8,143 research outputs found

    Shock isolator for operating a diode laser on a closed-cycle refrigerator

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    A diode laser mounted within a helium refrigerator is mounted using a braided copper ground strap which provides good impact shock isolation from the refrigerator cold-tip while also providing a good thermal link to the cold-tip. The diode mount also contains a rigid stand-off assembly consisting of alternate sections of nylon and copper which serve as cold stations to improve thermal isolation from the vaccum housing mounting structure. Included in the mount is a Pb-In alloy wafer inserted between the cold-tip and the diode to damp temperature fluctuations occurring at the cold-tip

    Diode laser spectra of CCl2F2 near 10.8 muon M: Air-broadening effects

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    Laboratory spectra of CCL2F2 in the 10.8 micron region was recorded, using a tuneable diode laser spectrometer. Effects of air-broadening at pressures up to 48 Torr show that spectral structure should be exhibited under high resolution at altitudes as low as 19 Km. The single line, pressure-broadening coefficient for CCL2F2 was estimated to be 8 MHz/Torr FWHM

    Ground based infrared astronomy

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    Infrared spectroscopic instrumentation has been developed for ground-based measurements of astrophysical objects in the intermediate infrared. A conventional Michelson interferometer is limited for astronomical applications in the intermediate infrared by quantum noise fluctuations in the radiation form the source and/or background incident on the detector, and the multiplex advantage is no longer available. One feasible approach to recovering the multiplex advantage is post-dispersion. The infrared signal after passing through telescope and interferometer, is dispersed by a low resolution grating spectrometer onto an array of detectors. The feasibility of the post-dispersion system has been demonstrated with observations of astrophysical objects in the 5 and 10 micrometer atmospheric windows from ground-based telescopes. During FY87/88 the post-disperser was used at the Kitt Peak 4-meter telescope and McMath telescope with facility Fourier transform spectrometers. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Venus were observed. On Jupiter, the resolution at 12 micrometer was 0.01/cm, considerably higher than had been acheived previously. The spectrum contains Jovian ethane and acetylene emission. Construction was begun on the large cryogenic grating spectrometer

    The nu sub 2 band CHD3; ground state parameters for CHD3 from combination differences

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    The nu sub 2 fundamental band of CHD3, centered near 2143/cm, was recorded at a resolution of 0.015-0.25/cm. Analysis of ground state combination differences yielded well-determined values for the ground state molecular parameters for CHD3. These parameters were used in the determination of the alpha and beta molecular parameters for nu sub 2

    Thermal compensator for closed-cycle helium refrigerator

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    The wave length of an infrared, semiconductor laser diode having an output frequency that is dependent on the diode temperature is maintained substantially constant by maintaining the diode temperature constant. The diode is carried by a cold tip of a closed cycle helium refrigerator. The refrigerator has a tendency to cause the temperature of the cold tip to oscillate. A heater diode and a sensor diode are placed on a thermal heat sink that is the only highly conductive thermal path between the laser diode and the cold tip. The heat sink has a small volume and low thermal capacitance so that the sensing diode is at substantially the same temperature as the heater diode and substantially no thermal lag exists between them. The sensor diode is connected in a negative feedback circuit with the heater diode so that the tendency of the laser diode to thermally oscillate is virtually eliminated

    An active thermal compensator for closed-cycle helium refrigerators

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    A technique was developed for reducing the amplitude of the temperature oscillation in He closed-cyle refrigerators. The device uses a semiconductor diode as a heating element to actively supply a small oscillating input of heat at a point between the laser and the cold-tip to cancel the heat oscillations due to the refrigerator. It was found that the heater diode could drive the temperature of the heat sink more effectively, i.e., with lower current and therefore less heat, if the heat sink was insulated slightly from the rest of the mount. A sine-wave generator was used to drive the programmable supply which provided the offset current to the heater diode. By matching the frequency and phase of the oscillator to that of the refrigerator cycle, and by adjusting the amplitude of the oscillator signal, the temperature fluctuations at the laser could be minimized. Residual fluctuations were about 0.003K peak-to-peak, at an operating temperature of 9.5K

    Digital interactive image analysis by array processing

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    An attempt is made to draw a parallel between the existing geophysical data processing service industries and the emerging earth resources data support requirements. The relationship of seismic data analysis to ERTS data analysis is natural because in either case data is digitally recorded in the same format, resulting from remotely sensed energy which has been reflected, attenuated, shifted and degraded on its path from the source to the receiver. In the seismic case the energy is acoustic, ranging in frequencies from 10 to 75 cps, for which the lithosphere appears semi-transparent. In earth survey remote sensing through the atmosphere, visible and infrared frequency bands are being used. Yet the hardware and software required to process the magnetically recorded data from the two realms of inquiry are identical and similar, respectively. The resulting data products are similar

    A calibration line list for 807-1167 cm -1 from high resolution Fourier spectroscopy of the 14NH3 nu sub 2 band

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    A calibration list of 295 lines observed over the 800 to 1170 cm to the -1 power region is presented. This list is intended for use as a calibration reference for calibrating diode laser spectra. The transition frequencies were calibrated against the well established laser frequencies of CO2. The estimated uncertainty in the corrected frequencies is + or - 1x.0001 cm to the -1 power