18 research outputs found

    Modelling ground rupture due to groundwater withdrawal: applications to test cases in China and Mexico

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    Abstract. The stress variation induced by aquifer overdraft in sedimentary basins with shallow bedrock may cause rupture in the form of pre-existing fault activation or earth fissure generation. The process is causing major detrimental effects on a many areas in China and Mexico. Ruptures yield discontinuity in both displacement and stress field that classic continuous finite element (FE) models cannot address. Interface finite elements (IE), typically used in contact mechanics, may be of great help and are implemented herein to simulate the fault geomechanical behaviour. Two main approaches, i.e. Penalty and Lagrangian, are developed to enforce the contact condition on the element interface. The incorporation of IE incorporation into a three-dimensional (3-D) FE geomechanical simulator shows that the Lagrangian approach is numerically more robust and stable than the Penalty, thus providing more reliable solutions. Furthermore, the use of a Newton-Raphson scheme to deal with the non-linear elasto-plastic fault behaviour allows for quadratic convergence. The FE – IE model is applied to investigate the likely ground rupture in realistic 3-D geologic settings. The case studies are representative of the City of Wuxi in the Jiangsu Province (China), and of the City of Queretaro, Mexico, where significant land subsidence has been accompanied by the generation of several earth fissures jeopardizing the stability and integrity of the overland structures and infrastructure.</p

    Holocene paleo-earthquakes recorded at the transfer zone of two majorfaults: the Pastores and Venta de Bravo fault (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt).

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    We present evidence of fi ve late Holocene earthquake ruptures observed at two paleoseismological trenches in the Laguna Bañí sag pond (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, central Mexico). The trenches exposed two fault branches of the western termination of the Pastores fault, one of the major fault systems within the central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The site was studied by combining geomorphological and structural approaches, volcanic mapping, ground-penetrating radar, and paleoseismological analysis. The study revealed that coseismic surface rupture was noncharacteristic, and that the exposed fault branches had not always moved simultaneously. The fault tip has ruptured at least 5 times within the past 4 k.y., and the rupture events followed and preceded the deposition of an ignimbrite. The close temporal relationship of the seismic rupture with the volcanic activity of the area could be the result of volcanism triggered by faulting and its associated seismicity. The relatively high recurrence of seismic events (1.1 2.6 k.y.) and the noncharacteristic fault behavior observed at this tip of the Pastores fault suggest that the fault might have been active as a primary fault rupturing along segments of variable length or depth, and/or that the fault ruptured eventually as a secondary fault. The secondary ruptures would likely be related to earthquakes produced at major neighboring faults such as the Acambay fault, which moved during the 1912 Acambay earthquake, or the Venta de Bravo fault. A relatively large slip rate estimated for this fault branch (0.23 0.37 mm/yr) leads us to contemplate the possible connection at depth between the Pastores and the Venta de Bravo faults, increasing the maximum expected magnitude for central Mexico

    Application of Optimum Compaction Energy in the Development of Bricks Made with Construction Trash Soils

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    In general, bricks frequently show different densities and therefore different resistances because the compaction energy is not considered in their production. Expansive soils represent a problem for light buildings over them because of volumetric instability. A generalized solution has been to extract them and substitute them by inert soil; thus they become construction trash. So, in this work the compaction energy aspect and the use of construction trash soils in the elaboration of resistant masonry bricks of homogeneous and controlled density are a new contribution in the production of bricks of better quality. First, the soil was stabilized with CaOH which leads to a decrease in its volumetric changes. Then, they were compacted with a specific energy for obtaining an optimal and maximum controlled density to ensure an increase in strength. Our results show that two optimal compaction energies can be considered with respect to the variation of optimum moisture in masonry bricks of expansive soil stabilized with lime. The first is when the optimal humidity reaches its smallest value (integrated soil lumps) and the second is when humidity increases (disintegrated soil lumps), after reaching its lowest value. We also conclude that high compaction energy does not improve density values

    Physical experiments of land subsidence within a maar crater: insights for porosity variations and fracture localization

