5,635 research outputs found

    The Chinese and Crime in the Ommelanden of Batavia 1780-1793

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    Batavia dan wilayah Ommelanden pada era akhir abad ke-18 berada dalam krisis keamanan di mana angka kriminalitas terus meningkat. Kejahatan dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai dari perampokan, pembunuhan, pencurian, sampai perkelahian antar-etnis menjadi suatu pemandangan yang biasa di wilayah ini. Kondisi VOC yang mulai runtuh saat itu berdampak pada runtuhnya keamanan publik di daerah koloni. Lebih jauh, kondisi ini merefleksikan semakin melemahnya kontrol administrasi pemerintah kolonial terhadap Batavia dan Ommelanden. Meningkatnya angka kriminalitas di wilayah Ommelanden juga memengaruhi masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai pelaku maupun sebagai korban dari kejahatan tersebut. Kedudukan dan status mereka yang cenderung lebih tinggi dalam hal finansial dari masyarakat lokal menjadi sumber pemicu kebencian antaretnis di Ommelanden. Masyarakat Cina menjadi rentan terhadap tindak kejahatan. Paper ini mengeksplorasi berbagai kasus kriminal di Ommelanden Batavia yang terkait masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai korban maupun pelaku, yang terekam dalam arsip Schepenbank. Paper ini memberikan sebuah gambaran relasi masyarakat Cina dengan etnis lainnya di Ommelanden Batavia dalam kasus-kasus hukum, sifat dan kekhasan kriminalitas di Ommelanden Batavia, serta sistem yudisial VOC di Ommelanden Batavia

    Phytoplankton Diversity as Ecological Indicator in Jimbaran Bay Waters

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the ecological condition in Jimbaran Bay Waters by using Phytoplankton Diversity Index. The study was conducted at Balangan, Pemuda, Jimbaran, Kedonganan, Kelan and Segara Beach located in Jimbaran Bay. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 51 species of phytoplankton classified to 5 classes had been observed from this study: Bacillariophycae, Cyanophyceae, Zygnemophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Chlorophyceae. Balangan beach showed higher diversity index (H) and evenness index (E) (H = 1.19; E = 0.29) compared to the other site (Pemuda: H = 0.89, E = 0.25; Jimbaran: H = 0.89, E = 0.26; Kedonganan: H = 0.96, E = 0.28; Kelan: H = 0.85, E = 0.20; and Segara: H = 0.91, E = 0.33). However, overall ecological condition showed diversity index more than 1 (H = 1.44; E = 0.27). Measurement of water quality showed that the highest quality of water was shown by Balangan Beach (DO 5.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 0.9 mg/L), while the lowest was shown by Kelan Beach (DO 4.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 2.9 mg/L). Result of the study showed that ecological status of Jimbaran Bay Waters was having moderate diversity, sufficient productivity, and medium ecological pressure (pollution)

    Drawing Mama, a Practical Drawing Tutorial Book for Parents

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    Parents need to be closer to their children, especially when they are in early years. The process of the approach can be done in some creative way, one example is drawing together with children. But apparently many parents claim that they cannot draw. Indeed, parents do not need to be able to draw perfectly, but it will be more valuable if parents can draw properly, because it can make the interaction process between parents and children become more meaningful and memorable for both. For this reason, efforts have been made to provide basic insights and practical drawing techniques for parents. Actually, there are already many materials how to draw for children and adolescents, therefore this practical drawing tech-niques are packaged in the form of a book are intended specifically for parents, especially in Indonesia. The drawing method used in this book is observation and imitation of images. The results of this study are three books learning practical drawing for parents that can be used to support interaction with children at home. Keywords drawing technique, book, parentin

    Study on Mollusk and Algae or Phytoplankton Community in Southeast Waters of Bali

