143 research outputs found

    Content aggregation, visualization and emergent properties in computer simulations

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    With the rapidly growing amounts of information, visualization is becoming increasingly important, as it allows users to easily explore and understand large amounts of information. However the field of information visualiza- tion currently lacks sufficient theoretical foundations. This article addresses foundational questions connecting information visualization with computing and philosophy studies. The idea of multiscale information granula- tion is described based on two fundamental concepts: information (structure) and computation (process). A new information processing paradigm of Granular Computing enables stepwise increase of granulation/aggregation of information on different levels of resolution, which makes possible dynamical viewing of data. Information produced by Google Earth is an illustration of visualization based on clustering (granulation) of information on a succession of layers. Depending on level, specific emergent properties become visible as a result of different ways of aggregation of data/information. As information visualization ultimately aims at amplifying cognition, we discuss the process of simulation and emulation in relation to cognition, and in particular visual cognition

    Einfluss gewisser Faktoren auf die Bestimmung des biochemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs (BSB) der Zellstoffabwasser

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    U prethodnim radovima praćena je promjena BPK u inkubacionom periodu od O do 5 dana u otpadnim vodama proizvodnje celuloze. Uočene poteškoće kod određivanja se sistematizuju i prati se njihov uticaj na rezultat testa. Ispitivanjima su utvrđeni optimalni uslovi za dobijanje reproduktivnih rezultata.In den vorläufigen Arbeiten hat man die Änderung von BSB während der Inkubationsperiode von 0-5 Tagen bei den Zellstoffabwässern gefolgt. Die bei der Bestimmung bemerkten Schwierigkeiten wurden systematisiert und deren Einfluss auf die Testergebnisse wurde gefolgt. Durch Untersuchungen wurden die optimalen Bedingungen bestimmt die zur Erreichung von reproduzierbaren Ergebnissen führen

    Aggression and Alcoholism

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    Alcoholism is today the greatest medical and social problem. Due to the fact that it is frequently connected with aggressiveness, it can also be defined as a great and frequent forensic problem. The authors investigate the issue to what extent aggressiveness is medically justified. They offer guidelines regarding this problem in accordance with their everyday experience and medical criteria

    Triticum aestivum ir T. durum genetiniai parametrai kokybės technologinėms savybėms Serbijoje

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    Proteins are important in determining the nutritional value of wheat, and among them gluten determines the baking quality of bread wheat and pasta-making technological properties of wheat. By assessing genetic parameters of wheat quality traits, it is possible to elucidate potential for improvement. The plant material consisted of 30 genotypes of bread and durum wheat of worldwide origin. The trials were sown at three locations in Serbia during two vegetation seasons 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy were determined by near infrared spectrometry. The objectives of this investigation were to assess: i) variability, components of variance, heritability in a broad sense (hb2)expected genetic advance for protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy; ii) associations between agronomic characteristics and protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy in order to determine indirect selection feasibility. In durum wheat, the highest coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation (CVg and CVph) were recorded for deformation energy in bread wheat (18% and 18.4%, respectively), whereas the lowest values of 4.1% and 4.6% were shown for protein content. The relation genetic component of variance (σg2)/component of variance due to genotype × environment interaction (σge2) < 1 was observed for protein content (3.2), wet gluten content (2.9) and deformation energy (3.9), and equal to one for Zeleny sedimentation volume, in bread wheat. In durum wheat, σge2/σg2< 1 was detected for protein content (1.4), wet gluten content (1.5), Zeleny sedimentation volume (2.1) and deformation energy (1.4). Considering very high and high hb2 observed for deformation energy and Zeleny sedimentation volume (95.8% and 86.2%, respectively) in bread wheat, coupled with high genetic advance (36.3% and 28.1%, respectively), success from classical breeding can be anticipated. Grain thickness was strongly associated with Zeleny sedimentation volume, and to a lesser extent with protein content, wet gluten content and deformation energy in bread and durum wheat, and along with grain vitreousness in durum wheat, can serve for indirect selection

    Alcoholism and Depression

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    Alcoholism and depression are entangled in many ways and appear in many combinations. In spite of this fact, to this problem is rarely given sufficient attention which results in poor diagnostic and inadequate therapeutic approach with all the consequences this engenders. The frequency of depression in alcoholics is investigated here with the object of finding out to what extent it can be successfully diagnosed and medically treated. The research was carried out in the Psychiatric Clinic of the Clinical Hospital »Split« and the sample of examinees included the patients treated in the stationary part of the Clinic and in the daily hospital

    Shell model on a random gaussian basis

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    Pauli-projected random gaussians are used as a representation to solve the shell model equations. The elements of the representation are chosen by a variational procedure. This scheme is particularly suited to describe cluster formation and cluster decay in nuclei. It overcomes the basis-size problem of the ordinary shell model and the technical difficulties of the cluster-configuration shell model. The model reproduces the α\alpha-decay width of 212^{212}Po satisfactorily.Comment: Latex, Submitted to Phys. Lett. B, 7 pages, 2 figures available upon request, ATOMKI-1994-