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    We present the results of a series of physical models aiming to reproduce rapid subsidence (at least 25 m in 30 years) observed in the sediments of a maar crater caused by extraction of groundwater in the interconnected adjacent aquifer. The model considered plausible variations in the geometry of the crater basement and the measured rate of groundwater extraction (1 m per year in the time interval from 2005 to 2011) in 15 wells located around the structure. The experiments were built within a rigid plastic bowl in which the sediments and rocks of the maar sequence were modeled using different materials: (a) plasticine for the rigid country rock, (b) gravel for the fractured country rock forming the diatreme fill and, (c) water saturated hollow glass microbeads for the lacustrine sedimentary fill of the crater. Water table was maintained initially at the surface of the sediments and then was allowed to flow through a hole made at the base of the rigid bowl. Water extraction provoked a sequence of gentle deformation, fracturing, and faulting of the surface in all the experiments. Vertical as well as lateral displacements were observed in the surface of the experiments. We discuss the results of 2 representative models. The model results reproduced the main geometry of the ring faults affecting the crater sediments and helps to explain the diversity of structures observed in relation with the diatreme geometry. The surface of the models was monitored continuously with an optical interferometric technique called structured light projection. Images collected at nearly constant time intervals were analyzed using the ZEBRA software and the obtained interferometric pairs permitted to analyze the full field subsidence in the model (submilimetric vertical displacements). The experiments were conducted at a continuous flow rate extraction and show a also a linear subsidence rate. Comparison among the results of the physical models and the fault system associated to subsidence in the maar show that fault geometry in the sedimentary sequence imitates closely the geometry of the volcanic basement

    Mass movement processes triggered by land subsidence in Iztapalapa, the eastern part of Mexico City

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    Geological and structural conditions in the Basin of Mexico coupled with natural and anthropogenic factors, such as groundwater exploitation, provokes land subsidence and differential deformation. The study area is located in to the north of Iztapalapa, a municipality within Mexico City, in a site called "El Eden" with irregular topography. Where volcanic sequences overlie the lacustrine deposits of clays and silts and show displacements by the action of gravity. The displacement zone was delimited at the top of the slope by the formation of circular tensile fractures with stair -shaped geometries. At the base of the slope, compressive processes damaged housing, sidewalks and inclined light poles and trees. A NW-SE system of fractures was identified in which displacement velocities vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters per year. Which affects urban facilities. In this work a conceptual model of deformation is presented that integrates the geological and mechanical factors leading to landslide and land subsidence. A geophysical survey leads to evidence of how land subsidence processes increase the sliding slope

    Modelling ground rupture due to groundwater withdrawal: applications to test cases in China and Mexico

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    The stress variation induced by aquifer overdraft in sedimentary basins with shallow bedrock may cause rupture in the form of pre-existing fault activation or earth fissure generation. The process is causing major detrimental effects on a many areas in China and Mexico. Ruptures yield discontinuity in both displacement and stress field that classic continuous finite element (FE) models cannot address. Interface finite elements (IE), typically used in contact mechanics, may be of great help and are implemented herein to simulate the fault geomechanical behaviour. Two main approaches, i.e. Penalty and Lagrangian, are developed to enforce the contact condition on the element interface. The incorporation of IE incorporation into a three-dimensional (3-D) FE geomechanical simulator shows that the Lagrangian approach is numerically more robust and stable than the Penalty, thus providing more reliable solutions. Furthermore, the use of a Newton-Raphson scheme to deal with the non-linear elasto-plastic fault behaviour allows for quadratic convergence. The FE – IE model is applied to investigate the likely ground rupture in realistic 3-D geologic settings. The case studies are representative of the City of Wuxi in the Jiangsu Province (China), and of the City of Queretaro, Mexico, where significant land subsidence has been accompanied by the generation of several earth fissures jeopardizing the stability and integrity of the overland structures and infrastructure

    Application of high resolution geophysical prospecting to assess the risk related to subsurface deformationin Mexico City

