87 research outputs found

    Spin interfaces in the Ashkin-Teller model and SLE

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    We investigate the scaling properties of the spin interfaces in the Ashkin-Teller model. These interfaces are a very simple instance of lattice curves coexisting with a fluctuating degree of freedom, which renders the analytical determination of their exponents very difficult. One of our main findings is the construction of boundary conditions which ensure that the interface still satisfies the Markov property in this case. Then, using a novel technique based on the transfer matrix, we compute numerically the left-passage probability, and our results confirm that the spin interface is described by an SLE in the scaling limit. Moreover, at a particular point of the critical line, we describe a mapping of Ashkin-Teller model onto an integrable 19-vertex model, which, in turn, relates to an integrable dilute Brauer model.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalous diffusion in the Long-Range Haken-Strobl-Reineker model

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    We analyze the propagation of excitons in a dd-dimensional lattice with power-law hopping ∝1/rα\propto 1/r^\alpha in the presence of dephasing, described by a generalized Haken-Strobl-Reineker model. We show that in the strong dephasing (quantum Zeno) regime the dynamics is described by a classical master equation for an exclusion process with long jumps. In this limit, we analytically compute the spatial distribution, whose shape changes at a critical value of the decay exponent αcr=(d+2)/2\alpha_{\rm cr} = (d+2)/2. The exciton always diffuses anomalously: a superdiffusive motion is associated to a L\'evy stable distribution with long-range algebraic tails for α≀αcr\alpha\leq\alpha_{\rm cr}, while for α>αcr\alpha > \alpha_{\rm cr} the distribution corresponds to a surprising mixed Gaussian profile with long-range algebraic tails, leading to the coexistence of short-range diffusion and long-range L\'evy-flights. In the many-exciton case, we demonstrate that, starting from a domain-wall exciton profile, algebraic tails appear in the distributions for any α\alpha, which affects thermalization: the longer the hopping range, the faster equilibrium is reached. Our results are directly relevant to experiments with cold trapped ions, Rydberg atoms and supramolecular dye aggregates. They provide a way to realize an exclusion process with long jumps experimentally.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On three-point connectivity in two-dimensional percolation

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    We argue the exact universal result for the three-point connectivity of critical percolation in two dimensions. Predictions for Potts clusters and for the scaling limit below p_c are also given.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Boundary conformal field theories and loop models

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    We propose a systematic method to extract conformal loop models for rational conformal field theories (CFT). Method is based on defining an ADE model for boundary primary operators by using the fusion matrices of these operators as adjacency matrices. These loop models respect the conformal boundary conditions. We discuss the loop models that can be extracted by this method for minimal CFTs and then we will give dilute O(n) loop models on the square lattice as examples for these loop models. We give also some proposals for WZW SU(2) models.Comment: 23 Pages, major changes! title change

    Hierarchical structure in the orbital entanglement spectrum in Fractional Quantum Hall systems

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    We investigate the non-universal part of the orbital entanglement spectrum (OES) of the nu = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall effect (FQH) ground-state with Coulomb interactions. The non-universal part of the spectrum is the part that is missing in the Laughlin model state OES whose level counting is completely determined by its topological order. We find that the OES levels of the Coulomb interaction ground-state are organized in a hierarchical structure that mimic the excitation-energy structure of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian which has a Laughlin ground state. These structures can be accurately modeled using Jain's "composite fermion" quasihole-quasiparticle excitation wavefunctions. To emphasize the connection between the entanglement spectrum and the energy spectrum, we also consider the thermodynamical OES of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian at finite temperature. The observed good match between the thermodynamical OES and the Coulomb OES suggests a relation between the entanglement gap and the true energy gap.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    Controlled nucleation of thin microcrystalline layers for the recombination junction in a-Si stacked cells

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    In high-efficiency a-Si : H based stacked cells, at least one of the two layers that form the internal n/p junction has preferentially to be microcrystalline so as to obtain sufficient recombination at the junction [1–6]. The crucial point is the nucleation of a very thin ÎŒc-Si : H layer on an amorphous (i-layer) substrate [2, 4]. In this study, fast nucleation is induced through the treatment of the amorphous substrate by a CO2 plasma. The resulting n-layers with a high crystalline fraction were, however, found to reduce the Voc when incorporated in tandem cells. The reduction of the Voc could be restored only by a precise control of the crystalline fraction of the n-layer. As a technologically more feasible alternative, we propose a new, combined n-layer, consisting of a first amorphous layer for a high Voc, and a second microcrystalline layer, induced by CO2 treatment, for a sufficient recombination at the n/p junction. Resulting tandem cells show no Voc losses compared to two standard single cells, and an efficient recombination of the carriers at the internal junction as proved by the low series resistance (15 Ωcm2) and the high FF ( 75%) of the stacked cells
