1,243 research outputs found

    Full Causal Bulk Viscous Cosmologies with time-varying Constants

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    We study the evolution of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe, filled with a bulk viscous cosmological fluid, in the presence of time varying ``constants''. The dimensional analysis of the model suggests a proportionality between the bulk viscous pressure of the dissipative fluid and the energy density. On using this assumption and with the choice of the standard equations of state for the bulk viscosity coefficient, temperature and relaxation time, the general solution of the field equations can be obtained, with all physical parameters having a power-law time dependence. The symmetry analysis of this model, performed by using Lie group techniques, confirms the unicity of the solution for this functional form of the bulk viscous pressure. In order to find another possible solution we relax the hypotheses assuming a concrete functional dependence for the ``constants''.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX

    iPTF16fnl: a faint and fast tidal disruption event in an E+A galaxy

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    We present ground-based and \textit{Swift} observations of iPTF16fnl, a likely tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) survey at 66.6 Mpc. The lightcurve of the object peaked at absolute Mg=17.2M_g=-17.2 mag. The maximum bolometric luminosity (from optical and UV) was Lp  (1.0±0.15)×1043L_p~\simeq~(1.0\,\pm\,0.15) \times 10^{43} erg/s, an order of magnitude fainter than any other optical TDE discovered so far. The luminosity in the first 60 days is consistent with an exponential decay, with Le(tt0)/τL \propto e^{-(t-t_0)/\tau}, where t0t_0=~57631.0 (MJD) and τ15\tau\simeq 15 days. The X-ray shows a marginal detection at LX=×1039L_X=2.4^{1.9}_{-1.1}\times 10^{39} erg/s (\textit{Swift} X-ray Telescope). No radio counterpart was detected down to 3σ\sigma, providing upper limits for monochromatic radio luminosity of νLν<2.3×1036\nu L_{\nu} < 2.3\times10^{36} erg/s and νLν<1.7×1037\nu L_{\nu}<1.7\times 10^{37} erg/s (VLA, 6.1 and 22 GHz). The blackbody temperature, obtained from combined \textit{Swift} UV and optical photometry, shows a constant value of 19,000 K. The transient spectrum at peak is characterized by broad He II and Hα\alpha emission lines, with an FWHM of about 14,000 km/s and 10,000 km/s respectively. He I lines are also detected at λλ\lambda\lambda 5875 and 6678. The spectrum of the host is dominated by strong Balmer absorption lines, which are consistent with a post-starburst (E+A) galaxy with an age of \sim650 Myr and solar metallicity. The characteristics of iPTF16fnl make it an outlier on both luminosity and decay timescales, as compared to other optically selected TDEs. The discovery of such a faint optical event suggests a higher rate of tidal disruptions, as low luminosity events may have gone unnoticed in previous searches.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Global investments and regional development trajectories: the missing links

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    Global investments and regional development trajectories: the missing links. Regional Studies. Regional economic development has been long conceptualized as a non-linear, interactive and socially embedded process: these features were traditionally regarded as spatially mediated and highly localized. However, unprecedentedly fast technological change coupled with the intensification of global economic integration has spurred the need to place regional development in a truly open and interdependent framework. Despite substantial progress in the academic literature, rethinking regional development in this perspective still presents a number of challenges in terms of concepts, empirical evidence and policy approaches. Following an interdisciplinary assessment of how openness and connectivity – proxied by one of the many cross-border flows, i.e., global investments – interact with regional economic development trajectories, this paper presents a picture of the geography of foreign investments from and to the European regions and its change after the financial and economic crisis in 2008. This simple exercise sheds some initial light on how the operationalization of regional connectivity can improve one’s empirical understanding of the evolution of regional economies and the policy approach needed to support their reaction to change

    AMI-LA Observations of the SuperCLASS Super-cluster

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    We present a deep survey of the SuperCLASS super-cluster - a region of sky known to contain five Abell clusters at redshift z0.2z\sim0.2 - performed using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Large Array (LA) at 15.5 ~GHz. Our survey covers an area of approximately 0.9 square degrees. We achieve a nominal sensitivity of 32.0 μ32.0~\muJy beam1^{-1} toward the field centre, finding 80 sources above a 5σ5\sigma threshold. We derive the radio colour-colour distribution for sources common to three surveys that cover the field and identify three sources with strongly curved spectra - a high-frequency-peaked source and two GHz-peaked-spectrum sources. The differential source count (i) agrees well with previous deep radio source count, (ii) exhibits no evidence of an emerging population of star-forming galaxies, down to a limit of 0.24 ~mJy, and (iii) disagrees with some models of the 15 ~GHz source population. However, our source count is in agreement with recent work that provides an analytical correction to the source count from the SKADS Simulated Sky, supporting the suggestion that this discrepancy is caused by an abundance of flat-spectrum galaxy cores as-yet not included in source population models.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Continuous Symmetries of Difference Equations