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    In the eastern sector of Mexico City the sub soil consists of high contrasting sequences (lacustrine and volcanic inter bedded deposits) that favor the development of erratic fracturing in the surface causing damage to the urban infrastructure. The high-resolution geophysical prospecting are useful tools for the assessment of ground deformation and fracturing associated with land subsidence phenomena. The GPR method allowed to evaluate the fracture propagation and deformation of vulcano-sedimentary sequences at different depths, the main electrical parameters are directly related with the gravimetric and volumetric water content and therefore with the plasticity of the near surface prospected sequences. The active seismology prospection consisted in a combination of Seismic Refraction (SR) and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for the estimation of the velocity of the mechanical compressive (P) and the shear (S) waves. The integration of both methods allowed to estimate the geomechanical parameters characterizing the studied sequence, the Poisson Ratio and the volumetric compressibility. The obtained mechanical parameters were correlated with laboratory measured parameters such as plasticity index, density, shear strength and compressibility and, GPR and seismic profiles were correlated with the mapped fracture systems in the study area. Once calibrated, the profiles allowed to identify the lithological contact between lacustrine and volcanic sequences, their variations of thicknesses in depth and to assess the deformation area in the surface. An accurate determination of the geometry of fracturing was of the most importance for the assessment of the geological risk in the study area

    Analysis of the variation of the compressibility index (Cc) of volcanic clays and its application to estimate subsidence in lacustrine areas

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    An analysis of the deformation conditions of lacustrine materials deposited at three sites in the volcanic valley of the Mexico City is presented. Currently geotechnical studies assume that compressibility of granular materials decreases in depth due to the lithostatic load. That means that the deeper the sample the more rigid is supposed to be, this assumption should be demonstrated by a decreased Compression Index (Cc) in depth. Studies indicate that Mexico City clays exhibit brittle behaviour, and have high water content, low shear strength and variable Cc values. Furthermore, groundwater withdrawal below the city causes a differential decrease in pore pressure, which is related to the physical properties of granular materials (hydraulic conductivity, grain size distribution) and conditions of formation. Our results show that Cc for fine grain materials (lacustrine) can be vertically variable, particularly when soils and sediments are the product of different volcanic materials. Lateral and vertical variations in the distribution of the fluvio-lacustrine materials, especially in basins with recent volcanic activity, may be assessed by Cc index variations. These variations can also be related to differential deformation, nucleation and propagation of fractures and need to be considered when modelling land subsidence

    Causes and consequences of the sinkhole at El Trébol of Quito, Ecuador – implications for economic damage and risk assessment

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    The so-called El Trébol is a critical road interchange in Quito connecting the north and south regions of the city. In addition, it connects Quito with the highly populated Los Chillos Valley, one of the most traveled zones in the Ecuadorian capital. El Trébol was constructed in the late 1960s in order to resolve the traffic jams of the capital city and for that purpose the Machángara River was rerouted through an underground concrete box tunnel. In March 2008, the tunnel contained a high amount of discarded furniture that had been impacting the top portion of the tunnel, compromising the structural integrity. On 31 March 2008 after a heavy rainfall a sinkhole of great proportions formed in the Trébol traffic hub. In the first few minutes, the sinkhole reached an initial diameter of 30 m. The collapse continued to grow in the following days until the final dimensions of 120 m in diameter and some 40 m of depth, revealing the Machángara River at the base of the sinkhole.<br><br>A state of emergency was declared. The cause of the sinkhole was a result of the lack of monitoring of the older subterranean infrastructure where trash had accumulated and damaged the concrete tunnel that channelized the Machángara River until it was worn away for a length of some 20 m, leaving behind the sinkhole and the fear of recurrence in populated areas.<br><br>With the intent to understand the causes and consequences of this sinkhole event, rainfall data are shown together with hydrogeological characteristics and a view back to the recent history of sinkhole lineation or arrangement of the city of Quito. The economic impact is also emphasized, where the direct costs of the damage and the reconstruction are presented and compared to indirect costs associated with this socio-natural disaster. These analyses suggest that the costs of indirect financial damage, like time loss or delay, and subsequent higher expenses for different types of vehicles, are equivalent to many times the costs of the reconstruction of El Trébol