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    A study was carried out to observe the relation between mollusk with algae or phytoplankton in southeast waters of Bali. The study was conducted at Mertasari, Sindhu, Serangan, Purnama, and Kethewel beach. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 34 species of phytoplankton found in this study. The most predominant phytoplankton species in each beach were Navicula sp at Mertasari, Nitzschia sp at Sindhu, Pseudo-nitzschia sp at Purnama, Chaetoceros sp at Kethewel. Observation on macro algae showed that Ulva sp was to be the most predominant species in Serangan, Mertasari, and Sindhu beach (17.95, 16.25, and 17.81%). In mollusk observation, gastropod groups showed to be higher number than bivalve group. Nassarius sp showed to be the most predominant in Serangan beach (13.33%), while Ruditapes sp was predominant in Mertasari and Sindhu beach (11.59% and 14.81%). The highest diversity index of phytoplankton was shown by Kethewel beach (H = 1.35), while the lowest was shown by Shindu beach (H = 0.95). The highest diversity index of macroalgae was shown by Serangan beach which showed H = 2.08, while the lowest was shown by Purnama beach which showed H = 0.69. Serangan beach showed the highest diversity index (H = 2.72) with E = 0.66 compared to another locations, while Kethewel beach showed the lowest diversity index (H = 0.69 and E = 1). There was a relation between the existences of gastropod as the highest number of mollusk and Ulva sp as the gastropod feed

    Sinonim Dan Word Sense Disambiguation Untuk Melengkapi Detektor Plagiat Dokumen Tugas Akhir

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    Plagiarism can be categorized into several levels: carbon copy, the addition of words, word substitutions, changing active into passive sentences, and paraphrase. In this research, the detection is only performed by local similarity assessment method. This research is categorized into 3 major processes: preprocessing, candidate determination, and calculation of similarity. In preprocessing, extraction and conversion of a PDF file into XML is performed. Stopword removal and stemming are also performed in this process. For Candidates determination, the process used VSM (Vector Space Model) algorithm using Lucene.NET. It will then calculate the similarity values of the candidates. Similarity values that meet the threshold will be processed in the third stage. The next process is detecting plagiarism at the level of carbon copy. The plagiarism of the substitution level will be determined by finding synonymous with Lesk algorithm and utilizing WordNet as a language dictionary. Lesk notice the words around it, before doing the search process is synonymous with Lesk, performed first sentence extractor. From this experiment, it is concluded that the determination of synonyms using WordNet and Lesk algorithm does not seem to increase its similarity value role. This is due to the difficulty of finding plagiarism by just substituting words. However, plagiarism at the level of carbon copy can be handled with the help of sentence matching

    Pronunciation Ability by Using English Song in Indonesian Student of Unswagati Cirebon

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    Pronunciation is the production of speech sounds for communication. It is the most difficult area of English. This study was conducted under the consideration that pronouncing English words plays an important role. Because of the differences between English and Indonesian pronunciation, many students pronounce English words incorrectly. Data from the Phonetic of English and the rule of how to pronounce English words has been crucial in the development of Phonetics theory throughout its recent past. Explaining the use of English song can increase the pronunciation ability to the students of Unswagati Cirebon in question. Keywords: pronunciation, phonetic, and son

    Analisis Self Resilience dalam Menyelesaikan Skripsi pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pg Paud Fkip Universitas Riau

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    Penelitan ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran selfresilience dalam menyelesaikan skripsi pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru PAUD (PG PAUD)FKIP Universitas Riau. Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar sebagian mahasiswa ketikamenyelesaikan skripsi banyak yang memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk perbaikan skripsinyasetelah bimbingan dengan dosen pembimbingnya masing-masing. Teknik pengambilan sampeldalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling, dengan jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak85 orang mahasiswa PG PAUD FKIP Universitas Riau. Pengumpulan data dilakukan denganmenggunakan skala self resilence yang dimodifikasi dari skala self resilience oleh penelitisendiri dengan indikator, mempunyai tujuan yang jelas, yakin dengan kemampuan yangdimilikinya, dapat menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain, determination, mempunyaikontrol diri yang baik, dan mampu melihat kelebihan dan kelemahan dirinya. Reliabiltas alatukur diuji dengan teknik alpha cronbach dan diperoleh hasil koefisien reliabilitas sebesar0,948 setelah uji coba. Hasil penelitian ini adalah self resillience mahasiswa PG PAUD beradapada tahap sedang dengan rata-rata 55,3. Dimensi terbesar dari self resillience mahasiswaPG PAUD FKIP Universitas Riau adalah pada taraf sense of purpose dan taking control yaitukemampuan untuk memiliki tujuan-tujuan yang jelas serta memiliki kontrol diri yang baik ketikamenghadapi masalah dan tantangan dalam menyelesaikan skripsi
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