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    Lie group theory was originally created more than 100 years ago as a tool for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. In this article we review the results of a much more recent program: the use of Lie groups to study difference equations. We show that the mismatch between continuous symmetries and discrete equations can be resolved in at least two manners. One is to use generalized symmetries acting on solutions of difference equations, but leaving the lattice invariant. The other is to restrict to point symmetries, but to allow them to also transform the lattice.Comment: Review articl

    Modeling the pressure Hessian and viscous Laplacian in Turbulence: comparisons with DNS and implications on velocity gradient dynamics

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    Modeling the velocity gradient tensor A along Lagrangian trajectories in turbulent flow requires closures for the pressure Hessian and viscous Laplacian of A. Based on an Eulerian-Lagrangian change of variables and the so-called Recent Fluid Deformation closure, such models were proposed recently. The resulting stochastic model was shown to reproduce many geometric and anomalous scaling properties of turbulence. In this work, direct comparisons between model predictions and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data are presented. First, statistical properties of A are described using conditional averages of strain skewness, enstrophy production, energy transfer and vorticity alignments, conditioned upon invariants of A. These conditionally averaged quantities are found to be described accurately by the stochastic model. More detailed comparisons that focus directly on the terms being modeled in the closures are also presented. Specifically, conditional statistics associated with the pressure Hessian and the viscous Laplacian are measured from the model and are compared with DNS. Good agreement is found in strain-dominated regions. However, some features of the pressure Hessian linked to rotation dominated regions are not reproduced accurately by the model. Geometric properties such as vorticity alignment with respect to principal axes of the pressure Hessian are mostly predicted well. In particular, the model predicts that an eigenvector of the rate-of-strain will be also an eigenvector of the pressure Hessian, in accord to basic properties of the Euler equations. The analysis identifies under what conditions the Eulerian-Lagrangian change of variables with the Recent Fluid Deformation closure works well, and in which flow regimes it requires further improvements.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, minor revisions, final version published in Phys. Fluid

    Nuclei, Superheavy Nuclei and Hypermatter in a chiral SU(3)-Modell

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    A model based on chiral SU(3)-symmetry in nonlinear realisation is used for the investigation of nuclei, superheavy nuclei, hypernuclei and multistrange nuclear objects (so called MEMOs). The model works very well in the case of nuclei and hypernuclei with one Lambda-particle and rules out MEMOs. Basic observables which are known for nuclei and hypernuclei are reproduced satisfactorily. The model predicts Z=120 and N=172, 184 and 198 as the next shell closures in the region of superheavy nuclei. The calculations have been performed in self-consistent relativistic mean field approximation assuming spherical symmetry. The parameters were adapted to known nuclei.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    How do MNC R&amp;D laboratory roles affect employee international assignments?

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    Research and development (R&#38;D) employees are important human resources for multinational corporations (MNCs) as they are the driving force behind the advancement of innovative ideas and products. International assignments of these employees can be a unique way to upgrade their expertise; allowing them to effectively recombine their unique human resources to progress existing knowledge and advance new ones. This study aims to investigate the effect of the roles of R&#38;D laboratories in which these employees work on the international assignments they undertake. We categorise R&#38;D laboratory roles into those of the support laboratory, the locally integrated laboratory and the internationally interdependent laboratory. Based on the theory of resource recombinations, we hypothesise that R&#38;D employees in support laboratories are not likely to assume international assignments, whereas those in locally integrated and internationally interdependent laboratories are likely to assume international assignments. The empirical evidence, which draws from research conducted on 559 professionals in 66 MNC subsidiaries based in Greece, provides support to our hypotheses. The resource recombinations theory that extends the resource based view can effectively illuminate the international assignment field. Also, research may provide more emphasis on the close work context of R&#38;D scientists rather than analyse their demographic characteristics, the latter being the focus of scholarly practice hitherto

    Information theory analysis of Australian humpback whale song

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    Songs produced by migrating whales were recorded off the coast of Queensland, Australia, over six consecutive weeks in 2003. Forty-eight independent song sessions were analyzed using information theory techniques. The average length of the songs estimated by correlation analysis was approximately 100 units, with song sessions lasting from 300 to over 3100 units. Song entropy, a measure of structural constraints, was estimated using three different methodologies: (1) the independently identically distributed model, (2) a first-order Markov model, and (3) the nonparametric sliding window match length (SWML) method, as described by Suzuki et al. [(2006). “Information entropy of humpback whale song,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 1849–1866]. The analysis finds that the song sequences of migrating Australian whales are consistent with the hierarchical structure proposed by Payne and McVay [(1971). “Songs of humpback whales,” Science 173, 587–597], and recently supported mathematically by Suzuki et al. (2006) for singers on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Both the SWML entropy estimates and the song lengths for the Australian singers in 2003 were lower than that reported by Suzuki et al. (2006) for Hawaiian whales in 1976–1978; however, song redundancy did not differ between these two populations separated spatially and temporally. The average total information in the sequence of units in Australian song was approximately 35 bits/song. Aberrant songs (8%) yielded entropies similar to the typical songs