1,349 research outputs found

    Similaridade florística em duas áreas de Cerrado, localizadas no município de Parnarama, Maranhão - Brasil.

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    Pelo fato do Cerrado ser um dos biomas de grande importância e também um dos mais impactados pela atividade humana no Brasil, esse trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma similaridade florística em duas áreas de Cerrado localizadas no município de Parnarama, Maranhão ? Brasil. Nas duas áreas foram locadas 41 parcelas, sendo distribuídas 24 na área I e 17 na área II, onde todos os indivíduos com CAP ? 31,4 cm (DAP ? 10 cm) foram mensurados bem como suas respectivas alturas e identificados botanicamente. Para análise da similaridade florística foi utilizado a distância euclidiana pelo método de Ward. Como resultado, as duas áreas apresentaram trechos distintos entre si, a área I apresentou maior diversidade e número de espécies, podendo ser classificada como uma área de cerradão. Já a segunda área vem se regenerando e desenvolvendo e, caso não haja nenhuma intervenção antrópica, a mesma poderá vir a se tornar um remanescente florestal secundário

    Efficient and feasible state tomography of quantum many-body systems

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    We present a novel method to perform quantum state tomography for many-particle systems which are particularly suitable for estimating states in lattice systems such as of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. We show that the need for measuring a tomographically complete set of observables can be overcome by letting the state evolve under some suitably chosen random circuits followed by the measurement of a single observable. We generalize known results about the approximation of unitary 2-designs, i.e., certain classes of random unitary matrices, by random quantum circuits and connect our findings to the theory of quantum compressed sensing. We show that for ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices established techniques like optical super-lattices, laser speckles, and time-of-flight measurements are sufficient to perform fully certified, assumption-free tomography. Combining our approach with tensor network methods - in particular the theory of matrix-product states - we identify situations where the effort of reconstruction is even constant in the number of lattice sites, allowing in principle to perform tomography on large-scale systems readily available in present experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections, discussion added, emphasizing that no single-site addressing is needed at any stage of the scheme when implemented in optical lattice system

    Experimental implementation of a NMR entanglement witness

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    Entanglement witnesses (EW) allow the detection of entanglement in a quantum system, from the measurement of some few observables. They do not require the complete determination of the quantum state, which is regarded as a main advantage. On this paper it is experimentally analyzed an entanglement witness recently proposed in the context of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments to test it in some Bell-diagonal states. We also propose some optimal entanglement witness for Bell-diagonal states. The efficiency of the two types of EW's are compared to a measure of entanglement with tomographic cost, the generalized robustness of entanglement. It is used a GRAPE algorithm to produce an entangled state which is out of the detection region of the EW for Bell-diagonal states. Upon relaxation, the results show that there is a region in which both EW fails, whereas the generalized robustness still shows entanglement, but with the entanglement witness proposed here with a better performance

    Efeito de banhos terapêuticos com formalina sobre indicadores de estresse em tambaqui.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de concentrações terapêuticas de formalina na homeostase de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818) por meio de índices fisiológicos

    Densidade de estocagem de juvenis de tambaqui durante a recria em tanques-rede.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a densidade de estocagem mais adequada para a fase de recria de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) em tanque-rede

    A reversible theory of entanglement and its relation to the second law

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    We consider the manipulation of multipartite entangled states in the limit of many copies under quantum operations that asymptotically cannot generate entanglement. As announced in [Brandao and Plenio, Nature Physics 4, 8 (2008)], and in stark contrast to the manipulation of entanglement under local operations and classical communication, the entanglement shared by two or more parties can be reversibly interconverted in this setting. The unique entanglement measure is identified as the regularized relative entropy of entanglement, which is shown to be equal to a regularized and smoothed version of the logarithmic robustness of entanglement. Here we give a rigorous proof of this result, which is fundamentally based on a certain recent extension of quantum Stein's Lemma proved in [Brandao and Plenio, Commun. Math. 295, 791 (2010)], giving the best measurement strategy for discriminating several copies of an entangled state from an arbitrary sequence of non-entangled states, with an optimal distinguishability rate equal to the regularized relative entropy of entanglement. We moreover analyse the connection of our approach to axiomatic formulations of the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 21 pages. revised versio

    Differentiating present-day from ancient bones by vibrational spectroscopy upon acetic acid treatment

