4 db gain at 22% efficiency

    General Solutions for Tunneling of Scalar Fields with Quartic Potentials in de Sitter Space

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    The tunneling rates for scalar fields with quartic potentials in de Sitter space in the limit of no gravitational back reaction are calculated numerically and the results are fitted by analytic formulae.Comment: (Contours in Figure 1 corrected, two-dimensional fitting coefficient corrected, references added.), 16 pages, KUNS 124

    Scaling of excitations in dimerized and frustrated spin-1/2 chains

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    We study the finite-size behavior of the low-lying excitations of spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains with dimerization and next-to-nearest neighbors interaction, J_2. The numerical analysis, performed using density-matrix renormalization group, confirms previous exact diagonalization results, and shows that, for different values of the dimerization parameter \delta, the elementary triplet and singlet excitations present a clear scaling behavior in a wide range of \ell=L/\xi (where L is the length of the chain and \xi is the correlation length). At J_2=J_2c, where no logarithmic corrections are present, we compare the numerical results with finite-size predictions for the sine-Gordon model obtained using Luscher's theory. For small \delta we find a very good agreement for \ell > 4 or 7 depending on the excitation considered.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, RevTeX 4 class, same version as in PR

    Functional Bosonization of Non-Relativistic Fermions in (2+1)(2+1) Dimensions

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    We analyze the universality of the bosonization rules in non-relativistic fermionic systems in (2+1)d(2+1)d. We show that, in the case of linear fermionic dispersion relations, a general fermionic theory can be mapped into a gauge theory in such a way that the fermionic density maps into a magnetic flux and the fermionic current maps into a transverse electric field. These are universal rules in the sense that they remain valid whatever the interaction considered. We also show that these rules are universal in the case of non-linear dispersion relations provided we consider only density-density interactions. We apply the functional bosonization formalism to a non-relativistic and non-local massive Thirring-like model and evaluate the spectrum of collective excitations in several limits. In the large mass limit, we are able to exactly calculate this spectrum for arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. We also analyze the massless case and show that it has no collective excitations for any density-density potential in the Gaussian approximation. Moreover, the presence of current interactions may induce a gapless mode with a linear dispersion relation.Comment: 26 Pages, LaTeX, Final version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Vacuum Properties of Mesons in a Linear Sigma Model with Vector Mesons and Global Chiral Invariance

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    We present a two-flavour linear sigma model with global chiral symmetry and vector and axial-vector mesons. We calculate pion-pion scattering lengths and the decay widths of scalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons. It is demonstrated that vector and axial-vector meson degrees of freedom play an important role in these low-energy processes and that a reasonable theoretical description requires globally chirally invariant terms other than the vector meson mass term. An important question for meson vacuum phenomenology is the quark content of the physical scalar f0(600) and a0(980) mesons. We investigate this question by assigning the quark-antiquark sigma and a0 states of our model with these physical mesons. We show via a detailed comparison with experimental data that this scenario can describe all vacuum properties studied here except for the decay width of the sigma, which turns out to be too small. We also study the alternative assignment f0(1370) and a0(1450) for the scalar mesons. In this case the decay width agrees with the experimental value, but the pion-pion scattering length a00a_{0}^{0} is too small. This indicates the necessity to extend our model by additional scalar degrees of freedom.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Probabilistic Approach to Time-Dependent Load-Transfer Models of Fracture

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    A probabilistic method for solving time-dependent load-transfer models of fracture is developed. It is applicable to any rule of load redistribution, i.e, local, hierarchical, etc. In the new method, the fluctuations are generated during the breaking process (annealed randomness) while in the usual method, the random lifetimes are fixed at the beginning (quenched disorder). Both approaches are equivalent.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.