1,069 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence and Substring Problem

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    Let Σ\Sigma be an alphabet. For two strings XX, YY, and a constrained string PP over the alphabet Σ\Sigma, the constrained longest common subsequence and substring problem for two strings XX and YY with respect to PP is to find a longest string ZZ which is a subsequence of XX, a substring of YY, and has PP as a subsequence. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the constrained longest common subsequence and substring problem for two strings with a constrained string.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2308.0092

    Jarak Rumah ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir, Kualitas Fisik Rumah terhadap Kadar Gas Metana (CH4) dalam Rumah di Kelurahan Batulayang Kecamatan Pontianak Utara, Kota Pontianak

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    Gas that highly produced from decomposition of garbages at fi nal spot waste disposal is methane.Methane gas is one of gases that can cause poisoning and source of air pollutants which cause health problems such as respiratory disorders. The study aimed to determine the relationship between distance and physical qualities of houses with levels of methane gas inside houses surrounding the fi nal spot waste disposal, the TPAS in Batu Layang Village, North Pontianak year 2015., It was an observational study with a cross sectional design. Samples were all, 34 houses around the TPAS in Batu Layang Village. The analysis was by chi-square test. Most inhabitants were educated 60% of elementary and junior high school and 68% labors. More than half, 19 (55.9%) had at the average methane gas levels in houses with high category of 0.25 ppm. The majorities 84.2% distance of houses to the TPAS and house conditions with types of 81.3 % fl oor, 83.3% wall and 66.7% large ventilation were not as the requirements. The types of fl oor and wall that were not as the requirements and distance of houses to the TPAS were risk to methane gas in the house as 8.66 (95%CI 1.76–42.60), 7.22 (95% CI:1.26–41.14), and 4,66 (95% CI 0.94–23.03) times higher than house conditions as the requirements and near distance to the TPAS. Near distance of houses to the TPAS and types of fl oor, wall not as requirements caused methane gas into the houses. Meanwhile large house ventilation was not associated with methane levels in the houses likely because the distance and types of fl oor, wall had more infl uences Inhabitants who live surroundings the TPAS should cover fl oors with rugs and make wall of house from woods with well arranged. Moreover, they should plant shade trees to absorb and reduce gases to gases from the TPAS, especially methane

    An Antiproton Event

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    During the systematic scaling for double stars in nuclear emulsions exposed to 3 Gev. Pion beam an event was recorded and from analysis it can be interpreted as due to the annihilation of an anti proton produced in the emulsion. The details of the event along with a micro photograph are given below

    On the Expressive Equivalence of TPTL in the Pointwise and Continuous Semantics

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    We consider a first-order logic with linear constraints interpreted in a pointwise and continuous manner over timed words. We show that the two interpretations of this logic coincide in terms of expressiveness, via an effective transformation of sentences from one logic to the other. As a consequence it follows that the pointwise and continuous semantics of the logic TPTL with the since operator also coincide. Along the way we exhibit a useful normal form for sentences in these logics

    Alat Pengaman Ruangan dengan Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

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    Akhir-akhir ini banyak orang yang resah jika mereka harus terjaga selama 24 jam setiap hari terutama para petugas keamanan, karena keamanan ruangan yang sangat rawan. Hal ini kurang efektif. Dengan teknologi yang semakin berkembang belakangan ini sangat mungkin, bila sudah waktunya, orang tidak lagi takut bila ingin meninggalkan ruangan atau ingin beristirahat sebentar terutama bagi petugas keamanan di suatu raungan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu alat untuk mendeteksi gerakan secara real time untuk mencegah ancaman pencurian pada suatu ruangan tertentu. Dalam jurnal ini dirancang suatu sistem yang melibatkan teknologi mikrokontroler di mana sistem tersebut akan melakukan pengambilan gambar secara real time dengan kamera Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), kemudian dilakukan proses perbandingan frame(t) dengan frame(t-1), jika selisih dari perbandingan tersebut melebihi nilai toleransi tertentu, maka hal tersebut dianggap sebagai gerakan. Setelah gerakan terdeteksi, maka komputer akan mengirim sinyal ke mikrokontroler untuk mengaktifkan sistem dari alat tersebut. Hasil yang dapat diperoleh dari 30 pengujian dari alat terhadap obyek yang bergerak ke kiri dan ke kanan, memiliki persentase keberhasilan 93, 3% dan persentase kegagalan 6,67%