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    Acetic acid treatment for an accurate differentiation between ancient and recent human bones was assessed using Raman and FTIR-ATR spectroscopies. Each set of skeletal samples was analysed by these techniques, prior and after chemical washing, in order to determine the variations in bone´s chemical composition and crystallinity. Bone samples were collected from several independent sources: recent bones burned under controlled experimental conditions or cremated, and archaeological (XVII century and Iron Age). The effect of acetic acid, expected to impact mostly on carbonates, was clearly evidenced in the spectra of all samples, particularly in FTIR-ATR, mainly through the bands typical of A- and B-carbonates. Furthermore, as seen for crematoria and archaeological samples, acetic acid was found to remove contaminants such as calcium hydroxide. Overall, acetic acid treatment can be an effective method for removing carbonates (exogenous but possibly also endogenous) and external contaminants from bone. However, these effects are dependent on the skeletal conditions (e.g. post-mortem interval and burning settings). In addition, this chemical washing was shown to be insufficient for an unequivocal discrimination between recent and archaeological skeletal remains. Based on the measured IR indexes, only cremated bones could be clearly distinguished.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Faithful Squashed Entanglement

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    Squashed entanglement is a measure for the entanglement of bipartite quantum states. In this paper we present a lower bound for squashed entanglement in terms of a distance to the set of separable states. This implies that squashed entanglement is faithful, that is, strictly positive if and only if the state is entangled. We derive the bound on squashed entanglement from a bound on quantum conditional mutual information, which is used to define squashed entanglement and corresponds to the amount by which strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy fails to be saturated. Our result therefore sheds light on the structure of states that almost satisfy strong subadditivity with equality. The proof is based on two recent results from quantum information theory: the operational interpretation of the quantum mutual information as the optimal rate for state redistribution and the interpretation of the regularised relative entropy of entanglement as an error exponent in hypothesis testing. The distance to the set of separable states is measured by the one-way LOCC norm, an operationally-motivated norm giving the optimal probability of distinguishing two bipartite quantum states, each shared by two parties, using any protocol formed by local quantum operations and one-directional classical communication between the parties. A similar result for the Frobenius or Euclidean norm follows immediately. The result has two applications in complexity theory. The first is a quasipolynomial-time algorithm solving the weak membership problem for the set of separable states in one-way LOCC or Euclidean norm. The second concerns quantum Merlin-Arthur games. Here we show that multiple provers are not more powerful than a single prover when the verifier is restricted to one-way LOCC operations thereby providing a new characterisation of the complexity class QMA.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Due to an error in the published version, claims have been weakened from the LOCC norm to the one-way LOCC nor

    Distinctive effects of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter on CDOM spectra in a tropical lake

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    Despite the increasing understanding about differences in carbon cycling between temperate and tropical freshwater systems, our knowledge on the importance of organic matter (OM) pools on light absorption properties in tropical lakes is very scarce. We performed a factorial mesocosm experiment in a tropical lake (Minas Gerais, Brazil) to evaluate the effects of increased concentrations of al-lochthonous and autochthonous OM, and differences in light availability on the light absorption characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Autochthonous OM deriving from phytoplankton (similar to Chl a) was stimulated by addition of nutrients, while OM from degradation of terrestrial leaves increased allochthonous OM, and neutral shading was used to manipulate light availability. Effects of the additions and shading on DOC, Chl a, nutrients, total suspended solid concentrations (TSM) and spectral CDOM absorption were monitored every 3 days. CDOM quality was characterized by spectral indices (S250-450, S275-295, S350-450, S-R and SUVA(254)). Effects of carbon sources and shading on the spectral CDOM absorption was investigated through principal component (PCA) and redundancy (RDA) analyses. The two different OM sources affected CDOM quality very differently and shading had minor effects on OM levels, but significant effects on OM quality, especially in combination with nutrient additions. Spectral indices (S250-450 and S-R) were mostly affected by allochthonous OM addition. The PCA showed that enrichment by allochthonous carbon had a strong effect on the CDOM spectra in the range between 300 and 400 nm, while the increase in autochthonous carbon increased absorption at wavelengths below 350 nm. Our study shows that small inputs of allochthonous OM can have large effects on the spectral light absorption compared to large production of autochthonous OM, with important implications for carbon cycling in tropical lakes.Peer reviewe